Imagine VI

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     The feast of the winter star was today and you were a little wary. You had to give Demetrius a gift and had absolutely no idea what to give him. You couldn't exactly ask Robin now, as that would make him being your 'secret friend' fairly obvious. You'd recently received Granny's recipe for rice pudding from Granny herself and decided that anything that had to do with Granny was probably a pretty safe bet. Looking back now, that logic was flawed, but it was what it was. You finished preparation and filled a sealable bowl nearly to the brim with fresh pudding and secured a lid over the still-steaming mush. You finished any final cleanings of your wonderful new kitchen, placed the pudding in a box you had prepared, sealed it, and headed into town.

     As soon as you reached town square you placed the box labeled - in a beautiful calligraphy you'd practiced in what little free time you had back in the city - with Demetrius's name  and glanced at the other boxes, counting them quickly in your mind. You frowned, there definitely should be one more gift than there was. You glanced around; everyone was present, so where was the other gift? You walked up to Mayor Lewis,

"Mayor Lewis?" You asked quietly.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" He asking, smiling a fatherly smile down at you.

"Well, it's just.... Mayor Lewis, there seems to be one too few gifts under the tree.." You said hesitantly. This being your first winter here, you weren't really sure it was any of your business whether or not there were the proper number of gifts beneath the tree. Mayor Lewis frowned and for a moment you wished you hadn't said anything, then you heard what he had to say.

"Well, due to.... incidents two years in a row we - I, rather, stopped asking Shane to participate." You cocked your head to the side,

"May I ask why?" The Mayor sighed and gave a sad nod,

"He didn't receive a gift. Took the time to learn from Marnie what his 'secret friend' loved and made it happen but both years whoever had him simply didn't bring him anything. After it happened twice I spoke to him and told him that I'd exclude him from the list if he wished, that way he didn't have to go through the trouble again. He agreed." You nodded,

"I see, that seems reasonable," That's ridiculous! Sure, he didn't fit in great, but you were obligated to bring him something if you got him as a special friend, anyways! Maybe you were just biased as you'd grown close to the generally disliked man, but you liked to figure that you'd have been almost just as offended had it been anyone else.

     You wandered off and made small talk with different villagers you'd managed to befriend in the little time that you'd been in Pelican Town so far. Finally, after exchanging a word or two with nearly everyone, you made your way over to Shane. He glanced up at you and offered a small smile which you returned ten fold. Seeing Shane at all put a smile on your face, but seeing him smile because you'd walked up to him? Priceless.

"Hey, Shane. How are you?" You asked, genuinely interested, as always. He sighed,

"Not much different, really. What about you?" He asked. You shrugged.

"This festival... is great, I suppose. It just doesn't seem as close as a holiday like this should be, though." You said. He shrugged,

"You know how I feel about... closeness with most people," He said. You chuckled,

"Of course I do, I listen. But, hey, tomorrow's Friday. Why don't you come over to mine in the evening and we can play some "winter star" video games or something? I have some pizza rolls and such, it'll be a grand old time!" You said with confidence to contest your feelings; inside you were practically dying waiting for rejection. He frowned, you gulped.

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now