Doctor's Orders

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You know those days when you know something bad is going to happen?

Well, this was one of those days for Diana Middleton. She was making her way across the parking lot when a hard object slammed into her, knocking her onto the ground.

"Ouch, what the fuck?!" She screamed on top note whilst rubbing her head.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" A deep voice asked as she pulled herself up, smoothing down her now-rumpled clothes.

"Are you blind? What kind of man hits a woman with their car door?" She shouted, earning the attention of people passing by.

"This is my fault?! You were the one who walked into my car door!" The man shouted at her.

She took her moment to look up at him now. As she did she stayed silent, her voice suddenly caught in her throat. This man was undeniably beautiful. A slight five o'clock shadow scattered on his strong jaw. Rich, dark coiffed hair set off his piercing blue-grey eyes, which were framed by stunningly dark eyelashes. His full plush lips scowling slightly. He was absolutely breath taking.

"I don't have time to be dealing with arrogant assholes, I hope you have a shitty day." And with that she walked off stopping at a car to fix her long brown hair that had been in a slick ponytail before the assbag hit her.

Once she'd arrived at the modern, brick building she made her way through to the reception. Pressing the bell to let the receptionist know she was waiting.

"Hello, can I help you?" The woman at the desk asked, brushing her blond bangs the kept falling over her emerald green eyes.

"Yes, I have an appointment at ten thirty with Dr.Rhodes." She said smiling at the woman.

"I'm sorry, Dr.Rhodes has retired, Miss Middleton. All of Dr.Rhodes' clients have been given to our new General Practitioner, Dr.Collins. But rest assured, you're in good hands." She smiled and handed me my appointment number.

"Oh okay, thank you Jane." Diana turned and took a seat in the waiting area, grabbing a magazine on her way.

Ten minutes had passed and she was half way through an interesting story in OK magazine when she was called in for her appointment. She entered the room to notice that the doctor wasn't in there.

"Hello? Dr. Collins?" She called, waiting for a reply.

"Good morning, Miss Middleton. I'm just checking your file. I see here that you have mentioned instances of acute chest pains; if you would like to go behind that curtain and take your shirt off for me, please, I'll examine you in a moment." He said from behind a door. Probably his office she thought.

Diana did as she was told, she was slightly on edge at a male doctor examining her with only a bra on. She wanted to kick herself for putting a black, lace bra on this morning as it was quite sexy.

"So having a good day so far?" He asked whilst moving around the room.

"Not really, An arrogant asshole decided to hit me with his car door, the worst part is he said it was my fault. The cheek of...." She didn't get to finish her sentence as the curtain door opened and she was face to face with the man who had hit her this morning.

"Maybe it was your fault, I mean the guy might even have a dent in his car because some woman decided to be incapable of getting across a parking lot without walking into a car door." Dr. Collins said a smirk crossing his features whilst crossing his arms.

"YOU! YOU'RE MY NEW DOCTOR? This has to be some kind of sick joke?!" She shouted pointing her finger at him.

"It seems like it Miss Diana Middleton, now if you would please stop having a paddy, you can take a seat on the bed please." He said pointing to the bed behind him. She huffed and hopped onto the bed, noticing that he was staring a little too long at her chest area.

"Eyes up here asshole." She said snapping him out of his little trance.

"Right take a deep breath in, then a deep breath out every time I move the stethoscope." He placed the cold stethoscope on the top of her chest above her bra while staring contently at her breasts.

"Having a nice look are we?" She asked as she took a deep breath in and out.

"I have to say you've got quite a nice bra on a bit inappropriate for an examination but I'm not complaining." He said with a slight chuckle. She knew he was trying to wind her up and it was working.

"Well it was the only one I could find this morning as I was rushing to get ready." She said looking anywhere but at him, she would get lost in his eyes if she dared to look. He sighed and asked her to turn around. His hands grazing her collar bone, tingles shot through her making her blush a little. Hoping he hadn't noticed she put her head down and turned around.

"Right I can tell you have a hard time taking deep breaths and they aren't as big as they should be, I'm going to put you on an inhaler and you are going to need to see me once a week for a check up." He said leaving her to get dressed.

She quickly got dressed and checked her appearance before coming round to the other side of the room.

"Is it anything to worry about?" She asked feeling a little worried. She'd never really been ill before and the only time she had It was only a slight cold.

"I'm not quite sure, it could just be because of the cold weather. Does Asthma run in your family?" He asked typing stuff on his computer.

"I don't think so, my mother's never had it and my father passed away when I was eight. So I wouldn't really know." She said wondering if her fathers side had asthma but she couldn't remember him having any breathing problems.

"Okay, that could mean it's just because you're under the weather. Until we know you still need to come and see me once a week. Just book another appointment with Jane at the reception. By the way I'm sorry for this morning Diana." He said smiling at me, that smile was enough to make me forgive him for that incident.

"All is forgiven Dr. Collins, thank you for apologising since it was your fault." I said with a proud smile. He chuckled and smirked at me.

"Why of course it was and please call me Robert, I feel like my father when you call me Dr. Collins. here is my number incase you have an emergency." He handed me a piece of paper and stood up walking me to the door.

"Okay thank you, Robert." He smiled when she said his name, she liked the name Robert it was one of her favourites.

"Jane please could you book Miss Middleton an appointment next week. Preferably Tuesday before lunch. Have a good day Diana." He said smiling before walking back into his office.

"Well guess that means I have an appointment next Tuesday?" They both laughed and she left the building to go to her car.

She sat in her car for a while imagining Roberts mouth on hers, oh that would be Devine. She was going to need a cold shower and maybe a night out with the girls to get her hot doctor off of her mind.


So who thinks this is going to get a lot more interesting?

Do you think Robert feels attracted to Diana?

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