Imagine I

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You wandered into town, intending to buy some more seeds. You rarely checked the calendar but accidentally looked at it while trying to look at the help adds. You seldom paid attention to birthdays but today was Shane's. You sighed. He'd been such a dick to you when you'd tried to greet him. You decided to head home and see if you had anything you could give him because your philosophy was that you never knew what was going on in someone's private life so you should be kind always. It seemed he needed extreme kindness and you were ready to give it. You looked around in your chest for a minute before realizing that you really didn't know anything about Shane. Trying to guess something would probably be disastrous and make your situation with him worse. You knew he lived with Marnie just south of your own farm and that he worked almost all day. You'd wanted to talk to Marnie anyways so you grabbed your tools and headed south.
10 trees, 23 rocks, and 2 field snacks later you could finally see Marnie's ranch. You sighed in relief and put away your tools and headed into the shop part of the house. Marnie smiled when you walked in and you returned the gesture,
"What can I do for you, Farmer?" she asked you leaned up against the other side of the counter.
"What? I can't fight through a mile of forest just to say hi?" both of you chuckled
"Alright, in all seriousness I did kind of come here for some more casual chatter if you have a moment." she nodded.
"Presently I'm just tending the shop and you're the only one here so chat away." You almost asked about Shane but then you chickened out... Literally.
"I, uh, wanted to ask about chickens. Caring for them and such." you chatted for a good half hour about chickens and then you left, not really knowing what else to do. You knew you'd seen him drinking beer before so you stopped by the pub and grabbed a beer. It was kind of expensive but for some reason you were driven to. You had honestly planned to buy him pizza or something but beer was about all you could afford. You knew he worked over at Joja Mart so you headed over and were pretending to be shopping when you came across him.
"Hey." He didn't respond and you knew he was probably using his working as an excuse. You took out the beer and set it on the shelf in front of him. "Happy birthday. I'd do it at the pub tonight, fresh, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it out." You said. He looked up at you in shock.
"Y-you remembered my birthday?" he asked. You nodded. He almost smiled.
"I'm impressed. Thanks." You smiled brightly at him and left, not wishing to push your luck. You finally went and got you seeds and went back to tend to your farm.
At around 7 you'd finished everything up and grabbed a quick shower and decided to head to the pub to see if there was anything going on for Shane's birthday. When you got there, Shane wasn't even there. You figured they must be doing something at Marnie's or he'd decided that he didn't want to risk the social interaction that being at the pub tonight might cause. You dropped by the beach to look for shells. Then decided to walk to your farm from the south to look for berries and other forage. When you walked past the dock you heard a bottle open and you glanced over. You could see the moonlit outline of someone sitting slouched on the edge of the dock. You walked closer to the dock. You didn't want to step on the dock for fear it would creak but you were quite curious as to who was out there. You thought you could make out a blue hoodie and it suddenly clicked in your head that it was Shane. Out, drinking alone, on the end of a dock. On his birthday. You stepped out onto the dock and it made a small creak. He didn't seem to notice. You walked up and sat down next to him. The was silence for a moment.
"Up late, huh?"
He held a beer out to you,
"Here, have a cold one." He said. You took the bottle. It was cool, anyways, but he must have been out there for a while already because it had definitely warmed up some. You waited, letting the silence linger, as Shane seemed to appreciate a lack of noise. He inhaled slowly then spoke again,
"Buh.... Life." He left the silence for a moment, then another deep breath.
"You ever feel like" he paused, as though questioning if he should be saying this to you apparently he decided he didn't really care anymore and he continued,
"No matter what you do, you're goona fail?" He paused again and took a deep breath, he seemed to be collecting himself.
"Like you're stuck in some miserable abyss and you're so deep you can't even see the light of day?" You watched him carefully, he was staring blankly out at the lake, almost as though he was talking to the fish and not to you.
"I just feel like no matter how hard I try," he paused again, regaining his composition,
"I'm not strong enough to climb out of that hole." He took a deep breath. You understood where he was coming from. When you'd been in the city, you felt that daily. You almost didn't remember the letter that your grandfather had left for you. But it very well might have saved your life. At this thought you popped open your beer and downed it in one breath, the pain of it soothing your memories away. He glanced over at you and let out a small chuckle,
"Heh,... Fast drinker, huh?" he asked in an amused tone.
"A farmer after my own heart." he mumbled almost under his breath. He sighed and looked back to the water.
"Just don't make it a habit," He paused.
"You got a future ahead of you still." the more he talked the worse you felt for thinking he was a dick, and the happier you were that something made you give him something for his birthday. Every word he said made you wish for another. You wanted to get to know him better. He sighed again,
"Well," he paused as though unsure of what he was about to say,
"My liver's beggin' me to stop. Better call it a night." you felt your spirits drop slightly at this. Sure it was late, but you'd have liked better to have stayed to listen more, speak some, maybe. He held his hand out for the bottle and you handed it to him. He put it back in the box with the others and stood, holding said box in the hand opposite you.
"See you around, Farmer," he said as he placed a hand on your shoulder and rubbed gently. It lingered a moment as though he was thinking then he took a quick deep breath as though coming back to himself. He moved his hand away from you and walked off the dock toward home. You waited a moment to collect yourself before standing and heading home yourself.

(((A/N this is just a more descriptive re telling of how I properly met Shane. This is honestly what happened. I hated the guy and then for some reason I was compelled to give him a birthday gift and I was new to the game and didn't know and I was going to get him pizza but it was too expensive so I got beer and took it to him at work because I didn't really have his schedule down.

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now