Imagine VII

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Sometimes I wish I didn't care so much about other people. That I could just mind my own and do what I needed to do for me instead of making sure that everyone around me was happy. It screwed me over big time in the city and I got over it. Unfortunately, when I moved here and nearly everyone was so kind and welcoming I kind of relapsed. It had me crushing on the only person in this town that didn't seem to care that I exist.

Shane's POV

Sometimes I wish that I cared about people. That I wasn't just stumbling around in a drunken haze wondering when the darkness would finally hit and I wouldn't have to burden anyone anymore. It started in the city, everyone was looking to screw you over and that was the way it was, without exception. I'd never been sober in the valley. Sometimes I'd think I saw a new face but I could never really be sure. I didn't know anyone excepting Aunt Marnie and Jas. I mean, I knew of...... whatever my boss's name is, I could nine times out of ten pick his face out of a crowd, which was similar to knowing someone. Then again, I really and truly didn't know his name. I only knew that I hated the guy. And that he was a guy...


I awoke Saturday, particularly hung over from feeling sorry for myself for being alone another night, like all of those prior. The only reason I even knew the day was because I knew I didn't have to go to hell today.

I groaned in pain and reached over to the nearby cabinet for the beer that I always kept there to take me right back into my haze so as I wouldn't have to face reality. I didn't immediately find it, which was fine, I was considerably drunk last night. I glanced over and had to look twice; no, I wasn't hallucinating, there was no beer there. I squinted in confusion before struggling to sit up.

Once in a semi-upright position, I double checked on and around the cabinet for the beer, made sure that I was clothed, and stumbled out into the kitchen. Aunt Marnie wasn't there. I stumbled over to the sink, reached into the cabinet above and grabbed some ibuprofen. I filled a glass with the coolest water that the well-fed tap would offer and downed the pills with the entire glass. The water lent me the temporary relief that I would need until the drugs started to kick in. It had been forever since I'd actually treated a hangover with anything but more booze and I surprised myself by instinctually knowing what to do. I wandered into the main part of the house where the shoppe was and found Aunt Marnie seated behind the counter doing some leisurely knitting to pass the time until a customer decided to enter. She glanced up at me and frowned,

"It's almost 3, Shane, you should have been up hours ago. You can't stay here if you aren't going to do the barn chores you're assigned," I sighed,

"I'm sorry, Aunt Marnie. I won't let it happen again, I'll double check my alarms next time," She nodded and looked back to her knitting. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly; I knew that she didn't approve of my drinking, but I know that there had always been at least half of a beer on the cabinet with my radio and it just wasn't around, hadn't been on the ground near it either, as I'd spared a passing glance to check.

"Uhm, Aunt Marnie, I - uh - you wouldn't happen to know where the beer that I keep next to the radio is, would you?" I asked.

"I would, Shane," she replied. She didn't say anything else.

"Uhm, where?" I asked sheepishly.

"Behind the barn." There was a pause,
"Don't bother trying to retrieve it. I've dumped it out," I stopped for a moment, shocked,

"You what?"

"I've dumped it out, Shane. It and any other beer you'd stored in my house. I'm cutting you off." I blinked,

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now