Chapter 26

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Taeyong's POV

My heart broke as the harsh words of Aeyoung hit me. She wasn't the only one feeling that way. It's not my fault I have trust issues. I'm just worried that she thinks she's alone. I want to show her that I'll be with her through all of this but she's mad. I'll just let her be before it gets anymore stressful.

I shook my head, putting those thoughts away. "Alright, all of you know the plan. Let's bring extra weapons just in case. We'll take 2 vans only. No additional cars." Aunt Cassie instructed as she placed 2 guns in a strap by her thigh. "Jeon twins, I want you to protect Aeyoung. Lee twins, I want you to protect Taeyong." She said before walking up the stairs, exiting the place.

All of us were suited and ready to go but it seemed like Aeyoung wasn't. I mean, if I were her, I'd feel the same way so I have no right to judge. "Hyung, I think you should ride in the other van." Wonwoo stopped me from entering the van that Aeyoung just entered. I gave a quick nod and walked towards the other van that contained the Noonas.

I looked back at Aeyoung who had a determined look on her face before I boarded the vehicle. When the door shut tight, I closed my eyes and leaned on the head rest. All I can do now is support her mentally. "It's normal you know. I heard Aunt Cassie say from the passenger seat. "Bwo?" I asked as I was uncertain.

"Every couple has had at least 5 arguments." She mentioned before directing the driver. Why does she care? I thought she hated us. I laid my elbow on the armrest and starred outside.

Sarang's POV

"Tell me what it is!" They spat in my face. 2 Notherns suspected me of betrayal because of the transmitter in my ear. I failed to convince them that I was deaf so I've been locked in this room for an hour. "What is the problem here?" I heard Chan as he entered. "She's got a transmitter!" One of them told him as he pointed to my ear. "Ani! It's my hearing device." I elaborated again. "You were never deaf, Sarang." He rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

Shit. "How would you know? Didn't you 'die'?" I emphasized that word. "So if I do this, you can't hear?" He pulled the transmitter out. God, please don't smash it. "Can you hear me." I could so I faked and said: "No I have not." Squinting at his lips to make it look realistic. "Looks like she really is deaf." Chan teased and laughed while the other 2 echoed after him. I acted mad and asked, "What's so funny?"

He returned me the transmitter before one of them pointed and said, "See, she's lying." I rolled my eyes. "I'm deaf, not mute." I just left the room and let out a sigh of relief. Thank god they're stupid. Aeyoung better gets here quickly before I get caught and I hope her plan works.

Aeyoung's POV

We arrived at the destination that Sarang told us about. If my heart's beat could be heard, I think the world would have exploded. I don't want anything to go wrong. "Sarang we arrived," I spoke through the transmitter. I waited patiently but nothing could be heard. I shut my eyes as I mentally prayed for her safety. "She'll be fine." I opened my eyes and turned my head to the voice. Wonwoo was smiling at me, giving me hope. [A/N: JAYHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE! Sorry I had to.]

I forced a smile in return but I knew he wasn't buying it so he gave me a hug. It's what I wanted but not what I needed. There's a specific someone I need right now. As we crept out of the van, I searched for those eyes that I hoped to see. His black orbs met with mine, making me melt. His stare was empty and that made me sad. I regret yelling at him but I just couldn't stand the pressure.

I'm not just some helpless little girl. We are at a huge mansion and that made Cassie doubt. How would they be so rich? This place was for a royal family. "Are you sure that we're at the right place?" She asked me as all of us hid behind a row of bushes. We're located in the back part of the mansion, where there were lesser Northerns. I am a little worried that this wouldn't turn out as I hoped it would but all I could do now is try.

"Alright, we'll surround the entire building. Make sure to block every entrance and window. Make sure no one leaves the building. After the distraction, Aeyoung, Taeyong, and the Jeon twins will enter. Try to lure Zac and then trap him. We'll signal to you if something happens." Cassie elaborated clearly. All of us nodded as we understood the plan. "Stay safe," I told Wonwoo and his brother as we prepared. The both of them nodded, putting a determined look on their face.

