Chapter 36 (the end)

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I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't it was to bright in here. I heard beeping. And I forced myself to open my eyes no matter how much it burned. I looked to my sides and I realized I was in the hospital. I tried sitting up but it was too painful. I sighted and I gave up trying not to make any Noise. I realized I wasn't alone. Beca and Niall were both in the small bed next to mine they looked quite funny. I looked at the chair next to me and Zayn was asleep he looked so tired in his sleep and doesn't seam comfy at all. I looked around and saw some fresh flowers and I hope that means I haven't been here for too long. Just than the door opened and a young nurse walked in and we made eye contact. Her eyes got wider and so did mine but I pressed my finger to my mouth and looked at them hoping she understood I didn't want to wake them up. She turned back around and the door made a lot of noise I instantly laid back down and closed my eyes.

When I was younger Beca and I loved to stay up late to talk but we were always under supervision so we would fake to be sleeping. I was always good at it so I hope I can still pull it off. I heard a loud thud and I tried not to laugh when I hurt Niall growl.

"Stupid Niall." Beca said in her sleepy voice. I heard a lot of noise again.

"I wouldn't have fallen if your fat ass could've stopped moving." Niall said.

"Excuse me! Are you calling me fat?! Says the boy who eats the most!" Beca said annoyingly.

"Guys shit the fuck up I'm trying to sleep." Zayn said and I heard him get up. "This happens way too fucking often." He spoke again. Often? Well fuck. The door opened and I heard footsteps

"Good morning guys I brought you guys some food so Niall please don't eat all of it it's not all for you." My mom spoke god damn she brought them Mcdonnalds breakfast. My damn weakness.

"This was Ally's favorite breakfast." Beca spoke sadly and it got very quite and I would only hear them eating . I want to let them know I'm awake but I don't want to interrupt their breakfast but than again I've missed them so much. I opened my eyes. I saw them eating in tht small area facing the window. They looked bad. They look so tired. I smiled and sat up. Than the night hit me and I looked down at my body looking for a hit area but nothing really hurt. Ow I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head I tried touching it and that's when I realized that my head was covered. I must look funny.

Just than Zayn turned and looked at me than looked back. His head snapped back to me. His face went pail and he looks like he has seen a ghost. Than the door opens and a old doctor walks in. He looked at me and gave me a wide smile.

"So the princess has awoken." He said and I smiled at him. I looked back at my family and they were all looking at me as if I was a ghost. The doctor walked towards me.

"How are you Ms.Ally?" He asked. I opened my mouth and tried to speak but I let out a cough. I sounded like a 85 year old woman who has been smoking for her whole life the doctor got up and brought me a cup of water. I drank if so quickly. It felt good in my throat.

"Better?" He asked again.

"Better." I responded in a rough deep voice.

"Good. I'm Doctor Ortiz. I've been taking care of you for the last 2 months we thought you were never gonna wake up but I'm glad you did." He said smiling and I looked at him in disbelief 2 months?! God damn! That a lot. I didn't dare to look at the rest I was to scared.

"Right, so I need to ask you some questions nothing too hard but we need to make sure you know what's going on he said." I nodded.

"Can you tell me what's your name?"

"Ally." I said a little louder than a whisper.

"Do you know who these people are." He asked and pointed at them. I smiled at them but they are still in shock. And I nodded again.

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