Imagine XII

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Shane's P.O.V.

I stood nervously outside (Y/N)'s door. It was early Saturday and I was waiting for them to come outside. Aunt Marnie had heard from Jodi that the farmer loved sushi and she told me and here I was... about to make a fool of myself. Honestly I hadn't known the farmer very long but no one else in this town even cared that I existed so they were worth taking a shot on, I felt. It was rare for me to feel... anything... at all..... ever. So the fact that every time those shining (e/c) eyes locked with mine I could feel my heart melting meant something to me.

Most of the time I was so numb that there was only a 1 in 10 shot I would feel if I stepped on a staple and it pierced my skin. But with the farmer I got livid and morose and ecstatic and a whole rainbow of things I'd never experienced, some of which I was sure there weren't even words yet to describe. It was terrifying and exciting all at once.

Just as I was wondering if this was a mistake and realising that everyone in town liked the farmer and that they had their pick of literally anyone and that I would be their very last choice, the door opened. Their face washed with shock and then they beamed,

"Good morning, Shane! What brings you here so early this fine fall Saturday?" They asked. My heart leapt at how enthusiastically they greeted me and I hesitated before rubbing the back of my neck nervously as I blushed.

"I--I wondered---well, yesterday was payday and--" The farmer chuckled and my gut dropped as I realised that they were about to let me down easy because they were too nice to be mean to me like I deserved. They smiled kindly and walked out past me and sat down on the top step. They patted the wood next to them,

"Here, have a seat," I did. "There's no need to stutter so much," They smiled at me, "It's just me and I'm nothing special," I scoffed in my head. I'd been alive for how many years and felt almost zero emotion and you come along and suddenly I feel a whole range and you think you're not special? Please. But instead I gave a sheepish half smile and said,

"Well, that's hardly true. I'll let it slide, though, because I have a question," They looked at me expectantly and I could see in their eyes that it was genuine. I took a deep breath and said, "I wondered if you'd want to go into the city today. There's this place I know, I heard a rumor that you like sushi an--"

"Sushi?!" They asked excitedly. I nodded sheepishly,

"Y-yeah," They beamed so brightly I could swear it dotted my eyes,

"I absolutely adore sushi. Wow. word really does get around in this tiny town. I was kind of down because there isn't anywhere here that serves it," I nodded,

"I had heard. See, yesterday was payday and I wondered if you'd like to-- you see there's this place in the city that I hear phenomenal things about and I--well, if you aren't too opposed or anything--that is, not that--"

"Shane?" I stopped and swallowed a large lump in my throat,

"Yes?" I asked trepedatiously,

"Are you asking me to go with you to the city for sushi?" They asked. I could feel heat radiating off of my face as I nodded. Their smile brightened, if that was possible. "I don't have very much money, but going with you is definitely worth it," They said. I shook my head,

"N-no, see, I-I'll be paying. The bus fair, the restaurant bill, all of it," They cocked their head at me,

"No. You can't. That's too much. I could never ask you to do something like that," at some point I had shifted my gaze to my hands fidling nervously in my lap,

"Would it be too cliché to say that it's a good thing I didn't ask?" I inquired, peeking up at them out of the corner of my eye and through my hair. They giggled and held their hand up with their thumb and forefinger almost touching,

Shane(Stardew Valley) x Reader shotsWhere stories live. Discover now