Memories of The Past

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I wake up to a growl. My eyes quickly adjust to the dim lighting. Scar was leaning on me. He must have fallen asleep here. "My tail," he groaned. Then I realized that my foot was on top of his tail. I quickly moved it away.

"Scar, you've got to get up," I said. He didn't flinch. With an annoyed expression, I punch Scar in the gut. He shot awake.

"Ow!" He said.

"Sorry, but you wouldn't get up," I said. Scar gave me an are-you-serious look. "Okay fine, I only tried once." Scar smirked.

"You just wanted to hit me, didn't you?" He asks.

"Yeah," I admit. Scar messed up my hair. "Hey don't touch the hair!" I yell. Scar raised his hands in defeat.

"Okay little kitty," he said as his smirk grew. Laughter escaped my lips.

"You know? You make this whole thing sum what bearable," I said. Scars smirk turned into a grim smile.

"Yeah, I'm still sorry you have to go threw this," Scar said. "You could have escaped yesterday. You didn't need to attack him."

"Yeah, I could have ran, but he knows where my people live. He'd just come and take me away again, or worse, he could have attacked them and killed them off because of my escape," I said. "I couldn't take that chance." Scar got up and looked down at me.

"At least you have people to gobs I too," Scar said.

"Scar?" I question.

"These wolves hate me. They don't care if I'm injured or dead. They want me gone. If this situation was reversed, I'd stay locked up. It would Babette's there then here!" Scar yelled.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Scar,"said an echoing voice. Entering the room, was Claw. He wore his usual smirk. I looked down. My anger was threatening to burst. Scar looked away. I could see the pain in his yellow eyes. Claw pushed past Scar. "Sorry to keep you waiting kitty," Claw said cupping my cheeks. Grabbing my arms, he lifted me to my feet. He pushed his body against mine, pinning me to the wall. I tried to push him off but he was to strong.

"Get off me!" I yell. Scar turned with an angered expression. It was like he didn't approve of Claws action.

"If you don't mind, Scar, could you leave us to some business," Claw said staring deeper into my eyes. Scar turned sharply.

"I do mind," Scar said.

"What was that?" Claw asked.

"I said I do min-"

Claw interrupted Scar with a snarl. Claw had turned away from me now and had changed into a black and white wolf. Scar had change into a wolf now too.

"Who do you care for her. From what I know, you've only known her for a few days," Claw snarled.

"She showed me what I have left in life. And that's her," Scar said. "And I have met her before."

"Oh really? Where?" Claw asked. I had no recollection of this. I have never  met Scar till a few days ago.

"As a wolf on the outskirts of her territory. It was the day dad disowned me. We were both very young. She showed me kindness even though she Barely knew me," Scar said. Suddenly, I recognized Scars wolf form. Memories shot into my thoughts.

~Flash back~

The little me sat in a field of flowers. It was spring, and I always loved to see all the pretty colours. My life was easy. I didn't have to worry about anything. Peering down at the flowers, I began to envy their vibrant colours.

"Why can't I be colourful like these flowers? All of my family and friends are colourful. Why am I so plain?" I said to myself. "If I could pick a colour, I'd be blue, or purple, greens nice too, but red is the colour of roses, well I guess roses come in different colours, but they are mostly red."

"Why would you want to change your colour?" Asked a voice. I rushed to my feet. I spun around until my eyes landed on a wolf pup. His fur was as black as night. He was very out of place in the colourful scenery. His eyes glowed yellow.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"It's better if you don't know my name," he said.

"Okay, well my names Alyssa. I am one of the cat people. It's nice to meet you," I said holding out my hand. He walked up to my hand and sniffed it.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm holding out my hand to you. This is considered a greeting between people, well cat-girl and wolf pup," I said giggling. He tilted his head questioningly. Eventually, he raised his paw and placed it in my hand. I shake our hands. He pulled away.

"So why do you want to change your colour?" He asked. My smile faded.

"Oh yeah," I said grimly. "I just want to be different. I want to have a colour of my own. I feel so pale with the white ears and tail. What is white even good for?"

"Well, is there any other cat people with white ears and tail?" The wolf pup asks.

"No, I'm the only one," I answered.

"Well maybe there's a reason for it. Yes, other colours are nice, but white is pure. It's the colour of the moon at night and the colour of freshly fallen snow. If you are the only one, then that's your difference from everyone else," he said. "Embrace it. At least it's better then black."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Black in impure. Nothing beautiful comes from it," he said.

"That's not true!" I yell. "Night is beautiful. What happens when the suns sets, the darkness brings out the moon and stars. What's prettier then a starry sky. If the night was another colour, it just wouldn't feel the same. Black is just as beautiful as any colour." The wolf looked shocked. His ears drooped. It looked like he was about to cry. Without the slightest hesitation, I pull the pup into a hug. "I guess we feel the same about our colours," I said. "But they aren't to be ashamed of. No one can tell us otherwise. If people have a problem with it, then they have a problem." The wolf pup shook in my arms.

"No one has ever shown me any hint of kindness. Thank you Alyssa," The pup said. I smiled sweetly.

"No problem."

~flash back ends~

I dropped to my knees in defeat. How could I have missed this. Scar was growling at his brother. A fight was about to commence. Claw threw his paw at Scar as it cut Scars face. Scar almost fell over but regained his balance. Scar tried to fight back but was sent flying by Claw.

"Scar!" I screamed. Claw went for a finishing blow. As I hurried to my feet, I lunge in front of Scar. Claw swung down on me tearing the skin on my back. I scream with agony but didn't let a tear fall. Scar watched as my blood stained the rock floor. Claw hadn't realized he hit me until he got a waft of my bloods sent. I hugged Scar close to me.

"Alyssa, you're hurt," Scar said cupping my cheeks.

"I don't care. As long as you are safe, I will be fine-." I was cut off my black dots blurting my vision. Soon after I collapsed.


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