Chapter 24

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Ally's POV

He stood there watching me from over Louis shoulder. He gasped and I saw how this is affecting him I guess things will never be the same around here.

"Ally oh god I don't expect you to forgive me... I-I'm such an idiot just please..." He started but stopped talking my eyes locked with his I honestly love his beautiful blue eyes there so perfect and it's distracting me. "Niall...just go back to your room and let her be." Louis said. I somehow forgot i was hiding behind him. "Lou... I can't I- this- I'm an idiot I-I..." He started saying but was rudely cutoff by Louis.

"Pardon? Yea I don't think you even know what to say. I swear Niall your not worth her time. She deserves a guy who will be there for her even in the hardest times. He will try to understand her not fight with me nor getting drunk and much fucking less hitting her. You aren't an idiot your some fucking other thing." Louis said I liked his speech I hope I can find a guy like Lou described... I'm not worthy of it.

"Louis... You already won her over stop being a damn prick and let her fucking talk to me!" Niall shouted and stepped closer to Louis. Just as Louis was going to respond a door opened. Coming out the door was Eleanor. I'm so grateful that she's here cause I wouldn't be able to calm Lou down.

"Louis! Get away from that pice of shit he ain't worth nobody's time." Eleanor told Louis he looked back at her and took a step back. "El? What are you doing here? I thought Louis was with Ally?" Niall asked confused.

"Well if you wouldn't have gotten drunk you would of found out that me an Louis are back together and that Ally actually wanted to be with YOU but you had to fuck it up now you have to deal with it." Eleanor responded. And dragged Louis with her.

Niall turned to me and I think I saw him tear up but I doubt it.. Cause he might he be hang over... "Ally... I'm such a dumb ass!" He shouted to himself I jumped because he startled me. "Please... babe don't be afraid of me I-I " he than broke down... Why was he crying? I have no idea I got close to him and gave him a tight hug. I don't know what I'm doing but he needs me and I won't turn him down.

At first he froze but than hugged back. He wrapped his Arms around my waist and I had mine around his neck. He cried into my neck. This was so sad I've never seen a guy break down before... "Ally..." he spoke his voice was low and raspy...

"I love you"

I instantly felt my heart stop... I tried to look at him but he hold me tighter.

"I love you so so much." He repeated.

"It feels like I have love you forever."

I stood in place this was so hard to process. He just told me he loved me... And all the things I ever wanted to hear.

"Stay with me cause your all I need." He sang into my ear...

"Ally Diana Malik... I love you."

He said why won't he stop repeating it? I'm so confused...

Do I love him back?

That was the question that was most present in my head...

He loses his hold a little and I was able to kiss him.........

He's lips tasted like alcohol but the kiss felt grate... his hands were in my waist keeping me close to him. He kissed me slowly yet passionately as if he was trying to save every second of this moment. When I kissed him it was an indescribable feeling...

It just felt....:

Right and perfect.

I could taste his tears but that didn't bother me at all this was; perfect.

I loved the way he looks at me. I love the way he smiled. I love the way he laughs. I love the way he looks at me when he thinks I don't see him. I love how he's holding me. I adore his voice. I love his happy-go-lucky personally. I love his attitude. I love him.....

Holly shit..

I pulled apart and looked at him. He's eyes looked so sad... I couldn't stand seeing him like this...

"Niall.... I-I "

I started but got caught off by a very confused Liam looking at us... We made eye contact and I could tell the disappointment he had in his eyes... I instantly took a step back out of Niall's grips.

Just than I realized I can't do this.. I'm honestly so confused...

So I ran again like always...

I ran and ran until I got to the place I was looking for.. I desperately looked for it. And I found it... Chris.

"Babe..." I whispered and broke down. "Hey.. Sorry about how I look I've been having some trouble lately. It's hard it's so damn hard being here without you babe. I would love to see you and kiss you and make love to you like we did back in the old days." I said and blushed thinking about those perfect moments..

"Boo... please don't hate me but I think I'm in love with Niall..." I confessed out loud and it felt good. "But I will never love him like I love you I will never forget what we had you both have my broken heart."


I whipped the tears away I've been in the cemetery for about 4 hours an I needed it... I felt restored... this is what I loved about being so close to his grave I can talk to him for hours knowing he's in the sky's above watching over me. I stood up and looked down at my beloved one.

"I love you."

I whispered to the wind.

Hey❤ I'm sorry!!!!!! I'm so sorry I hadn't update I just didn't know what to write and pulse I was grounded :( but yea ❤ I'm back at school :( it sucks but yea/.\ ill be updating soon I promise just give me some feedback... And I would love to talk to you guys since I'm a loner and a loser lmao okay long ass note love you ppl :*

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