The Potion

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Claw took me into his hut. Before entering, I noticed the Cave collapsed.

Claw tossed me onto the bed. He walked over to his deadly and picked up a small bottle filled with a purple liquid. He pored my tear into the bottle. It turned white and began overflow. He then pored it into a chalice. "Finally," he said. "I have it." Claw turns to me.

"What?" I ask weakly.

"Oh nothing," Claw said. "I just had an idea." I weakly attempted to sit up, but failed.

"And what's that?" I ask. Claw smirked.

"If you agree to be mine..," Claw began. "I can share the potion to everlasting life with you. And we can live together forever." I was appalled by his words. Claw got closer to me. His face was inches from mine. "What do you say Alyssa?" I brought my face closer to his.

"I will never do that," I said. "My heart belongs to Scar." Claw grew angry. He turned around and punched his desk. It broke into two.

"Scar is dead!" Claw yells. "And you still love him?!"

"Death doesn't take away love with the dead," I said. "It makes it stronger with grief." Claw was sent over the edge that comment.

"You are the dumbest cat I've ever met!" Claw said. "I could protect you! Keep you safe! Safer then Scar ever could! But you still pick that weak, useless piece of tras-!"

"He is non of those things!" I scream. "He is my wolf! And I'm his kitten! The Kitten and the Wolf! Once I die I'll finally be rid of you!" With that, Claw slapped me.

"You will learn to hold your tongue!" Claw yells. With the strength I could muster, I kicked Claw away from me. He stumbled back. A chuckle escaped his lips. "There's the Alyssa I know," he said. "I'll make you mine forcefully then."

Claw got back over to me. Before I could stop him, he kissed me. He pinned my wrists to the bed. I tried my best to get him off of me, but I'm to weak.

To stop him, I bit down on his lip. I soon tasted blood. Claw pulled away as I spat out the blood. Claw grabbed me by the hair and threw me out of the hut. I hit the ground hard. He quickly fallowed. "You ungrateful little car!" Claw yelled. He puts down the chalice and goes to slap me again, but was knocked away by a dark blur.

"Don't touch her!" The blur yelled. Soon I realized, it was Scar. He was living, but not complete. I grew weaker as he grew stronger.

Claw regained himself. "How are you alive?!"

Scar turns to me with a smile of remorse. "I was saved by an angel," he mutters. "Now give me the potion so I can save her!"

"Scar..," I mumbled. His eyes shot towards me. He could see I was fading fast.

"I'm not giving you anything," Claw said. "I rather see you watching her die." Claw ran over to me and grabbed me.

"Let me go!" I demanded.

"Claw!" Scar yelled. Scar's yellow eyes flared with hatred. Something different was hidden behind those eyes like an unknown gift. H-he has it too?! But his is stronger.

"Scar!" I screamed. "Don't use it!" It was like Scar couldn't hear me. "You'll kill yourself!"

"What are you talking about?" Claw asked. Scar's eyes turned crimson red. The ground shook as Scar's eyes got more and more intense.

Scar changed at Claw. Scar tossed me aside as he fought his brother. Claw awoken his gifts and began to fight all out. I noticed the chalice. That potion was the cause of all this. It needed to be destroyed. Weakly, I managed to get over to it. This DAMN thing got me captured, got me tortured, and killed Scar the first time. But if non of that happened, I wouldn't have met Scar not to mention falling in love with him. But I won't let it kill Scar again.

I took the chalice in my hand. Looking back at the brothers, I noticed they were starting to get tired out. Something bad was happening to Scar. His body wasn't use to all the magic he's using. "Scar!" I yell. "You need to stop!"

"Like hell I will!" Scar shouts. "H needs to pay!" I felt dizzy.

"Scar..," I mutter. "Pleas-." I dropped. The chalice rolled out of my hand and spilled all over the ground. Scar and Claw stopped fighting. Scar's yellow eyes returned.

"Alyssa!" He screamed as he ran to my side. He held me in his arms. "Alyssa hold on!" He said. "Claw you need to make some more of that potion!"

"That's impossible now," Claw said smirking. "The ingredients are far to rare. I was lucky to find some for one potion." Scar almost punched Claw, but I weakly touched his face.

"Please Scar," I said. "There's no need to worry. I'm going to a good place. Even if you won't be there with me."

"Why didn't you drink the potion?" Scar said. "You'd be able to live and we could live out our lives together."

"Yes," I said. "That's true. But the potion equals eternal life. Eventually, you would die and I would be alone forever. This is a better solution." I kissed Scar for what seemed like the last time. "I love you Scar..," I drifted away. "...Don't Mourn, please. You will see me one day." With those words, I soon entered the realm of the dead.
(Scar's POV)

She's dead.

The love of my life is dead. I was too shocked to even shed a tear. Claw stood over me with the same expression. "S-She's...," Claw stuttered. "...Dead." Realization soon struck me.

"She's dead," I said. "The only person who ever thought of me as something more then just a useless wolf."

"She saw the good in almost everyone," Claw said. "She saw it in me once."

"Yeah," I said. "And you killed her."

"I didn't make her give her life for yours," Claw said. "She did that on her own. I only provoked her."

"Why did you have to bite her?" I asked. "It was my idea to get her out of the cave and back to her people." I couldn't hold back the tears now. "And now she's dead!" I cried out in grief. Claw let a few tears fall.

Rain began to fall from the sky. The world was mourning the death of one of its children. Claw crouched down next to me. "Scar," he said. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all I've done. I wish I could go back and change it, but if I did then this never would have happened. You would never have met Alyssa and her kind nature. Heh, I don't deserve to be on this earth because I could have saved her. I had so many chances the Mother Nature gave me, but I still didn't do the right thing. I could've redeemed myself and been the I was meant to be."

"Claw," I said. "Where are you going with this?"

"I'm trying to say..," Claw paused. " deserve a life with the most kind and beautiful woman the world has to offer. Your fate isn't meant to be so bleak. You will live with your future wife, but I won't be there to see it all happen." Claw got closer to Alyssa's lifeless body. "I give you my life," he said kissing her forehead. Her eyes shone a faint light through her eyelids.

"Claw!" I yell. "Why would you do that!"

"It's my last chance," Claw said. "Besides, I have to face dad sooner or later. Might as well get it over with. I do have to live in the realm of the dead with him for eternity." Claw smiled. It's been so long since I've seen him like this.

"Claw..," I said. Claw messed up my hair.

"Keep her safe Scar," he said. "Or I'll have to comeback from the dead and beat your ass." I laughed a little. Claw smirked.

"Tell dad I'm going to marry Alyssa," I said.

"Will do," Claw said. For the last time, Claw and I embraced each other. Warm tears fled my eyes. "Take care of the pack for me, Alpha."

"Of course."

"Now get out of her you knucklehead," Claw said pulling away from the hug. I nod and picked up Alyssa. I carried her back to the Pride's territory.

Claw joined the dead later that night.

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