Chapter 10

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"Good morning Alison." I heard Zayn say in back of me.

"Good morning Zayn" I say smiling it was so weird knowing he's my brother and I thought I was an orphan my whole life with hope.

" I was thinking that like we should have a day to ourselves since I missed almost your whole life." Zayn said with a small smile. I nodded and smiled

I told him to wait for me at the car while I went for my purse. I had a few money collected from what they would give me in the orphanage I hope it was enough to buy at least a couple shirts. I smiled at the mirror realizing how much my life has changed in such a short time. As I walked back down I saw Liz and Harry talking they looked like they were having fun I smiled to myself knowing she had finally found a guy she can be herself with.

We ended up just going to the mall  I have never gone to one. Zayn refused to believe me but I knew he was just teasing. We walked by a store called Agassi and a dress caught my eye. It was a dress covered with flowers and I have some sort of obsession over flowers. I looked at Zayn and he smiled encouraging me to go in. I went directly to the dress but I didn't have the money for it so I simply walked away and went to the clearance sale and looked for something much more cheaper.

"I'll buy it for you." Zayn said suddenly and I was taken back by his sudden our burst.

"Oh no it's fine." I said smiling it's not like I needed a dress urgently I just thought it was beautiful.

"No, it's fine. You deserve it I'll buy you what you wish don't worry about it I got you covered." He smiled but I couldn't possibly take advantage of that.

"It's totally fine thank you, I appreciate it." I said and he shock his head.

Some how he ended up convincing me it was fine but I still didn't feel comfortable about spending someone else's money.

"How about we go somewhere to eat?" He asked and I agreed I was hungry I've never really gone shopping that way since I always got clothes that were donated to the orphanage.

Some girls came up to us to ask for pictures and they were very respectful towards him he seemed happy so I let them have their moment. I sat down and heard someone laugh behind me it sounded familiar but I didn't even bother turning around until I heard my name.

"Alison?" I heard someone say behind me. I slowly turned around to see a boy smiling at me and that's when I realized who it was.

"Erick?" I whispered. He nodded and stood up and so did I and we embraced each other. Never in a million years did I ever think I would see him again. I dated him once upon a time. He was great but he moved away and never got to say goodbye.

"Damn never thought I'd see you again, but I'm glad I did." He says still hugging me and I nodded agreeing with him. I heard someone clear their throat behind me than realized it was Zayn. I smiled at him.

"Right, Zayn this is Erick... Erick this is Zayn my long lost brother." I said and Erick's eyes widened.

"You found him?! I'm so happy to see this Alison. Hi nice to meet you, I'm so happy that Alison has finally found her family." Erick said shaking Zayn's hand and I smiled agreeing with him.

"Thanks man, me too I'm glad I finally found this little Angel."  He said smiling. "But not if you guys excuse me I need to go to the bathroom I'll be back soon." Zayn said and I smiled and nodded.

"This is so crazy, I'm so happy for you Alison. You deserve it." He said hugging me again and I happily took in his arms.

"Thank you and indeed it's never crazy." I said and looked up to him he had beautiful Blue eyes and he stared into my hazel ones and I knew I had to bring up what happened.

Zayn came back and I didn't want to say goodbye but I had to.

"Erick I have to leave but give me your number so we can catch up sometime. I truly do miss you." I said smiling he got my number and went our own ways.

"So who was that?" Zayn asked in the car with a smile.

"Oh well me and him dated for a while when we were younger he lived around the orphanage and his parents and him volunteered there and we fell in love." I said thinking back at those days.

"Nice, may I ask, why did you guys break up?" He said and I smiled liking how we are keeping this conversation going.

"Oh, well his mom passed away and they moved to another house cause his father was reminded of her daily and we stopped seeing each other we never broke up we just never saw each other again." I said smiling sadly he was a great boyfriend and was very kind he had his problems but always made sure I was okay.

The rest of the car ride was silent and peaceful. I was lost in my thoughts to even realize we had gotten home. I smiled and I was happy to be home. We went inside and I rushed towards Liz.

"You'll never guess who I saw today?!" I said runing to where she was I sitting at.

"No, who?" She asked.

"Erick my first actual boyfriend! Isn't that crazy!" I said smiling.

"Girl that's crazy indeed! So what else happened?" She said wiggling her eyebrows and I just giggled.

"I gave him my number to see when we can catch up." I said. We went up to the room we were staying at and I showed her the beautiful dress Zayn bought me and she loved it. We fell asleep cuddling watching a movie .

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