Loyal Followers

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"Look at what the cat dragged in."

"Finn! What is the meaning of this?!" I ask.

"I was bringing you the trespasser," Finn said. "That's my job." I hurried to Scar's aid. He was unconscious.

"What did you do to him?" I ask untying the ropes. Finn grabbed my wrist as I was just about to finish. He pulled me up and away from Scar.

"Be careful, he's dangerous," Finn said. I slapped Finn's hands away.

"No he isn't!" I yelled. Finn was clearly filled with as much rage as I was.

"What is wrong with you Alyssa?! His people held you captive!" Finn yelled. "He's no better then those murderers!"

"He didn't hold me captive! His brother did! He's innocent!" I shout.

"He's no better then him!" Finn protests.

"You don't know him!" I scream. The ground beneath us shook violently. The veins in my arms were turning white. My fingertips were conjuring up magic. I needed to stop. A sudden touch shook me from my power crazed state. I looked down to see Scar holding onto my hand. He was weak. "Scar!" I yell as I bent down next to him.

"Hey Beautiful," He muttered with a smirk.

"You idiot! What happened?" I ask putting my hand on his cheek. "Don't you need to be with Claw to keep him thinking that I'm still there?"

"Well... It didn't go the way I wanted it to," Scar said with hurt in his voice. "When the earthquake hit, The cave collapsed. No one was hurt, but... I left the fake you in the cave. Claw thought you died."

"That doesn't answer my question. Why are you here?"

"I... I've been banished," Scar said. "Claw blamed me for your 'death'." Scar was clearly hurt by what happened. I swiftly pulled him into a hug as he hugged me back.

"I'm sorry Scar," I said. "He doesn't know what he's doing. He's just powered by his rage. He does love you. I'm sure he regrets his decision."

Scar tightened the grip of the hug as his saddened eyes let the tears run. "I love you Alyssa."

"I love you too," I said.

"You can't be serious!" Finn yells. I turn to look at him. His ears were down and his eyes turned to slits. "How could you ever love a mutt like him!"

"What is wrong with loving a mutt?" I said. "I love him and he loves me. That's that." My last words threw Finn off the edge. He charged at me. His hand grabbed my neck and held me above Scar.

"You are a traitor to your people!" Finn said. "You deserve to die!" Finn threw me towards the entrance of the cave.

"Alyssa!" Scar yelled. He tried to aid me, but he was still to weak to move.

"You are a disgrace to father! If he saw you now, he'd be disappointed!" Finn said. "He'd disown you on the spot!" Those last words made me smirk.

"Are you sure. On his deathbed he blessed us. If anything, he'd be disappointed in you," I said with my wicked smirk. "Unlike you, I'm loyal to my father, and the leader of the pride. I'm His daughter, He loved me to much to ever do such a thing like disown me-." I was cut off by Finn kicking me in the stomach. I was sent flying over the edge. I rolled down the hillside. Good thing the snow was all the way down it or my injuries would be more significant. I rolled down into the middle of the village. Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to my aid.

"Lady Alyssa, are you alright?" Asked one of the warriors.

"What happened to you?" Asked another.

"She fell in love with a wolf," Finn said from the top of the hill. The crowd gasped. Finn threw Scar down the hill. Scar tumbled down the hill until he was inches from me.

"We need to stop meeting like this," Scar said with a weakened smirk. I gave him a small smile then glared up at Finn.

"She's a traitor to the pride. We should banish her along with her 'love'," Finn said. A quiet mutter arose from the crowd.

"I disagree with your proposition," Said a voice. Jarod came out and stood in front of Scar and I protectively. "If Johnathan didn't think she was capable of leading, he wouldn't have given her the leaders mark. She also has a gift. She's had it since she was young, but its been dormant for her whole life. Until now." Jarod turned to the people. "We all felt it moments ago. That earthquake you felt, It was Alyssa's gift. She is destined to save us from our greatest enemy. Ourselves. She will bring righteousness and love to this pride. The only traitor to the pride, is our sins. We should fallow someone who is true and honest. Alyssa is our leader. Now lets repay her sacrifice by fallowing her through the good and the bad times. The pride is as strong as its leader, and ours is the strongest we've ever had." The crowd cheered with agreement. Finn still stood at the top of the hill. He had lost the battle.

"You are all crazy!" Finn cried. "She loves a wolf!"

"Maybe that's a good thing," Jarod said. Finn was infuriated.

"You will all realize sooner or later that you should have banished them when you had the chance!" Finn yelled before running off.

"So what now, Queen Alyssa?" Jarod said bowing. I was taking back by the new title. But it sounded good.

"I uh...," I paused. "We celebrate." Everyone cheered as the snow storm came to a stop. Maybe everything will go smoothly from now on.


{Not long after (Third person POV)}

Back in the wolves territory, Claw Paced back and forth in his hut. "Dammit!" He cursed. His inner demons were at the surface ready to break free. He wanted revenge on Scar, but how.

One of Claw's Guards entered the hut. "Lord Claw, we caught a trespasser that wants to talk to you," He said.

"Is it Scar?" Claw asked.

"No sir."

"Then Kill them," Claw said.

"But he's got some news on Lady Alyssa." Claw's ears perked up at the mention of her name.

"Bring him in," Claw ordered. The guard nodded as he pulled in the trespasser. his hands were bound and he had a bag over his head. Claw nodded to The guard, signaling to him to remove the bag. The guard didn't hesitate. He pulled the bag off of the trespasser's head revealing...

"Finn," Claw said. "Its nice to see you again. We were never formally introduced. I'm Claw."

"I know," Finn said.

"What have you come to tell me?" Claw asked.

"Alyssa, she isn't dead. She is the new leader of the pride," Finn said.

"Is that so?" Claw said as a smirk played across his lips.

"Yes. And Scar is with her. They said they love each other," Finn finished. Claw's expression changed.

"Oh, so that was his plan," Claw said turning around. "He'll pay for that. She is my little kitty, no one else's. Untie him. I've got myself a new partner." Claw glared at the wall as it began to freeze over instantly. You're dead Scar.

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