Imagine III

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Shane P.O.V.

Everyone was dancing.

Except me.

And then Hailey made her way over to where (Y/N) and Alex were dancing together and started flirting with Alex and pretty soon everyone was dancing except me and the farmer. I watched the farmer for a minute, glanced at Hailey grinding on Alex and had to look away, then looked back to the farmer. Their head was in their hands and I was pretty sure they were crying. It was a shame, rude as I was to them, they really were a sweet person. I stood and walked over to where they were sitting and sat next to them. I wasn't really thinking much and all I knew was that I wanted the happy, annoyingly perky farmer that I knew back. I set my hand on their shoulder and felt the word,
"Hey," slide out of my throat in a coarse, velvety way. My voice was deep from a lack of recent use. They looked up at me.
"Oh, Shane, I know I'm pathetic but could you please wait until later to tell me about it? I really can't right now." I winced, that stung. Badly. But I did deserve it, so I took a deep breath and shook my head,
"No, No, (Y/N). I," I hesitated, was I really about to be nice to the farmer? I supposed I was already in this far and the farmer would probably only feel worse if I just said never mind so what did I have to loose?
"I wanted to ask you to dance. I don't usually dance at these but there hasn't been anyone good to dance with before now so, whaddya say?" Wow. That was not what I'd meant to say at all. I'd meant to say something about having seen what happened and being sorry and that was crap but, honestly I really didn't have a problem with what came out instead. They took a beat and then blinked,
"Are you serious? That is, you're not trying to raise my hopes just to crash them back down, are you?" Ouch. Another sharp sting.
"No, none of that. I'm serious, I'd like to dance with you if you'll let me," I saw a smile slowly spread across their face.
"I'd like that very much, actually, thank you."
     We started out a little clumsy, to be honest. It was our luck that just when we stood to begin dancing a slow song came on. When I offered to wait they looked disappointed so I scratched that and took their hand. It turned out that neither of us had a clue where to put our hands. Half way through the song, we found something that probably wasn't even remotely correct, but it was comfortable. Soon enough, the slow song ended and we kind of awkwardly bounced back and forth to the rhythm of the song presently playing. A few songs later, the farmer requested that we head off the dance floor for a while, somewhere quieter as they couldn't handle the noise for that long. I agreed, offered my arm for them to take and led them outside. We walked down a cobbled path for a while and at some point the farmer leaned their head against my shoulder, which was surprisingly pleasant. After a while we found a small circular area with benches and flowering bushes and we stopped and sat down. We could still faintly hear the music but it wasn't anything interesting. I gently took my arm from them and placed it around them, allowing the farmer to cuddle into me. I heard them breath deeply in what I hoped was a contented way and realized that it wouldn't be difficult at all for me to get used to this.
"Thank you," I said. They looked up at me, surprised.
"What do you mean? You're the one who came over and rescued me after I was tossed aside," I shrugged,
"Yeah, but you let me. I've been nothing but mean to you since you came here and then I wander up suddenly nice? Seems pretty suspect to me but you gave me another chance so thank you," they smiled and stretched up and kissed my chin.
"You're welcome. I guess I never even through of it that way." I smiled and leaned my head against theirs and we once again let a comfortable and peaceful silence settle around us. I let my mind wander about the farmer and how much a bouquet cost at Pierre's.
     I don't know how long we'd been sitting there when another slow song came on. It sounded like it was probably the last song of the night, too. I stood and held my hand out,
"One last dance?" I asked. I'd almost said 'May I have this dance?' but was glad I hadn't because the more I thought about it the more I realized that it would have been cringily cliché. The farmer smiled, took my hand and stood up.
"On one condition."
"Name it."
"This is only the last dance for tonight."
I don't think I'd ever smiled so brightly,
"I'll swear it if you need me to." They shook their head. I placed my hands on their hips and they wrapped their arms around my neck and leaned against my shoulder. We swayed happily back and forth, enjoying the closeness. I took a deep breath and realized that their hair smelled amazing before resting my chin on their head and smiling. If things continued the way I hoped that they would, I'd be giving up beer to pay for a mermaid's pendant..

(((A/N much shorter than usual but I didn't see any need for it to be longer.

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now