Chapter 17

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Liam parked the car and we got out of the car and walked towards the stadium that she would be in. We got inside and Liam had to pay for our tickets even though we weren't there to see the show. well at least I wasn't. Liam was shaking like a chihuahua and was looking around hoping to find her.

"Hey Austin. can we pass for I can go talk to Danielle please its an emergency!" Liam cried out to the security guard who was standing In front of a door that said backstage. "I will let you in but I don't think she wants to see you mate." the guard said giving Liam a sympathetic look. I felt my heart break for him I can't imagine what his feeling. the guard opened the door and Liam ran in and I ran after him.

He finally stopped in front of a door that said dancers. he gave me a unsure look. "here let me go in first to see if she's there or If there's no naked girls." I say and he smiled. But than I forgot I have never seen her before Liam must have thought the same thing because he passed me his phone and had a picture of a beautiful girl with curly beautiful hair. "she's beautiful!" I say looking at the picture. "yea and she's only mine." he said proud I smiled at his cheesiness. I walked in and saw a lot of pretty girls I felt like a potato surrounded by beautiful dashing looking plates.

I than spot her. I smiled but than faded when I realized that she didn't look that happy like in the picture. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked depressed she was sitting in the bench just looking around she had sweatpants on and a lose t-shirt;But she still looked beautiful. I walked over to her and sat next to her she looked at me and she was about to move but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her down.

"You are the girl that Liam's cheating on me huh? what do you want from me?! I'm already torn! I'm devastated to know he found someone better than me!" she shouted at me and I felt my heart break. "don't you dare say I'm better than you. Because I'm not and If you really want an explanation than come with me I need to show you something." she looked scared and confused but after a few minutes she stood up I silently celebrated than lead her out.

I saw Liam and his eyes light up as soon as he saw Danielle there but it faded when he saw how torn she looked. His eyes got watery and he walked over to Danielle to hug her but she stopped him. this scene tore my heart into a billion more prices. he looked at me and his eyes begged me for help. I than remembered she didn't know who I was nor anything.

"Hi my name is Ally Malik I'm Zayn's not so well known twin sister. Listen me and Liam are nothing like at all his just my best friend and I see Liam as my brother more than Zayn for problems I will tell you after fixing what ever this is because I'm totally out of this picture. well at lot of drama happened. and well I left the house for a month and well I came back and saw Liam torn but was faking a smile. I than made him tell me why he was sad. Than he told me that he misses you and all and just the sight of how torn he looked made me want to help him and I did! we planed a 5 hour road trip a road trip full of drama and misunderstandings. And well the picture of us holding hands is not photoshopped its true. but not like a couple but I just wanted to scare him to think I was a fan and OMG his face when I did that! okay back to the point I think a girl snapped a picture at the wrong moment and well drama so basically that's what happened." I said looking at her she looked more relaxed well that's all I could see because she was hugging Liam and kissing him and yea. I'm happy They fixed things.

Liam and Danielle looked Very happy together I can only wish I find someone like that I have no luck in love. I'm falling for two boys at the same time. Louis is just perfect but so is Niall they both give me butterflies in my stomach is this even possible? but I need to forget them and fast. I was talking to Danielle a little while ago and she told me that 3 were taken and to my surprise so was Louis.. like he some how lead me on and he has a girlfriend I search for his girlfriend and she's a model a model for crying out loud I have no chance then Niall is also taken I'm jut the lonely potato here.

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