Imagine XI

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Dedicated To: amelyasu228

Your P.O.V.

You'd moved to Pelican town just a couple of years ago and by now you were an accepted part of the closely-knit community. You had friends, a best friend, a boyfriend, and some of the people in town considered you family. You nearest neighbor was Aunt Marnie who lived with Jas and your best friend, Shane. Shane had been one of the last people to really accept that you were going to be apart of the town but he was the person you'd grown the closest to most quickly. With Shane there was no being casual surface friends. If you got to know him - you got to know him. And he was highly selective of who he got to know. So much so that he had maybe... two friends in town that didn't live on Marnie's ranch. You wouldn't trade Shane for the world. 

Moving on, just across the path from Aunt Marnie was Leah's little cottage. You often enjoyed a meal with her and discussed art. Your friendship seemed to bring her great inspiration, she had said. There were so many people in town to talk about. You'd managed to befriend..everyone. Even Sebastian who was definitely a sort of recluse. In town right near the pub lived Granny and George with their grandson Alex, who also happened to be your boyfriend. You'd been dating for well over a year and you were thinking about trying to find the Old Mariner to buy him a mermaid's pendant if he didn't buy you one first. Things honestly couldn't be better. Your farm was successful, your grandfather was proud of you, Joja-Mart was gone. At first you had been worried about Joja-Mart shutting down because Shane and Sam worked there but Shane just went to helping Aunt Marnie full-time and you hired Sam to work on your farm as a hand. You allowed him to work whenever worked for him as long as his duties were never neglected and he was paid a certain amount for each job he did. It worked out well. You also let him take some crops from harvests home so that Jodi could cook with them and she would often invite you over to meals when Sam brought home a particularly large amount of crops. 

Today you were figuring you'd be busy in the field all day, seeing as it was fall and you were growing the most crops right now but Sam surprised you by showing up extra early and saying that he thought you deserved a day off at the peak of the season. You thanked him profusely and promised him a bonus in both money and crops. He'd blushed slightly and insisted that that wasn't necessary before he set to work. 

You hurried inside to change into nicer clothes and tidy yourself up before you mounted your horse and headed into town. On your way in you saw Shane walking out of Pierre's with an armful of groceries. You rode up and offered to help him take them home.

"Thanks, (Y/N), but it isn't that far." You frowned a little before changing your mind and pouting at him,

"Pleaseee?" you asked. He sighed and gave you a kind smile,

"Aw come on, (Y/N), that isn't any fair. You know I can't say no to that face." You grinned,

"C'mon, hand me the groceries, I'll put them in my saddle bags and you can hop up in front of me," Shane hesitantly handed you the groceries,

"I'm not a very good rider. Well, I take it back, I can't ride. At all. You know that," You smiled at him,

"Do you trust me?" He sighed deeply,

"More than anyone," He muttered begrudgingly. You grinned and held out your hand since you had finished putting away the groceries,

"Then let me help you up,"He grabbed around your wrist and your hands locked securely together. You moved your foot closest him out of the stirrup and invited him to put his foot there to help him up and then pulled him efficiently up into the saddle. You settled him securely in front of you and gave him the other stirrup, "You can also hold onto the saddle horn, okay? And this winter when I have less crops'll take time out of mining to give you riding lessons, if you're interested," You said with considerably less volume now that your chin was basically resting on his shoulder. You wrapped your arms gently but securely around him and held onto the reins, your chin resting on his shoulder so that you could see past him to ride. "If you get scared I'll slow down, okay? But since you have stirrups and the saddle horn you should be more than fine, I promise." He nodded and gently tapped your head with his own in what you figured was probably some type of self reassurance. 

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now