Chapter 6

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Aeyoung's POV

"Welcome to- Hey! You're that girl from yesterday!" He yelled. What was his name again? Jae something. I looked at his name tag then smiled. "Jaehyun-sshi! Nice to see you again!" I said, half-heartedly. "So, what brings you here?" He asked.

"Um, I was wondering if there's a flower that represents recovery?" I requested as I looked around. "Mianhae, but I'm not really interested in flowers. I just work here for the money. I mean, there isn't anyone else except me and the boss. I can call her and ask if you want." He asked.

Uh, I'm in a hurry dude! "Uh, gwenchana. I'll get a white rose then." I said as I pointed to the ones next to the counter. "1, 3 or a bunch?" He asked as he tapped on the computer. "3 please," I said as I placed the money on the counter. "It's alright. I'll pay for it. Beautiful roses for a beautiful lady." He said while holding the flowers.

Half way through his sentence, I took the flowers and took off. I wasn't in the mood to hear shit that he has to say. Feeling excited to meet Oppa, I ran to the hospital. As a BOMB member, I obviously need stamina so I ran fast.

*Ring ring*

It was Sarang. I picked it up and said, "I'm in the lobby. I'll be up there soon." I heard some background noises so I assumed she wasn't in the room. "Ne, I just finished eating too. I'll buy some water then I'll be up there soon." She said as she hung up.

I smiled and smelled the roses as I made my way to Oppa's ward. I was being led by a nurse as I never came here before. As we entered the room, there were 5 beds but only 2 was occupied. "He will be taking his medication soon. He's awake and it's the last bed to the right." The nurse informed.

I nodded my head and thanked her. Before I entered the room, someone wearing all black with a cap and a mask opened the door. "May I help you?" The nurse asked but instead, she was pushed by him. "Yah! Don't be rude, asshole!" I yelled.

"Gwenchana, he never talks. He just visits your brother and-" I interrupted her and yelled, "HE VISITED MY BROTHER?! WHO GAVE HIM PERMISSION TO DO SO?" She stammered while answering me, "Lee Sarang. I took a picture and asked her. She said to allow him to go in." I ran to Oppa's ward and was shocked to see him.

He's eyes were open and his head was bleeding. Blood was dripping down his chin as it stained his white hospital shirt. "O-oppa!" I yelled as I came to his side. I placed the roses on his chest and cried. Wae! THAT BASTARD! Anger mixed with sadness was what I felt and I hated it!

I wiped my tears and closed Oppa's eyes, then, kiss his forehead softly. I ran to the door but was blocked by Sarang. "Hey, where are you going?" She asked. I sighed heavily then pointed to Oppa's direction. "Tell the nurse that I, Kim Aeyoung, will let the hospital handle everything. Trust me, it's for our safety." I said.

"Bwoya.." She asked but I pushed her away and ran. As I reached the elevator, I recognized a yell. Sarang, mianhae. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him. I was about to break down and cry in the elevator but I remembered how it happened to Oppa.

I put away the sad thought and replaced it with a scene of me ripping the murderer's head off. When I got out, I saw the same guy exiting the hospital. That bastard! I ran after him as he looked for a cab. Assuming that he would have a weapon, I jumped on him put my arm around his neck.

When he dropped to the ground, I pulled his hands back and sat on them so he couldn't take out a weapon. People were looking but I don't care because all that matters is that he dies. I don't care anymore! "WHO ARE YOU!" I yelled as I took his cap off.

No way..."Jagi.." I heard him whisper. I was shocked to see him because everyone thought he was dead. He was a childhood friend of my brother's and also my boyfriend, Chan. I stood up and had flashbacks of the memories we made. "How did-" I was too speechless to even finish my sentence.

I mean, it's been 3 years since I last saw him. It was back in the fire when he died. We wanted to save him but he already joined Zack. I just can't believe that fact that he's alive...AND THAT HE KILLED OPPA! He stood up and was about to say something but instead, reached for his pocket.

Before I could stop him, he aimed a gun at me. "You think you can stop me? Please, Zack can never be stopped. Throw me in jail and I'll get out alive." He scoffed while people were running away. I have to do this, sorry. I faked my tears and said, "So we were nothing back then?"

I looked up at him and saw him gripping the gun tightly. "Whatever it is, do it," I said as I kneeled down. I just stared at him as tears were flowing down my cheek. Waiting for the right moment, I got ready my knife. His eyes were shaking and he hesitated before lowering the gun.

Now! I took the advantage as his guard was down. I sliced his hand so he would release the gun. Before it touched the ground, I caught it and aimed at him. "Woah, Jagi." He said as he raised his hands up. "You killed him! YOUR OWN FRIEND!" I yelled.

He shook his head as I repeated. "I don't have a choice! You know how Zack is!" He said. "Bullshit!" I yelled as I shot upwards then pointing at him again. Shards of glass fell as I aimed directly at his head. "Jagi, jebal. Don't do this!" He begged. "AEYOUNG! ANDWAE!" I heard Sarang yell from behind me.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT IT BEFORE DOING IT!" I yelled as tears rolled down my cheek. It hurts knowing the fact that the person I love killed Oppa. Suddenly, I couldn't control myself and kept saying, "He trusted you." Then, I got back to my senses when sirens were heard and someone was speaking.

"Ma'am. Lower your weapon and kick it this way." I looked around and saw 2 police cars. Chan was already handcuffed and I was just standing there, holding the gun at the same spot. "Aeyoung. Oppa wouldn't want this, would he?" Sarang asked. My eyes widened as I imagined Oppa standing with the police, having a disappointed look on his face.

I lowered the gun and kicked it to the police as I hung my head low. "That's easy right?" Sarang said as she approached me. "Kaja, they need to ask you some questions. I'm pretty sure you know what to say." Sarang emphasized that last short phrase.

I nodded my head and followed her as she walked to the police car. "Kindly follow us to the police station to be questioned about the murder of Kim Jinyoung." A policeman said as he opened the car door.

I just followed Sarang and kept quiet. Oppa's gone. What should I do? How do I live alone? All these thoughts lingered around in my head as we were off to the police station. "Gwenchana?" Sarang asked.

"Ne," I said as I wiped my tears and took a deep breath. When we arrived, I was asked several questions like, 'anyone you think that would have a grudge on your brother' or 'how are you related to the murder'. I just had to lie and try my best not to reveal about BOMB and the North Koreans.

"Thank you for your time, Ms. Kim. We still would consider for you to accept our offer of having a bodyguard." The investigator said. I slightly smiled as I bowed and shook my head. "I'll get going," I said and left the room. Sarang, who was waiting for me, stood up from a bench by the wall.

I felt like a thousand knives stabbed me as I saw the look on her face. Her smile is so fake. "Kaja. Let's go to his funeral. We should disguise first." She said as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "How about the twins?" I asked.

"They're at the cafe you work at. I contacted them and they said that they didn't really know how to get back so they stayed there." She explained. "I reckon that they're alone." I responded as I thought about their 'friend'.

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