Chapter 30 [Please read updated Author's Note]

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Tears built up in my eyes as I see Eonnie running in, bursting through the door as I stopped outside his room. I just stood there guilty and hesitated to take another step. I couldn't do it. "Yah! Eodiseo?[Where are you?]" Sarang asked through the transmitter. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I was waiting for this moment so why am I hesitating? I push those thoughts away and places my hand on the handle, twisting it.

Halmeoni, Sarang, Cassie, the 2 pair of twins and Minji Eonnie was there, looking at me. There he was, laying on the bed in a sitting position, with one hand intertwined with Halmeoni and the other with Minji Eonnie. "Aeyoung.." His eyes locked with mine. I suddenly had the urge to jump at him and give him a hug but I could hurt him so I didn't. I felt the tears almost leaving my eyes as I slowly approached him. He let go of their hands and grabbed mine as I got to his side.

I heard the others start to leave the room, to give us some privacy and as soon as the door shut, I burst into tears throwing my arms around him. "I thought you wouldn't make it." I managed to say. I sobbed in his arms as he hugged me tightly. "I'm here. I'm here for you, young-ah. I'll never let you go." He whispered and kissed my cheek. We stayed in that position for a moment before releasing. "How have you been doing?" He asked as I grabbed a chair nearby.

"Good. Oh, chocolates for you." I told him as I gave him the box. I took the glasses off to wipe my tears and was about to put it back on when he snatched it from me. "How long was I out? Is this another new trend or are you seeing someone new?" He questioned as he examined them. I laughed and began to reach for the glasses as my eyesight was still close to blind. "Ani, Halmeoni made these for me. Unfortunately, after that incident in that mansion, I can never see clearly again." I explained as I managed to take it from him.

"So you can't see me? YOU'RE BLIND?! What happened?" He gasped as he waved his hand over my eyes. "Are you stupid? I said 'can never see clearly' What part of that did you not understand? Oh, and the mansion exploded." I smacked his hand away from my face and rolled my eyes. "HOLY SHIT! IT EXPLODED?!" He yelled loudly so I had to shut him up with my hands. "I'm fine now. There's no need to-" I was interrupted by the warm lips of his on mine.

I was taken back by his sudden actions so I blushed madly. It wasn't a peck but a long passionate one. I returned the kiss and then broke apart for air, laying my forehead against his. "What was that for?" I asked. He smiled and went to kiss my forehead gently. "I don't know. For being alive? I'm just glad you're alive. I'm blessed to have you Aeyoung, Saranghae." He mentioned before grinning. "Nado Saranghae[I love you too]." I smiled and hugged him. I am blessed to have him too.

Author's POV

5 days have passed since he was discharged and they grew closer and it was time for the big day. All the staff of The Treasure Chest was gathered as it was a huge ceremony for Aeyoung. She was going to lead every single one of them in that room! She was thrilled to stand on stage with Taeyong, Sarang, and the twins.

They were standing in a position with Aeyoung in the center, behind her was Sarang to her left and Taeyong to her right. Chanwoo was behind Taeyong, a little to his right and Wonwoo behind Sarang, to her left. [A/N: Basically like this 'v' XD SORRY I SUCK AT DESCRIBING]

They were all in their gear standing with their hands behind their back, waiting patiently for Halmeoni's speech to end. "Now, my leader ship will be passed down to Kim Aeyoung. May she succeed in all the future missions!" Halmeoni ended with placing a gray and a golden striped armband around Aeyoung's arm. Banners that hung around the room was dropped, displaying the new logo of the new leader.

 Banners that hung around the room was dropped, displaying the new logo of the new leader

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Everyone cheered and applaud upon their new leader.

Aeyoung's POV

I placed the armband on my desk in my personal office after remembering the ceremony that took place a few days ago. I looked at Oppa, a framed picture of us taken when we were at the orphanage, and my parents, a picture of them taken here at The Treasure Chest. I've done it. I've made them proud. Everything was great here, being with the Southerns that are like family. Ani, they are family. I'm looking forward to training with my new team. I'll miss my squad but I now, one day, we'll fight together again, side by side.

I ordered an investigation at the Mansion for any clues or survivors but so far, there wasn't any unusual activity. Sadly, I could not locate Jaehyun. The last I heard of him was when I was held captive. I hope he isn't causing any more trouble. Even though we were just acquaintances, I feel betrayed yet again. I sighed heavily as I took a seat. Cassie and I are doing fine. We aren't arguing anymore and forgave each other. I gave her a position, Captain of the Crews. Those who update on the missions.

The twins are having fun, helping with the various types of inventions while Sarang was being a very strict trainer. I feel bad for her because she loved Oppa so much and she lost him without even saying goodbye. Taeyong and I are famous. We are the talk of the building! Topics of us come out on our Notification Boards almost every day. For fun, of course. "Calling for Alpha and Bravo Team." I heard Cassie over the intercom. I quickly rushed out of the room and made my way towards the Mission room where we get briefed and suited up.

As I entered the room, Bravo was already there with Sarang, all geared up. "I'll brief while Alpha gets ready," Cassie said as she looked at me with a smile. I returned the smile and went to the handprints. I remember these from the beach house that sadly burnt to crisp. I placed my hand print on the device and listened carefully to Cassie's explanation.

"The guards of the Presidents daughter have spotted a particular silver car tagging alongside them when traveling. They have questioned the man but failed to have his identity. Your job is to find out where he comes from. I suppose King would already have a plan in mind so I'm done here." She ended. My eyes widened as I did not have a plan in mind. As soon as I finished suiting up, the curtains raised and I slung my bow around me. I quickly thought of a plan in my head, thinking of the possibilities and risks.

"Alright, no matter what, do not take the risk. Bravo will follow him and place a tracker under his car by a traffic light." I began to explain. "King, what if he can sense new objects on his car?" Haneul asked. She was the one who I saved before the mansion exploded. "Good question, if he notices it, it will only bring us a step ahead of him and his suspicious activities. Why would a fellow citizen have such advanced technology? I will be with you on a motorcycle, tracking him down if he manages to deactivate it." I told Haneul.

"Update me if there's anything else, Cassie. Make sure your transmitters are activated. You don't have to call me King because you guys are my family. Anything might happen so stay safe, understood?" I asked as I scanned their faces. There were 6 people in each team so all of them nodded. "KAJA![Let's go!]" I cheered as they repeated. It's time, for the new beginning.

A new beginning for the King.


Sadly, it is the end of this book! Thank you for reading!! I apologize for taking such a long time. I'm very busy with my daily life cause Singapore. AHAHAH Anyway, do rate and comment anything. I'm fine with haters and lovers so feel free to comment. If there's a mistake, do not hesitate to tell me. Also, comment on what boy group the next book should be based on. No, I don't do girl groups, sorry.

Do recommend this to your fellow NCT fans. Do they have a fan club name yet? Hmm, I'm not sure XD I HOPE YOU LIKED THE ENDING! I'm thinking of like a short sequel but who knows. Maybe if many of you want a sequel, I'll write it :D Once again, thank you for reading💖💖 [ UPDATED A/N: Sorry but I will not be writing a sequel. Currently planning on my first Non-fanfiction book so yes I will be too busy to write a short sequel]

(Ended 20 July 2017)

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