Chapter 25

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Why is life so unfair when you think that everything's finally going to go in place... everything falls apart. As I walked back to the house I went slow and looked around letting the cold air comfort me. I looked around and smiled pretending everything is okay. That I'm going to get to a house with a lovely family... a mother that can give me advise and comfort me when needed. A father who is protective over me and treat me like a princess. A house I can call my own and paint the walls pink. A little sister to bother me and get my stuff. A loving brother... but that I already have.

As I walked closer to my distention my smile began to disappear. I want to stop running from my problems but that's the only way I know. All I know is how to run away from things... I want to be the strong girl everyone expects me to be. But I can't. I can't carry the world over my shoulders. I just want to be happy and for once in my life not be judged cause I'm tired of all this. I just want to be beautiful and accepted for who I am not what they want me to be. I took a deep breath and walked into the house. Everything was quiet way too quiet. I walked around in silence and saw Zayn peacefully sleeping in the living room. I walked over to Harry's room and saw Harry and Beca cuddling in their sleep. Beca I haven't really showed affection towards her lately. I feel so selfish I asked my best friend to move in with me but still we haven't hanged out in such a long time. I smiled a little knowing that she was protected by a lovely guy I don't know if they are just best friends or more but she deserves a guy like Harry because she has always been there for me. My room was next and I saw Niall in there. I heard him talking but my best guess was that he was talking to someone.

"Why am I such an idiot man? I love her so much and she just admit she had the same feelings for me so why can't we just be together and be the guy she adores the most. And she could be my princess I have always asked for and I know she is. When I saw her I swear my world stopped her smile could light up my day in a second her eyes are the best thing about her. Greg I don't know what to do I want to be the one who makes her smile and not frown I never want to hit her I want to kiss her pain away instead of bringing more pain towards her. I feel a special connection with her she told me things that blew my mind away and she's so strong mate like dear lord I don't know how much she can take. I don't want her to feel pain she has had enough of all that," I hear him say to the person who is on the phone. "I love her..." and that's when he broke down in tears and sobs he was hugging one of my pillows as if he wanted someone to comfort him. I slowly walked up to his bed and smiled knowing despite him being famous or someone who has made a lot of mistakes he is still human and he is going to always fall or do something bad...we all do.

"Niall" I whispered. His head instantly shot up. "Ally..." he whispered looking into my eyes I almost looked away because I was ashamed of always running away from things. He sat up strait and sat next to me. I crawled into his lap hugging him tight kissing his forehead. He buried his face in my neck and kissed it sending shivers down my spine. "I love you so much Niall." I said in his ear.

"And you're that guy you bring me happiness and sure you make mistakes but that's only part of being human. And I of all the people should know that. Look at me always running away. I wish that life was easy but god it's not after the first time I was beaten up by my foster mom I ran into Chris god I miss him so much anyway I didn't know who he was, he didn't know who I was but I cried into his chest and thankfully he let me do it. After what felt like forever he let me go and cleared my tears and flashed me his million dollar smile and told me 'life is never going to be fair to you no matter if you're an angel that came from the heavens above nor to a person who's a demon in disguise. Sometimes you got to work with whatever you got and make the best of it" It was true what he told me and I had forgotten completely of what he told me. After his wise words I lived up to them with him by my side but when he was killed I couldn't so I learned to run away from my problems something I still do. But I really need to stop doing that because I only hurt myself and others. We can work through this together I know we can. I love you so much that I'm willing to change for you and my family which is the rest of the guys. And that's all I ever asked for." I finished my speech and looked into his blue perfect eyes and leaned in a little bit and so did he we were so close I could feel his hot breath crash into my lip and he finally connect his lips I closed my eyes and my arms wrapped around his neck and held tightly by the waist. I tasted our tears mixed into one in our lips. We are a beautiful mess I smiled into the kiss and so did he.

"I would've loved to meet this guy he was very wise." Niall told me looking at me with truthful eyes and not a hint of jealousy I smiled and felt a tear come down my face but they were happy tears, "he would have loved you" I said truthfully. "Alls I respect him okay and never in a million years will ever think of replacing him okay? We will always be able to talk about him without you worrying about me hating him because if I hated him I would hate you too which I most certainly don't." he said and I couldn't help but let happy tears fall out of my eyes. Was he even real? He is so perfect I swear... I can't ever explain in words how perfect he is.

We looked at each other and I smiled at the perfect guy in front of me. I laid down and he joined me. We laid there in each other's arms hearing each other breath. There is a heaven here on earth and it was where ever he went. He was like an angle in disguise. He suddenly got up and flashed me a smiled and walked out I was way too tired to follow him so I just stayed there, a minute later he came back with a guitar and paper. I gave him a little smile not sure what else to do. "Nothing can come between you and I" he whispered only loud enough for me to hear. "I see what is like for day and night never together cause they see things in a different light like us but did they ever fight like us?" his voice god was he even real he was like my guardian angel.

That's how the night went... him singing beautiful thing to me and me cuddled up against him...

I opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times in front of me laid peacefully asleep my angel. I smiled realizing that yesterday really did happen. I stared at him until he took a deep breath I closed my eyes pretending I was asleep. I could feel him staring at me but I wanted to see what he would do. I felt him run his finger over my check where he hit me. I heard him let out a long sight and kissed it gently and he whispered, "I never wanted to hurt you and I did, but from this day forward I promise I will never let anything hurt you again and if they even tried I will defend you until the end. I always wanted a princess to call my own and now I do and it's you." He whispered in his sexy morning voice and his Irish accent only added it to perfection. I stayed hearing him hum the song he composed last night. I took a deep breath and finally opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was him smiling at me. "Good morning Angel..." I whispered softly his eyes began to sparkle. "Good morning my princess" he said with a sheepishly smile.

We cuddled for a bit longer than decided to get up for food. As we made our way down the stairs Niall took my hand in his and we kept walking down the stairs as we approached the kitchen I felt my heart drop to my stomach in a good way... There they were the little mix. I let out a squeal and they all turned to me. "Oh well hello there love we were waiting for you I wanted to show my girls my future sister-in-law." As the last words left her mouth she blushed and I saw the sparkle in her eyes which was the way people would tell me how I looked when I talked about Chris. I saw them all smile at me and I died. "Hi love Perrie told us you were a singer maybe we can hang out sometime and prove that she's right." Jessie winked at me and I died again. "Well we have to head out because we got a show tonight and we told Zayn to bring you along see you later love." And just like that they left. "Holy shit! Oh my god!!! I just fucking talked to them and what?" I said fan girlying. I felt someone hug me by the waist and I instantly knew who it was; Niall. "Well that means I'll be taking you out tonight." Niall told me and I smiled what were we I don't know but I liked being like this we've been in good terms for a night and it felt like the best night of my life. Just than Zayn appeared out of the nowhere and I tackled him into the floor. We fell and that made a lot of noise. "You oh my god did you really? Did that just fucking happened? I- but them- and fuck!" I said in top of him kissing his face. He was giggling like a teenage girl and had the biggest smile ever. "I see you meet them sorry they were here for like a minute when you were asleep but we didn't want - well Perry didn't want to disturb you so she smacked me when I was going to jump in top of both of you." He said smiling. He is now the most perfect brother in the world I blushed and looked at Niall who was looking right back at me. I tried giving him a smile but it just wouldn't come out knowing everyone is going to judge us.

>> hey babes omg i cant describe how insane everything has been i saw them for the first time in concert (the boys) they were great but yea hope you like this its about 2000 words lmao xx oh and they broke the record in my city of how many people attended a concert about 60,000 people #proud

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