A New Interest

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I wake up to after being splashed with water. "Good morning Kitty," cooed a voice. I could barely see in the dark room. When my eyes adjusted, I could see a faint silhouette of a man. "Did you have a nice sleep?" A groan escaped my lips.

"Damn you," I mutter. He only laughed.

"Aww kitty, you know you love me," Claw said slyly. He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look into his glowing red eyes. "Now I need you to do something for me."

"And what's that?" I ask with a harsh tone.

"I need you to cry," Claw said. With that, I felt a piercing pain in my side. I wince at it. I held back my emotions as much as I could. Taking a breath, I put on my strongest face.

"Why do you need me to cry?" I ask. The pain increased after I asked my question. This made me scream out in agony.

"Glad you asked Kitty. I need you tears for a potion my healer is coming up with. She said she needs a tear of a direct descendent of the cat leader, meaning you. So this works out perfectly," Claw said with his wicked grin.

"What kind of potion?" I ask threw gritted teeth.

"Trying to act tough, hey kitty. Well this potion gives a very impossible ability. And if I posses it, I will be the strongest being ever. So you are going to help me accomplish this," he said.

"Why would I help you?!" I yell. Claw leaned closer to me. His mouth inches away from my ear.

"Because either way, you will be mine," Claw said possessively. Whatever was stabbed into my side was pulled out. I wince once again. The air stung against my open wound. Claw raised the object to his mouth and licked a little blood off of it. "See you later, Kitty." Claw got up and walked off. When I was sure he had left, I placed my hand over my wound.

"Dammit!" I yell.

"I wouldn't be so loud, others can hear you," said a voice. Another silhouette was shown in the darkness. I could see glowing yellow eyes. "I was told to come tend to your wounds."

"I'm fine. I don't need any help," I looking away.

"By the smell of your blood and the amount you lost, I'm pretty sure you need my help," The yellow eyed wolf said. I growl.

"I'm fine," I said more aggressively. He sighed and walked over to me. Before I could stop him, he ripped my dress and began to clean up the blood.

"What the heck are you doing?!" I yell.

"The dress is to tight to pull up so it was easier to rip it. I'll bring you other clothes later," He said. "What's your name?"

"It's Alyssa," I said gruffly.


"Are you called that because of your scars?" I ask.

"No, my name was Scar before I got these. It was a painful experience," Scar said.



The room fell into an awkward silence as Scar continued to dress my wounds.

"Did Claw really order you to help me or was it your doing?" I ask. "I didn't hear Claw talk to you."

"You cats have very keen senses. Yes, I did come on my own accord. I didn't want to leave you here without a treated wound. It could have gotten infected," a Scar said.

"Is that the real reason?" I ask. Scar sighed.

"Now you're just reading my emotions. No I was fascinated by you. I have never seen a cat person till yesterday. You are interesting," Scar said. I look down.

"Yesterday was the first day I fought a wolf. To be honest, I expected more," I said with a sweet smile. Scar growled.

"Shut up. I didn't expect you to do something like that," Scar said looking away. My smile fades.

"I should have never tried to negotiate with a war craving beast like Claw. I just wish I could be with my father," I said. I feel the tears threatening to run. I throw my arm at the wall. It left a crater in the wall. "I'm such an idiot!" Scar didn't seem all that surprised at my strength.

"Don't put yourself down. You had good intentions. He just used that to his advantage," Scar said. "Just don't cry. I can tell you are strong. Don't give him the win." Scar put his hand on my head. "You're a warrior aren't you? If so, show you're strength for your pride. I'm sure they are proud either way." Scar got up. "I'll bring you some food later."

"Okay," I said looking down. Scar put his hands into his ripped jean pockets. Before he left, he gave me a smile. At first it shocked me, then I felt a huge wave of relief. Maybe they aren't all so bad. Maybe I can help change this broken world. I pulled down my ripped dress a bit, trying to cover up a bit. My use-to-be-dress was now a crop top and a long skirt. I laid down on my side and faded off to sleep.

Hey all you lovely readers! It's the author, obviously. I just would really like to thank you all for reading my book. If you want something somewhat similar, you should go check out Hidden kingdom by Jacobstowe. Jacobstowe is a good friend of mine, and would really appreciate it if you checked out his story. C ya later✌️

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