Biological (Part 1)

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I stood up expecting the worst...
You:what Daniel?
Diggy:would you calm down. Damn babe!
You:I've heard this to many times!
Diggy:-sighs- just sit please.
I looked at him for a while before finally sitting down..
Diggy:ok. Well you remember Jessica?
Diggy:My old bestfriend.
I thought about it then got a attitude..
You:what about her?
Diggy:well I seen her.
Diggy:when I first landed, she works at the airport now.
You:Diggy did you really just get me hyped just to say that!?
Diggy:no...and she wants to see jr.
You:I'm sorry say what now?
Diggy:she wants to see him.
You:hell no! Absolutely not!
Diggy:I knew you would say that.
You:damn right!
He looked at me like he wanted to say more but my decision was made!
Diggy:you don't think he should finally meet her? I mean she seems to be doing a lot better.
You:I don't give a damn! He will not see that women!
Diggy:-sighs- I kind of gave her my number.
You:I don't see why!
Diggy:because I told her to call and set when she wanted to see him.
You:oh so you're regulating shit now. Alright
Diggy:come on b-
You:I don't want to hear it!
Diggy:You honestly have no reason to be mad!
Diggy:Are you really about to act like this? Can I atleast explain more?
I got up annoyed and disgusted, I went downstairs and grabbed my keys and left to go get something to eat, after I went back home and made their plates..
You:kids come eat!
Before I knew it all 3 of them ran downstairs..
Jr:what you get ma?
You:boy just go eat.
Aubrey:thanks ma.
You:welcome baby.
I went into the fridge and poured them some juice, before I could walk out diggy walked in..
Diggy:what you get?
He asked but I walked passed him ignoring him, before I could even fully sit down he came in the room and stood in front of me...
Diggy:come on we to old for this!
Diggy:so you're not going to answer me?
Diggy:[YN] !
Diggy:You real childish for this!
Diggy:talk to me!
Diggy:ok maybe I was wrong for giving her my number but you should understand. That she's still h-
You:You better watch it Daniel!
Diggy:I'm jus-
You:Where have she been all this time huh? Where was she at when he was 8 months? Last time I checked she had visits but never came! Or even announced herself! She has no right to see MY son!
Diggy:-sighs- can we just drop it?
You:I'm done!
I said getting up ready to walk out but he stopped me..
Diggy:come here baby...
You:Daniel I'm about to go get my daughter ready for bed.
Diggy:So you can't show me no love?
You:I'm not in the mood.
Diggy:-smacks teeth- Man! That's that bullshit foreal!
I tried to walk again but he still wouldn't move...
You:can you move?
Diggy:can I have a kiss at least?
I pecked him on the lips and tried to walk away again but he stopped me...
You:come on Daniel stop!
Diggy:You giving bullshit ass kisses now?
You:Move Daniel!
Diggy:you really mad.
You:-whispers- How about I call mike up?
I said trying to walk away again but he grabbed my arm and gave me a mean look...
Diggy:what did you just say!?
Diggy:naw repeat that again?
You:uh oh someone's angry.
Diggy:call him I don't give a damn! If that's what you want! He won't be seeing my daughter though...
You:ohh but Jessica can see my son!?
Diggy:you're mad for no reason! First off mike already had his turn when she was six! We haven't heard from him since!...look He's you're son I know, you took care of him I know! But you don't think he can't atleast see her!?
You:No! How many times do I have to say it!? Want me to spell it? Write it on you're big ass head!?
Diggy:alright [YN] keep talking crazy...
I rolled my eyes and finally bumped passed him going downstairs to see Aubrey washing dishes...
You:thanks baby.
Aubrey:no problem mommy.
You:where is you're brother and sister?
Aubrey:In they room...
You:oh ok.
It got real silent as I sat on the stool...
Aubrey:mom who's Jessica and why can't she see jr?
You:-sighs- Aubrey how do you even know about her?
Aubrey:you and dad don't argue as quiet as y'all think.
You:it's no one.
You:Aubriel stay out of grown folks business!
Aubrey:yes ma'am
I was beginning to walk back upstairs when I heard the doorbell ring...I went to open it and there stood her...
?:where's my son?

{stay tuned! VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW! #muchlove }

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