Not Getting It...

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You:What part of "Don't come near here" didn't you understand!
I was now in her face ready to punch her at any time!
Diggy:No need for all of that.
You:Don't say shit to me!
Jess:You know what let me get out of here.
You:Yea that would be the smartest thing you've EVER done!
Diggy:NO! You both need to hear this. Sit!
You:I don't "need" to hear shit!
I said trying to walk away but he pulled me back.
Diggy:Don't make me tell you again!
You:Daniel I'm not the kids and I'm not scared of you!
He gripped my arm and sat me down on the couch, I don't know what's up with him being physical putting his hands on me but he better stop that shit now...he just don't know!
Jess:-claps- finally you put that motor mouth in her place.
You:I'm gonna put you in yours if you keep talking!
Jess:you fuckin wish!
You:alright bitch!
Diggy:-sighs- can y'all shut up!
You:can you?
Diggy:Grow up!
Jess:yea gr-
Diggy:shut up Jess!
He looked at her and me then sighed and sat down in the chair in front of us.
Diggy:Ok so let me start off with Jessica, Jess I know you mean well but you just can't keep poppin up over here! He's your son I know but [YN] is right it's been 6 years since you've been in Jr life. He has a pretty good life with me his dad and [YN] as his step mom.
Diggy:-Sighs- shut up...damn! Let me finish
You:-Rolls eyes-
Diggy:and you going up to my sons school and taking him off school property was way beyond not coo! If you want to be able to see you're son then you need to go with the plan and take it slow! You are his mother no denying that at all and you have all rights to see you're son but let's go easy he's only 8.
Jess:alright. I can do that just call me when we are going to start.
Diggy:this weekend how about just me, you, and the kids go out somewhere.
Jess:alright just call me.
Diggy:oh and Jess thanks for understanding.
Jess:no problem. Thanks for letting me back in his life
I was completely in a sort of shock/hurt/angry at what I just heard...he just plainly disrespected me with no hesitation! He just made plans with another women and my kids, and he just disobeyed my orders... As soon as he got up to walk her out the tears finally fell and I got up and went upstairs to get all of my shit from our room to move it to the guest room, he walked in and looked at me confused.
Diggy:what are you doing?
Diggy:[YN] what are you doing!?
I Just ignored him and continued to take my clothes out the closet, I picked some up and headed out but he blocked me...
Diggy:What are you doing!?
Diggy:Don't make me s-
You:-Yells- or what! What the fuck are you going to do! Huh? Keep putting your hands on me? Or take it to the next level and Slap me up? Punch me? Slam me! Choke me? Huh? Daniel I suggest you get the fuck out of my way before you end up slumped!
He put both of his hands up surrendering and I bumped passed him putting the clothes in the other room and went back to repeat and he followed every step...
Diggy:so you moving in the guest bedroom for what?
Diggy:Can you just answer me!?
Diggy:ok so this is what you expect to do?...just ignore me? You can't ignore me forever [YN] I'm you're husband
You:That don't mean shit to you, so why should it matter to me!?
Diggy:-sighs- What are you talking about!? Of course it matters to me!
Diggy:so that's what this is all about? Me not caring about our marriage?
Diggy:If I didn't care about this marriage I wouldn't still be here!
Diggy:would you just tell me what I did to make you think that!?
I put only half of my shoes in the guest closet along with some clothes. I sat on the bed and he followed...
Diggy:Babe this is stupid!
Diggy:so you really think that by you moving out the room will help? What about when the kids come home and wanna know why dad and mom aren't in the same room or not talking!
The whole time he talked I was on my phone emailing some documents to my computer at work. He was getting real inpatient and I really didn't care!
Diggy:See this that dumb shit!
Diggy:why you always gotta do this dumb shit!?
You:same thing I'm asking about you!
Diggy:what I do!?
You:Daniel you will never get it so there's no need to explain.
Diggy:Explain! I want to know what I've done to have you move your stuff out of the room!
You:I've told you before... You don't respect me!
You:well to start it off you lied...again! You're back talking to you're ex..again! You pulled that Stevie j move... AGAIN! You agreed to her seeing my son when I said she couldn't! You keep putting you're hands on me, you disrespected me especially in front of her, Daniel you even made plans for you, her, and MY kids! It was like I wasn't even there and when I was you only told me to Shut the way you really need to cut that shit out!
Diggy:-sighs- you act like I only told you to shut up. I told Jessica to!
You:that's what you're suppose to do to her! HER! I am you're WIFE! Me and her should NEVER be on the same level!
Diggy:I'm sorry if I upset you. Honestly you are completely right.
You:You're not sorry.
Diggy:I a-
You:just like you're not sorry for allowing her to be in jr life, or grabbing me, or just disrespecting me period! Daniel you have changed and I don't like it!
Diggy:I accept all my wrong you've just told me except me letting Jessica back in jr life, you let mike back in Aubrey's life even after all the things he did! That is not fair [YN]
You:And you fought with him almost every time! He isn't here now because you two can't get along!
Diggy:oh don't blame me for him leaving his daughter life again! He's a grown ass man I'm not stopping him from shit!
You:whatever Daniel! Do whatever you want but you are NOT taking aubriel and Amina!
Diggy:-chuckles- yea right.
You:you can go now.
Diggy:So that's it.
Diggy:So what now?
You:If you don't get it together I'm taking my kids and leaving! Permanently

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