Unpredictable... (Part 1)

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He let me go and backed away from me...
Diggy:what are you talking about!?
You:oh don't go acting confused on me!
Diggy:you are out of your mind!
You:Yea right!
He looked at me then the kids...as they cried.
Diggy:Go in your rooms!
Aubrey:-sniffles- No!
Diggy:Aubriel don't make me tell you again!
Aubrey:-Yells- I hate you!
She ran out while jr and Amina still stood there in fear!
Diggy:Jr go take your sister to her room.
Junior gave him a evil stare and walked out...he didn't even have to tell dig he hated him his whole expression said it clearly...
Diggy:-sighs- now...I'm going to be completely honest with you... I have not had sex with her...do I think about it? Yes. I do text her... Do I still care about her? Yes. she was my Bestfriend and I will always have love for her she gave me my first son. Do I still love her? I would be lying if I said I didn't...honestly I don't know. B-
You:wow...I c-
Diggy:let me finish... But I am in love with you. I wouldn't trade you for anything you was also my Bestfriend that I not only fell in love with but I gave my heart to...you gave me something that Jessica didn't and couldn't.... You gave me two beautiful daughters and most importantly you gave me your heart! I may not be sure about Jessica but I know you always have my back and I love and thank you. I am wrong for all of this and I know I don't know when or if you will ever forgive me but I just want you to know that you are my everything.
As I stood in front of the man that I gave everything to, the man that I truly love and would do anything for pour his heart out to me I couldn't help but register all that he just said to me. I wiped my tears and moved away from him. Before he could say anything Jr ran in..
Jr:mom someone's at the door...
I was walking out but dig grabbed my arm and looked in my red eyes then let me go...I could tell that he felt bad and I was still trying to adjust to everything...I went to the door and opened it to see none other than Jessica...
You:Can I help you?
Jess:oh I need to speak to Daniel.
Jess:my son.
I was honestly so drained out and tired I didn't even have it in me to argue with her...she came in and Daniel came down wiping his face...
Diggy:what are you doing here?
Jess:I came to see Jr. Remember you said later!
Diggy:Ohh shit today is n-
You:-yells- jr come here baby.
Diggy looked at me looking to find what I was up to. No one could even imagine how tired I am of fighting...it's like I'm running out of gas...everything is hitting me so fast and I'm just so tired!
Jess:you've been crying huh dan?
Jess:come on you can't lie to me Dan I was once your Bestfriend I know when you've been crying just like I know when your lying like now...you start rubbing your big ass head
Diggy:-chuckles- yea.
Jr came down the stairs and Aubrey and Aubriel and Amina stood at the stairs...
Jr:yea Ma!?
I looked at him and tried so hard not to cry but failed, he walked up to me and hugged me...
Jr:stop crying mama!
You:I'm sorry baby.
Jr:what's wrong?
You:I'm just so proud of how well you've been doing, you are mama's baby and I will always love you no matter what you know that right?
Jr:I love you to ma can you stop crying now?
I wiped my face and he helped me, I wasn't crying because of Jessica being there or the thought of her taking my place. I know that I will always be his mom! I was crying because she was here to be back in his life and I'm allowing her...
You:-sniffles- say hi jun.
Jess:hi sweetie...you are a very handsome young man you know that?
Jr:thank you.
Jess:no problem. Want to go get some icecream again?
Jr: I ca-
You:it's ok baby.
Jr:really!? What about my sisters?
Jess:they can come to.
Amina:can I go?
Diggy:sure sweetie.
I walked away towards the kitchen when I heard Daniel yell out...
Diggy:what about you Bre?
Aubrey:Hell no!
I heard her run and slam her door, It was sure time for some more drink... I said fuck it and drunk out of the bottle... After a while diggy finally walked in and I put what was left in the fridge. As it stayed silent between us I took deep breaths...
Diggy:Thank you for that means a lot.
You:I didn't do it for you! I did it for my son and because I'm tired.
Diggy:tired of what?
You:I'm tired of everything Daniel Fighting, crying, hurting, just life period.
Diggy:You don't think I'm tired to? My daughter and son hates me! I'm losing my wife. Everything is just moving so fast. You don't have to tell me that I'm slowly losing you I already know that you might leave me and it's killing me just thinking about it. I have everything I could ever want and I'm losing it starting with the most important person.
I could here everything he was saying clearly, I just wouldn't except it...
You:Now I would be lying if I didn't agree.
He sat at the table and looked at me like he wished That I didn't just say that...He was hurting and I knew it but even the tears that fell from his cheek couldn't get me to change my answer...
Diggy:So your willing to give up on me? On 5 years of marriage!?
You:Your willing to think about having sex with another woman! Your willing to text this woman every morning! Your willing to go see this woman! Your willing to admit to loving this woman to me!
He stayed quiet...I heard the door and went to go open it with dig following, I opened to Jessica and the kids..
You:did you get your ice cream baby?
Jr:yea we ate it on the way back.
You:that fast?
Aubriel came back to the stairs and just rolled her eyes...
You:ok say thank you and bye guys.
Amina:bye thank you!
Jr:Bye Ms....
Jess:you can call me Mom...

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