Imagine VIII

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Your POV

     You'd seen this scene in too many cliche movies during your time back in the city: Some dude from out of town comes along and harasses the prettiest chick in town and then she's saved by a jock. Well, you'd seen that scene. Unfortunately, Stardew Valley's out of town creep wasn't done harassing people once Alex saved Haley so, here you were, outside of Pierre's , backed up against the help wanted adds, trying to stay as far as possible from the crooked, yellow grin in front of you that kept trying to convince you to let him buy you a drink. Frankly, you didn't want a drink, it was just after five and you still had some work to do on the farm. No one was really out and about right now. The only people with strict nine to five jobs were Sam and Shane and you had no real idea when/if they'd be walking past. You were trying to ask the guy politely to leave you alone and tell him that you had work to do but he really wasn't having any of it. You opened your mouth to say something a little more rude when a firm, gravelly voice spoke from behind the creep,

"Hey, get away from them, they don't seem to want you around," You looked around the guy and saw Shane, in his torn-up, filthy Joja Mart hoodie, standing there looking rather determined. The guy in front of you chuckled some,

"You should have come by earlier when that pretty blonde was here. If I were talking to someone more worth protecting, maybe I'd back off. This one's covered in dirt, though. Sure, your words are nice but I'm pretty sure they're not worth your effort, buddy," Shane grew visibly angrier.

"For your information, if it was 'that pretty blonde' I wouldn't have stopped. I happen to think that this dirt-covered person you're bothering here is very worth protecting. I'm here going out of my way to do so, aren't I? Now, I'm going to tell you again: get away from them." You blushed slightly. You talked to Shane almost daily, sure, but you didn't seem to be getting anywhere with him and he usually seemed pretty calloused. You thought you'd never even be friends with him, the way he acted. You'd seen his eyes light up once when you gave him a birthday present. But it was fall now, and you were pretty sure he didn't remember that. Sure, you made sure to give him a hot pepper once or twice a week since you knew he wasn't growing them. You even kept some extra instead of selling them so that you could gift them to him for as long as they kept. But...

     The man raised an eyebrow,

"C'mon, you're not serious about this. I just want to buy them a drink, man, buzz off," The man turned back to you and blocked your view of Shane, "Now, how about that drink, huh? A nice dr-" He was cut off sharply as he flew from your vision. Now, in front of you, was a clearly livid Shane, fist outstretched.The creep now lay sprawled on the ground, a couple of feet away. He groaned, rolled over, and looked back up, tears in his eyes, blood starting to dribble from the corners of his mouth, and holding his cheek where he'd been stricken,

"Damn t'at hur', you thon of a bifth." He spit out a tooth. "Fine, 'ave 'em. Not wort' dis stit," He said, his speech impaired from the strong blow. He stood and walked toward the bus stop. Shane watched him go for a minute before turning to you with genuine concern in his eyes,

"Are you alright? How long had he been harassing you before I got here? I'm so sorry I didn't come by sooner, Morris was trying to talk to me an--" You cut him off by wrapping your arms around him. He stiffened for a moment before relaxing and wrapping his surprisingly comforting arms around you, squeezing gently. He took a deep breath and you could tell he was about to speak again but you first needed to make sure that it wasn't going to be 20 questions and a thousand apologies. 

"Thank you so much," You said, a little too frazzled to make anything more sound very coherent but hoping it would calm his nerves about how long you were there and if you were okay and the thousand other questions you were sure he was ready to ask. He gave you a gentle squeeze and released to the previous pressure of the hug,

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now