A New Problem

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My people rejoiced. They were celebrating my new title. Scar was stuffing his face full of meat. It made me laugh at how much he resembled a squirrel. I sat at the top of the hill, looking out at my people below. After the worst days of my life, the sun shone through and brightened the world. I had become the leader my father hoped I would be. I had fallen in love with the most unlikely person. My life had changed forever, but it was for the better. Walking towards me was Scar. His arms were filled with plates and plates of meat.

"Your people make really good meat!" He yelled. "I could eat this everyday!" Smiling, I nod my head. "So how's the game plan going?"

"What game plan?" I ask.

"I know Claw has a plan," Scar said. "He's obviously not going to leave your people alone. He probably thinks they're right for the taking. We have to take them somewhere so we can all be safe."

"Where would we go?" I said. "I've never been outside of Claw's and my territories."

"We can find a new home," Scar said. "Somewhere Claw will never find us." I felt my lips curve up in a smile.

"I love you Scar," I said leaning closer.

"I love you too," Scar said leaning in too. We were just about to kiss when a sudden scream brought us back to reality. I rushed to my feet. Scar quickly fallowed. At the entrance of the village stood the one and only, Claw. Along side him was Finn and his army. That traitor! Claw had one of his claws to a she-cat's neck.

"Claw!" I shout. His attention was brought to me. He smirked wickedly. I stepped back by the aura he was emanating. The old heartless Claw was back. "Let her go!" I demanded with all the power I could muster. Claw released the she-cat and walked towards me with his army. "Scar go hide," I said.

"No, I won't leave you," Scar said. I closed my eyes and let the tears flow.

"Please," I said. "I need you to help my people if Claw decides to take me." Scar sighed. He closed the gap between us and kissed me. He pulled away. With his thumb, he wiped away my tears.

"Okay," Scar said. "But next time let me save you. You've put yourself at risk for me for to long. It's my turn." Scar turned around and ran to a safe place. Claw was now walking up the hill. My expression changed as he got closer.

"Hello kitty," He said when he reached me. He towered over me. His hand brushed up against my cheek. I moved my head away in rebellion. His smirk grew.

"Don't touch me!"

"Oooo, look who's gotten feisty again," Claw said.

"Shut up," I said. "You have no right to be here!"

"I actually have all the right to be here," Claw said. "I came to claim what's mine."

"And what might that be?" I ask, but I already knew the answer.

"You know what I want," He said. "I want that tear of yours. And now I have a way to get it." Claw snapped his fingers as Scar was dragged out by Claw's men. Scar looked up at me with determination.

"There's no way you can make her cry Claw!" Scar shouts. "She is to strong! Even if you beat me, she won't break if it means you gain immortality!"

"Immortality?" I repeat.

"Yes I'm aware of that Scar. That's why I'm going to take it farther then that," Claw said grabbing my wrist. "Kill him." My eyes shot open.

"No! Please don't do it!" I screamed. The men that held Scar down pulled out daggers. I began to panic. "Please! I'll do whatever you want!"

"I haven't even killed him yet and you're already giving your life for his. You are pathetic," Claw said pulling me farther away from Scar. Scar looked up at me with a sorrowful smile.

"Be strong Alyssa," Scar said. "If I die here just know that we'll meet again someday." Claw's grip tightened as if those words angered him. Claw snapped his fingers as the men pulled their arms back. Before I knew it, Scar had been stabbed by the daggers. His blood stained the white snow. Everything began to move in slow motion. I screamed out to Scar, but he didn't answer. He had died before my eyes, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Jarod popped out of nowhere and pulled me from Claw's grip. He stood in front of me protectively.

"Leave our leader alone!" Jarod ordered. Claw looked around and noticed that him and his men were surrounded by my people. Jarod looked over his shoulder at me. "Are you alright Alyssa?" Tears ran down my burning cheeks. That answered his question.

"Claw," I muttered. "You'll pay for your crimes!" An angelic voice spoke alongside mine. The ground shook violently. My tears evaporated and were replaced by sparkling gems that surrounded my eyes. I charged at him with full force. He stumbled back. My hand reached out for his neck. I tightened my grip when I was sure I was holding his neck. He struggled for air.

"Please don't kill me," He said with tears streaming down his cheeks. After a few sobs Claw began to laugh like a maniac. "I'm not that weak Alyssa," He said. The ground shook with every step Claw took. "Do you know what happens when a cat is bitten by an alpha. Alpha's have poisonous teeth. So when they bite a cat, that cat would suffer a painful death. And that's what I'm going to do to you." Claw pulled me close to him. When I was close enough, he bit down on my neck. I screamed out in agony. Tears fled my eyes once again. Claw quickly took one of my tears and put it into a small container. "Sorry kitty, but it had to be done or you might've  actually killed me." Claw let me fall to the ground as the gems disappeared. My blood dripped down his lips.

"Alyssa!" Jarod yells. "Attack them."

"No," I said.

"Alyssa?" Jarod asked.

"There's no need to risk the lives of the living for the life of the dying," I said. "I want to spend the last of my life knowing you are all safe." I look up at Claw. "There must be one last thing that I'm useful for." Claw smirked.

"Even knowing that you'll die in a matter of hours, you still try to bargain for your people's lives," Claw said laughing. "There is one last use for you. I'll leave them alone."

"Thank you," I said. I had an idea. I've only seen it once before. My mother did it to save my father. Weakly, I crawled over to Scar's lifeless body. I bent down to his face and kissed him whispering. "I give you my life." A small light shone from his closed eyelids. My gaze turned to Jarod. "Please protect them."

"I will," He said. There a small gleam of light shining off of Jarod's eyes. He was close to crying. I touched his hand and gave him a reassuring smile. Before I could say anything, Claw grabbed me by the arm. he through me over his shoulder and began to take me back to his territory.

 It was sad to think I would die the same day as my father. It was worse knowing I would die in wolf territory in the clutches of the murderous Claw. But the thought of me saving the lives of all my people reassured me that I was never meant to be a helpless leader hiding behind her warriors. I was meant to save the lives of my clan members by risking it all. My life isn't worth all the lives in my Pride, but I still gave my worthless life for the people who would die for me. I will always be grateful for their sacrifices, but it was my turn to save them. There's no need to risk the lives of the living for the life of the dying. those were the truest words I've ever spoken, and they were definitely not my last.

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