Chapter 28

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Author's POV

The world stopped spinning and her eyes met with Taeyong's enlarged ones as the knife pierced through his stomach. "Andwae!" she thought as he mouthed, "Saranghae." He fell to the ground, with blood staining the floor, leaving the poor girl devastated. "Disgusting." Chan wiped his bloody hands on the shirt of on of his men. Aeyoung's grip on the ammo grew tighter as she thought of a plan. Tears blurred her vision as she knew it was impossible.

Then, she felt something hit her thigh. She looked towards her left and saw the gun that came in the direction of the boy. He gave a thumbs up before fixing his attention towards Chan. "Now, be a good girl and follow me to the North." He insisted with a pompous smile on his face. She couldn't come up with any plan so she felt like giving up. Until a voice was heard.

"Surrender! We have you surrounded!" It was so loud as if the whole world could hear. Sarang's Halmeoni has brought reinforcements from all over the country. They were heavily loaded with 3 helicopters and about 50 men surrounding the area. Chan's and Aeyoung's eyes met. She took this opportunity to attack.

Aeyoung's POV

I slid my wrists out of the loose ropes and pointed my gun at him. I untangled the ropes on my legs and stood up, aiming the gun at towards him. "Give up Chan," I said sternly as I was tempting to pull the trigger. "Andwae! Aeyoung, andwae." I heard Taeyong say. I focused on him who was clutching his wound. He was looking up at me with tears in his eyes, struggling to stay alive.

As I lost my focus, I felt the gun left my grip so I turned to see Chan holding it. He wouldn't dare. "Shoot me! Go on!" I taunted as I felt the tears fall. I wouldn't have shown my soft side and let my guard down but Chan was my first love for 4 years. I just can't believe he's the one pointing the gun at me. Then, the door burst open, revealing more of Halmeoni's men. "Drop the gun!" They yelled as they aimed their gun at Chan.

I was terrified because if one bullet goes off, a few more might follow. "I said drop it!" He yelled as he aimed the gun right for Chan's chest. I was trying my best to calm myself down but I keep reminding myself that about 5 guns are armed at the moment. "We'll never stop coming after you Southerns." Chan spat as he pulled the trigger. Based on my natural reflexes, I ducked even though I knew the bullet was faster. 2 more bullets followed right after and I shut my eyes in fear.

I felt a strong grip on my arm, pulling me up and that's when I realized I wasn't hit. That's when I remembered, Chan never misses. I turned around, looking at the boy who laid, facing me with a dark red spot of blood on his shirt, right at his heart. I felt my heart shatter as I saw the look on his face. His eyes were opened, shocked at the fact he got shot but soon smiled as he locked eyes with me. "Ani!" I yelled in pain when he closed his eyes. I was being dragged by one of Halmeoni's men so I struggled to get out of their grip.

I heard more Notherns making their way up so I quickly snapped out of it. I couldn't be out of focus in this situation. I have to fight back! Chakaman, TAEYONG! I searched frantically for him but was eased when I saw him in the hands of Jiyeon and Nayeon. Halmeoni's men gave me my bow and mask. It was time to attack but before I forget, my katana, that was in the room Sarang was in. I went into the room and saw all of them gathered.

Wonwoo, Chanwoo, and Sarang. The only few I had left. "Let's do this." Sarang encouraged as she handed me my katana. I took it, slid it in a strap by my calf and gave her a nod. "Let's do this for Oppa and for South Korea," I said as I loaded my bow. The twins gave a determined nod as well. "Sarang, search for Zack on the top part of this building. If no sign of him, make your way out. Twins, climb to the top of the building and get in one of the choppers. As for the northerns, try to injure them. Do not attempt for a kill. Understood?" I ordered as I turned the mask on, hearing G's voice.

"Welcome Back King." She greeted and I smiled upon hearing it as I loved the feeling. "Ne." I heard a firm answer from the three so we headed out, not wanting to waste any time. As I made my way to the stairs, there were 3 Northerns cornering a man of ours so I shot an arrow in the thigh of one man. The 2 turned their attention to me so I planned quickly. I ran down the stairs and jumped from 6 steps before the ground, swinging my bow at both of them.

I took my knife out and did a spin move, slashing one of them in the chest while I smacked the other in the face with my bow. As they were all down, I attended to our man. "Were you hurt?" I asked as I noticed her pained expression. She shook her head but I wasn't convinced so I examined her. Then I noticed her torn pants. She's a victim of the weird knife wound that I got. "Can you walk?" I questioned as I ripped a piece of cloth from my sleeve and tied it tightly around her wound.

As pressure was applied, she groaned in pain before answering me. "I'll try." I was proud of her strength even though she was hurt. "I need assistance in the 4th floor." I contacted some men. "G, alert me," I mentioned before making my way down some more steps after help arrived. "Noona! You have to get out of there, quick! There's a man on the top floor with a bomb vest. The timer is 10 minutes! Get everyone out now!" Chanwoo warned me. My eyes widened as I realized Sarang is probably near the top floor.

"Alright listen, grab some rope and move the helicopter a few floors above me," I ordered as I dashed up those stairs. "Ne." He answered and soon, I started to spot the helicopter getting closer to the windows. "Sarang, are you there?" I called as I searched for her. There were bodies on the ground and no Northerns in the higher level so I'm assuming this was all planned. "I hear you." I heard an almost instant reply. "Over here!" I yelled as I saw her down a long hallway.

Then, I saw a Northern behind her, positioning a knife throw. So I loaded my bow and aimed it straight at her. "DUCK!" I yelled before I released the arrow that flew past the top of her head, piercing it through his body. "Thanks." She mentioned before running past me, towards the open window. "Let the rope down!" I said through the transmitter. As the rope was hung, Sarang grabbed it and began climbing. I waited for her to reach the helicopter before I grabbed the rope.

"Help!" I heard a familiar yell. It was the female Southern I helped not too long ago. "G, time check," I asked as I let go of the rope, going to her aid. She leaning on the railing of the stairs. "Where were the 2 men?" I asked as I put her arm around my shoulder for her to rest her weight on me. "Dead. They were trying to protect me." She said as she winced. She's losing way too much blood. "4 minutes." G told me. I cursed in my head as I knew it was impossible for both of us to make it to the helicopter. "Arrasseo, what's your name?" I asked as I rushed towards the open window.

"Haneul." She answered. "Haneul I want you to hold onto this room as tightly as you can. Can you do that?" I asked her as I passed the rope to her. "What's taking you so long?" Sarang said through the transmitter. "Wonwoo, pull the rope all the way up and ask the pilot to fly away from here," I ordered as I assisted Haneul. "That's not you holding the rope. Noona what are you doing?" I heard him ask. "DO AS I SAY!" I yelled as I saw the timer from the mask go down to a minute and 40 seconds.

As soon as I saw Haneul getting pulled up and moving further, I ran. I ran down the stairs as my life depended on these legs. "One minute." G mentioned as I was on the 2nd floor. Curse this bloody mansion for having a billion levels. "30 seconds." G warned as I hung the bow across my chest. The exits were blocked so I had to go through the window. I ran as fast as I can and pushed through the window. I felt the millions of shattered glass graze my skin as I fell to the ground.

I quickly got up, not caring about the small wounds I had and ran. I was too late. I felt the heat come from behind me as a strong force sent me flying forward, knocking me unconscious.

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