We were waiting behind the bushes while the rest made their way, surrounding the house. "INTRUDER!" I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw a few people coming out of the back door. I was about to just run in there but more people came out. "Why are there so many?" Chanwoo asked as he balled his fists tighter. "We're outnumbered. Screw this." Taeyong said as he jumped over the bush.

I physically face-palmed. "King!" I heard someone yell through the transmitter. I froze. Why did she refer me to that? What's going on?! "Get out of there now!" Sarang yelled. "Hello, Jagiya. I missed you." I heard that sickening voice. "Eodiseo! [Where are you!]" I spat. "I wish I could stay and chat but I'm pretty sure your friends need you now." Chan deactivated the transmitter. I looked up, not understanding what he meant.

To my horror, I saw Nayeon with both her elbows behind her back, struggling to break free. The others were scattered across the backyard, in the similar position. "We need to go." Wonwoo pulled me by the wrist. I can't just leave them there. "Ani, we can try." I pulled my hand away as I jumped over the bush. I couldn't load any arrow as none would do me any good at the moment. I kept the string in the compartment raced towards the nearest Nothern.

I sneaked up from behind and hit him hard in the head. Then I quickly kicked the back of his knees, forcing him to kneel, as I took out my knife and stabbed him in the thigh. "G, count how many Northerns there are. Alert me their  direction as soon as one notices me." I  instructed as I went to take out another Nothern with a swift move.

"Noona hajima! [Stop!]" I heard Wonwoo yell through the transmitter. I just shut his voice out and continued fighting them. I was about to swing at a guy but my wrist was grabbed from the back. I quickly forced my head backward, connecting with his jaw. Regretting shutting the voices out, I turned to swing my bow towards his head and kick on the other guy in the torso.

I quickly stabbed them both in the thigh and ran as I was warned by G that 2 were heading my way. I need to plan quickly. I didn't think this through but there's no turning back now. "Aeyoung fall back now! That is an order!" Cassie yelled. I ignored her and ran straight for the entrance. I felt someone grab my arm and force me to turn around.

Like time stopped, I saw everyone struggling to get out of the Northern's grip while there were 5 men right behind me. Everything was in slow motion and the only thing in my head was if what I did was right. I emptied all the thoughts and apologized mentally to Cassie whom would have hated me for doing this. I swiftly used my free hand to take out an electric arrow from the back of my suit.

I shoved it into the shoulder of the man who was grabbing my wrist and elbowed him right in the face. I harshly pulled my hand away and gave his chest a strong front kick, making a few of the men behind him fall backward. I pressed the button and all of them were electrocuted. I turned around to check my surroundings and found a staircase nearby. There were signs that showed the direction of a certain room and their names.

My eyes frantically scanned the different names until I got the idea to ask G. "G, locate which room Sarang is in." I watched my back to make sure no one was following as I ran up the stairs. As I waited for her answer, something caught my eye. I spotted the Jeon twins and Taeyong trying to help the others through an open window. I took the string out and began to snipe the Northerns in their thighs from above.

"Taeyong, get out of there!" I yelled in the transmitter as I took another guy out. "Warning, 2 men are making their way up here. Sarang, located. 3 rooms to the left on the level above you." I was informed by G. I stuck another electric arrow by the handles of the stairs and made my way up. As I reached the top, I looked down in between the stairs and activated the arrow as they came near it.

Without wasting any more time, I ran towards the room Sarang was held in. I barged in and to my surprise, there was no one else but an unconscious Sarang in there. She was tied up to a chair and her hair was a mess. I ran towards her and removed my helmet. I moved her hair aside as she began to gain consciousness. I tried to untie the ropes but they were too well tied.

"NO, IT'S A TRAP!" Sarang yelled as her eyes were fixed on something behind me. I quickly turned around but it was too late.

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