Imagine XIII

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Your P.O.V.

You turned from the stove when you heard the door open and smiled at your boyfriend as he entered,

"Welcome back. Go ahead and relax for a minute. Dinner's almost ready," You heard him chuckle as the door clicked shut behind him and he quietly removed his undoubtedly muddy shoes.

"You're always spoiling us with delicious food even though you work hard in the field and mines all day. We could just as easily go to Gus's or Aunt Marnie's and have something just fine," You grinned as you tended the meal,

"I know it. But there are so many delicious recipes being passed around this valley. I just want to try to make them all." You didn't even start as he hugged you gently from behind as he did every day when he got to your house after work at Joja and chores at Aunt Marnie's. He gave you a gentle peck on the side of your neck and hummed into it.

"So what is it tonight, then?" He asked into your neck. You chuckled,

"Careful, mister. I might be ticklish there," He nipped you playfully and you squealed lightheartedly in return. "I received a recipe for Salmon Dinner in the mail from Gus a little while ago and today while I was on my way back from Clint's I decided to stop to fish for a while. I caught my first salmon so I decided to celebrate by making the dish." You felt him smile against your neck and press a soothing kiss to where he had nicked you gently with his teeth,

"I look forward to it. Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked. You thought for a moment,

"Actually, there is. I've a lemon in my basket of fruit. Could you please cut it in half, wrap one half, and put that half in the fridge? Gus's recipe said that the lemon spritz made it 'extra special' So I don't want to forget it," You felt him nod and breathe deeply before slowly pulling himself off of you to head to the fruit basket.

Dinner was finished in short order and soon the two of you were seated at your small table conversing lightly.

"You know, sometimes our dinners like this make me think of St. Valentine's day back in the city. I imagine this must be similar to what couples do," Shane nodded,

"You know, I never really did give it that much thought. I never did anything for St. Valentine's day,"

"I didn't either. I was kind of dreading it when I realised it was coming up after I moved here but apparently you guys just don't celebrate or acknowledge it here in any way," Shane shrugged,

"I was really grateful when I realised that they didn't celebrate it here. It was, in the past, always a day when I would just get extra drunk to forget about the fact that people would hardly look my way, much less consider dating me," You chuckled,

"It a bit of a shame that now that we've both someone we could celebrate with, we've found ourselves somewhere where it isn't celebrated," Shane nodded thoughtfully,

"Yeah, I guess it is," He remarked.

The conversation slid smoothly onto other, lighter topics. The two of you laughed and chattered joyously into the night until you passed out at the table around 2 am just as you usually did and Shane tucked you in gently before doing the dishes and tucking into bed next to you.

Time passed relatively quickly in the fall as you found it to be your busiest season yet on the farm. Despite this, you still made time to cook your boyfriend meals almost daily and he had made habit of having a meal ready for you when you finished your work on the weekends when he didn't have to go to Joja-mart all day. Fall came and went in this cheery, quick fashion, and Winter didn't stay very much longer. You grew foragable crops in your field to help supplement the lack of other crops but overall your haul from the fall was enough to support you through the winter and you spent a lot more time in the mines. You were getting really good at patching yourself up before starting dinner so that Shane would stop worrying so much and winter, too, passed. Spring began with a flash of colour and a splashing of rain to rival the downpours of the previous fall. You planted a plethora of crops. Pierre had taken it upon himself to order a slightly more vast array of seeds since it was clear that you would be staying around and expanding. You already had all of the logs, stones, trees, and course grass cleared away and had a variety of green shoots in your field. You were relying greatly on sprinklers to lighten the load of watering daily so that you could spend more time in the mines and caring for your chickens and cow. Aunt Marnie had taken over all of Shane's barn chores at her ranch, saying you needed his help with your new animals and growing farm more than she did. He was basically moved in.

You'd long since forgotten the conversation about St. Valentine's day so when you opened the door of your farmhouse on Monday the 15th, you were surprised to find your table set with reds, whites, and pinks; the smell of your favourite meal wafting from the kitchen. You stepped inside and yelped when your boyfriend jumped from next to the door where he'd been hiding and smothered you in a loving hug. You both fell into laughter and affectionate kisses and once you'd both calmed down you looked back to the table and then to the kitchen and then returned your gaze to the loving and excited one of Shane,

"What is this? You shouldn't even be back from work yet. Is everything alright?" He grinned,

"Everything's perfect. I worked extra hours all month to get Morris to give me today off and I've made you your favourite meal for St. Valentine's day and we're going to celebrate here together even though we never got to in the city," He explained. You felt a huge grin break out across your face and you lept into his arms, embracing him tightly,

"This is, by far, the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you so, so much, Shane," You heard a muffled, "Anything," come from where his face was nestled in your hair. The two of you stood there contentedly for a moment before Shane reluctantly pulled himself back to tend to the meal.

Soon the two of you were seated at the very same table that had caused all of this, now decorated with red, white, and pink lace, candles, doilies, and covers. Once you had finished eating, Shane told you to stay where you were and close your eyes and then you heard him rush off in the direction of the kitchen. He soon returned and you heard him set something on the table and sit back in his own chair,

"Okay, you can open them," You opened your eyes and were met with a very beautiful looking display of your favourite dessert. The two of you exchanged a wordless thanks and you're welcome before enjoying the delicious treat. Soon you were both chattering happily as Shane insisted on doing the dishes himself. Once the dishes were done and the candles were put out, you found yourself in the sitting room, cuddled under his arm on the couch and still chatting happily.

"Why the fifteenth?" You asked. He chuckled,

"I wanted you to have your own day. Forget that silly city tradition. This Valentine's day is just yours. Just ours," You smiled and burrowed into him further, enjoying the sensation of his rough fingers toying with your hair. Since you were burrowed into his chest you felt the moment when his heart rate picked up. You looked up at him as he pulled his hand away from your hair and nervously ruffled it through his own hair, scratched the back of his neck, then reached to his pocket, whence he retrieved a small package.

"I-I figured I'd mix an old city tradition with a Stardew Valley one. I-hah-I wondered if maybe we could make this your day for-well, forever. Here," You took the package from him and unwrapped it carefully. You felt tears sting at the corners of your eyes as the package fell away to reveal a perfect blue mermaid's pendant. You looked at him with tears in your eyes to find him watching you nervously. He looked away when you looked up and you gently pulled his head back so that his gaze once again met yours.

"Really?" You asked. He nodded subtly.

"Y-yes," He stuttered. You grinned,

"I'd be honoured," You said, reaching up to connect your lips in a warm and familiar kiss.

(((Happy Valentine's day! I've never celebrated it myself but here's my gift to all of you! I know it's likely considerably shorter than you're used to from me anymore and for that I apologise. I could really use some ideas so if you have anything you'd like from one of these, shoot me a message and I'll see if I can write it! If I make a one shot from your idea, I'll dedicate the chapter to you. I hope that all of you have a much less lonely Valentine's day than I will and if you are alone, I hope that this one shot is a bright patch in your day.

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now