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I grabbed him and we went straight to the house, I kept going off on him all the way in the house...
You:Daniel you know better than to walk off with strangers!
Jr:Yes Ma'am
You:Why would you even do something so stupid!
Jr:I don't know.
You:I swear to god! I should beat you're butt!
Jr:-cries- I'm sorry mama!
You:What kind of shit is that! You just leave with strangers now!? Huh?
Jr:no ma'am!
You:-yells- I don't want you EVER to speak to that lady again! Matter of fact I will make sure that you don't! You are not to play video games, be on you're computer, watch TV,NONE of that shit! If you aren't doing homework you are to read a book! Do you understand me!
Diggy:what's going on?
Aubrey:what happen mom?
You:Aubrey go pack you and you're sister some clothes.
You:DONT ask me why! Just do what the hell I told you to do!
Aubrey:yes ma'am
I paced the floor and diggy just looked at me...
Diggy:what happen?
You:go ahead jr tell you're father!
Diggy:what happen jr?
Jr:I was waiting on mom to come and this lady came up and start talking to me...she took me down the street and got me ice cream.
Diggy:Jr you know better than to go with strangers.
Jr:but she wasn't a stranger!
Diggy:then who was she?
Jr:You're friend Jessica.
Diggy:I'm sorry who?
Diggy rubbed his head and paced the floor...
You:you do NOT talk to that woman ever again!
Diggy:Come on [YN] lets ju-
You:No! I told you to handle that BITCH! Now she's going up to my sons school? YOU let this happen! I blame you for all of this you stupid Asshole!
Diggy:you better watch your mouth in front of my son!
You:you got it boss man. Jr go upstairs and pack some clothes while I talk to you're idiot father!
Jr walked up the stairs and as soon as he was out of sight diggy pushed me to the wall...
Diggy:I'm tired of you talkin all that shit! Cursing me out infront of the kids? Is a no go! You have lost yo damn mind!
You:get out of my face!
Diggy:you are really trippin!
You:Oh I'm trippin but you're ex comes to MY house come in between MY family goes up to MY sons school and I'm trippin!?
I pushed him from infront of me and picked my purse up from the couch...
You:come on kids!
Diggy:where are you taking them!?
You:away from here!...Away from you!
Diggy:I swear I have been being a little to easy on you!
You:You talking real reckless.
The kids came down with they bags ready pouting...
Aubrey:where are we going?
You:to you're grandmother house.
Aubrey:which one?
Aubrey:I don't want to go.
You:to bad you don't have a choice!
Diggy:You don't have to go if you don't want to.
I gave her the look and they all walked to the car!
You:You will never get it!
I said walking out and went to my moms house...
Mom:hey baby!
Aubrey:hey nana.
Mom:hey sweetie.
Jr just stood there and I looked away him but he dropped some tears and ran off.
Mom:what's wrong with him?
You:a long story mom I'll explain it later.
I walked off to go find jr, he was sitting on the chair throwing rocks... I sat next to him and he looked up but continued to throw the rocks...
You:What's the matter Jun?
Jr:-sighs- it's all my fault! I'm so stupid!
You:you are not stupid! What you did was stupid but baby you are the smartest little boy ever. Don't you ever call yourself stupid!
Jr:but it's my fault you and dad hate eachother.
You:no baby! Me and daddy don't hate each other we just disagree sometimes that's all.
Jr:-sighs- I know bu-
You:but nothing sweetheart we will be fine me and your father love each other very much! There isn't anything we wouldn't do for you. Always remember that.
Jr:Yes Ma'am
You:now I have to go back home but I'll pick you up Friday.
I got up and fixed myself then smiled at him...
You:I love you jun.
Jr:I love you too ma.
I went and told my mom what was going on then kissed the girls goodbye and went back home to find Daniel in the living talking to someone...I guess he didn't hear me because he continued to talk...
Diggy:She's really trippin and I don't want her to get any worser.
?:I'm not scared of her Daniel! She need to know and understand.
Diggy:not yet Jess!
As soon as I heard him say that I took off my heels and barged in ready to beat her down....

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