Chapter 33

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They all looked at me with wide eyes and the whole house got instantly quiet. I took a deep breath and began the horror story that was my life.

"When I first got put in adoption a couple instantly took me in. They were truly beautiful my mom had the worlds most beautiful smile. She sang like an angle. My dad was very handsome and was super playful. When they adopted me I was about 1 year old. I don't remember of course cause i was a baby. But they were something special and unique and just perfect. They had a son named Joey Diamond. He was my like my bestfriend we never fought. He was just perfect I felt perfect. We were the perfect diamonds. Until they were murdered. That till this day has been the worst day of my life. They were shot in their beds. I was 8 and Joey was 9. There was this officer who took care of the case when saw me he instantly blamed me and said I had shot them of course they proved it wasn't me. So I went back to the orphanage. They separated me from Joey. So I became a very sad child. My only happiness was taken away from me. 2 Years passed and at 10 years old another couple adopted me I was excited cause I thought they would make my heart better but boy was I wrong. Than came Richard. They were so nice at the beginning until they stopped doing the weekly check ups. He would violate my adoptive mother it was the scariest thing ever. She would scram and cry but he wouldn't listen. I tried to stop him once which was the worst mistake of my life. He than turned his anger towards me. He would beat me up day and made his wife cover me with make up when I went to school, he was violent and would always yell at me than beat me till I passed out. I can't stand people yelling because of what I went though. Every time I got yelled at by other people I would cry and run afraid of what was next. Than one day... Richard locked me and his wife Monica in the master bed room. He raped her In front of me not letting me look away he than killed her and than himself. I was in there for 4 days with their dead body it was horrible. I remember dragging Monica far from him thinking they were sleeping. I played with her hair and slept next to her throughout those days in hell she was nice to me until Richard would get home. Than the cops appeared and broke the door and gasped. They were looking at a little girl covered in blood next to a beautiful dead woman with the killer by their side. I didn't want to let go of Monica cause I was simply scared I lived with them until I was 11. I meet Mrs.Ruiz she was such a lovely woman and I trusted her. Than I went to her orphanage and I found the love of my life. She was so awkward shy and cute she never spoke up, she was always hiding in the back until I made my way to her. We talked and became instant friends from that day on we never left each others side. Than I meet the worlds most perfect boy his name was Chris. He made me feel wanted and happy and everything I hadn't felt I a while. We became friends and we were the A.B.C's as in Ally Beca and Chris. We fell deeply in love. So hard and fast. Than one day we were out and I remember telling him to catch me cause we were jumping from a fence and he did catch me. Later that day he was shot. I never told no one what really happened I kept it all inside. Beca was there through it all. Than I got a tattoo of his name. Everything was slowly getting better until my flashbacks came again. My only escape was to be aggressive and hurt all those around me. I constantly got in fights and developed sever anger issues with the side effect of my blackouts. One moment I was yelling the next I had blood in my hands. Than that same officer that blamed me for my parents death came back. He looked me in. They would treat us so poorly. They would treat us worser than criminals. I tired killing a lady than myself. I got better as the time went and got out. I went back with Mrs.Ruiz and they helped me. Than you guys came into my life and made everything better. The night I was here I ran from here without telling you why. It's because all the good things that have come to my life have been killed or destroyed and I don't want nothing to happen to you guys. I love you all so much and I hope you guys still treat me the same. This was my fucked up story that is my life.

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