The Escape

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Scar returned soon after Claw left. He held a blanket in his arms along with a bag. "Are you alright?" Scar asked. I shake my head. "W-Why?" He hesitated, as if he wasn't sure if he'd like the answer.

"It's nothing," I insisted. "Lets just get on with the plan."

"Are you sure you can do this?" Scar asked. "You are still not feeling well."

"I'm feeling fine!"

Scar looked at me with doubt. "You aren't," Scar said. "You're sweating like crazy and you're shaking like its minus twenty-."

"Just stop Scar! I'm fine," I said with more force. "Lets get me out of here so I can find my father." 

A low growl was heard deep within Scar's throat as he reluctantly walked over to me. he helped me to my feet. "If you can't walk, I'll call off the plan."

"There's no need. All I need to do is cross over into my territory and my scouts will instantly recognise me," I said.

"Fine, but when you hear me howl that means the jig is up. You'll need to take you're people and escape," Scar said. "No one has crossed my brother before. They're scared to. I don't want you to be the first example."

"I will do my best," I said.

"Alright," Scar said. He lifted the bag and pulled out some clothes. "Here. These will mask your scent and replace it with a wolf scent." Scar held a baggy pair of pants with a huge sweater and a pair of worn flip flops.

"Are these you're clothes?"

"Yeah. I usually wouldn't part with my good clothes minus the flip flops. But if it gets you out here, then I'm willing to lend you some of my clothes," Scar said. "I want them back after." A smile crept onto my face.

"I promise that I'll give them back when I'm done, except for the hoodie," I said.

"Wait what?!"

"Its the boyfriend hoodie. I'll give it back if you don't break up with me while I have it," I said smiling.

Scar seemed in awe by m statement. "I'm you're boyfriend?" He asked.

"Well yeah. I love you Scar," I said like it was obvious. his ears perked up. He leans in and pecks my lips.

"I'm glad. And there's no way I'm breaking up with you," Scar said. "I love you too. You're mine." We stood there looking into each others eyes. Scar handed me the clothes as I give him s peck on the lips as well.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem," Scar said. He turned around as I began to change. When I finished, I looked like I was Scar who had miraculously shrunk. Scar turned back around and tried not to laugh.

"If you laugh, you won't see you're precious clothes again," I joked.

"Aww, you know that you love me to much to do that," Scar teased.

"You sure? I know a perfect cliff to throw them off of," I said.

Scar raised his hands in defeat. "Alright tiger, simmer down." Scar gave me his signature smirk. I returned it with a smile. Scar pulled me into a hug as my cheek rested on his tough chest. "Promise me you'll make it out safe, alright."

"I promise," I reassured. when he finally released me, I turned to the door and pulled the hood over my head. The illness began to pick up, but I knew I could do this. I love you Scar. Be safe


I managed to get past the wolves in the cave and the ones out in the village. I was now running with all my strength to the border. I had lost the flip flops along the way. I wonder how Scar will react. The more I ran the more the illness made me lightheaded. I was honestly very surprised I made it this far. The wolves must all be in the village to try and keep me in there, considering how Claw was so eager for that tear.

I was beginning to near the border. My heart rate grew with every passing second. The border was only feet away. I was finally going home. when I past over the border, a renewed sense of safety was found. My legs instantly collapsed underneath me. Tears of joy tan down my cheeks.

"Hey you!" Someone called out to me. I looked up to come face to faced with Finn.

"Finn!" I screamed. He was taken back by my voice.

"Alyssa?!" Finn cried. He ran over to me. His arm lifted up to signal to someone. The pride's hunters came out from the shadows. "Can you walk?" I respond with a simple head shake. My feet felt like they were going to snap off. Finn easily picked me up. "Men, we need to take her to the kings bedside at once. Get some healers for any wounds she may have."

"Why did you say 'we need to bring her to the kings bedside at once'?" I ask. Finn looked at me with a saddened expression. His hesitation gave me the impression something was wrong.

"The king, your father... He's ill."


Finn took me to my cave. My father laid on his bed. his skin was pale and he let out pained groans. Finn brought me to his side, setting me down on he ground next to him. Finn quickly exited.

"Father, Its me Alyssa," I spoke quietly.

HIs eyelids fluttered open. "Oh my daughter. I was so worried when Finn told me of your absence."

"I had  planned to negotiate with the wolves," I explained.

"I bet it didn't go as planned," Father said.

"No not exactly, but I did find something else," I said.

"What might... *cough cough*... that be?" he asked.

"Love," I said. "And not just any love. True love." Father coughed a few more times before continuing.

"Who's my future son-in-law," He asked.

"Well you might not like it," I said.

"I'm sure Scar and I will get along nicely," Father said.

"Wait, you know his name," I asked.

"Yes, I knew him ever since he came onto our land all those years ago. I fallowed him after he talked to you and interrogated him," Father explained. "He was an honest little pup. I liked that, and I know true love when I see it. Your mother and I Had it. If that special day ever comes, you have my blessing. I'm sorry I won't be there so walk you down the aisle. Just remember I will always be with you."

I knew where this was going. "No Father you will see it all. the proposal, the wedding, and the children. You just need to hold on for a little longer," I said.

"I love you mu daughter," He said. "But I can't defy death. Here Honey, the symbol of the clan leader." Father pressed his palm to the back of my hand. A symbol of the sun with a cat circling it appeared on the back of my hand.

"No father please," I insisted. Tears ran down my frozen cheeks.

Father weakly wiped the tears away with his hand. "I-I... love you...Alyss-," My father was cut off. his hand fell limp beside him. The tears grew in numbers. The pain was overwhelming. I could no longer hold it back. I screamed in agony as it rang out in the village. the sky outside began to fill with storm clouds. The ground shook with every cry I made. The earth mourned with me.

This was the day I gained great power.

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