The Absents... (Part 2)

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I felt like I had been driving around for hours I still didn't see her, I was so scared for my baby that I felt like throwing up and indeed I pulled over and did just that. The tears were just pouring down I got back in my car and drove to my parents house. When my mom opened the door I just barged in...
Mom:[YN] where have you been? We have been trying to contact you m-
You:mom please tell me Aubriel is here!
Mom:no isn't she with Dan?
You:Oh my god. No
?:Is everything ok?
I looked up to see the last person I ever wanted to see...
You:You have got to be kidding me!
I just prayed in my head that this was all a dream and if so I was ready to get up like right now!
You:What the hell are you doing here!?
Mom:[YN] watch your mouth! He came to see You and Aubriel.
Mike:I just felt like it was time
You:For wh- you know what I don't even want to know! Mom my daughter is missing and I don't know where she is! Mommy I'm scared!
Mom:What!? What happen!?
You:Diggy's little friend told her that he wasn't her father! Mom my baby is out there somewhere lost!
Mom:woah what friend!?
You:her name is Jessica mom I'm scared!
Daddy:What's going on?
You:Daddy I can't find Aubrey!
Daddy:what you mean you can't find her!?
You:She ran away and I can't find her!
I cried as my mom pulled me in and my dad ran to get his keys.
Daddy:Alright ima go check towards the south around Ridgeway.
Mike:And I'll check the north!
They both left and as much as I wanted to know why mike was here I could only focus on one thing and that's getting my daughter home...
Mom:oh baby I'm sure everything will be alright.
You:how could I just let my baby be dragged in this mess! It's my fault ma!
Mom:Oh baby hush. You can't control what goes on through that baby's head! She is just Lost and confused. You can't blame her that is not something anyone wants to hear and at her age I'm sure it's very hard.
You:I'm her mom I'm suppose to protect her from pain! I feel like I failed
Mom:not at all! Who failed was this Jessica girl ohhh don't let me see her! My poor grandchild mmm my lord.
You:I looked everywhere and I forgot my phone at Diggy's. I need it though what if she's calling?
Mom:want me to go get it?
You:no I don't want you killing Daniel just yet.
Mom:I sure would have! How did he let that happen!?
You:I don't know.
We waited for hours and it was getting real dark. I was still crying and my mom was trying to get me to eat. I finally decided to go back to diggy's to get my phone, I knocked and he opened...
You:I need my phone!
He reached in his pocket and handed it to me, before I could walk away he grabbed me...
Diggy:Have you found her!?
Diggy:Well if you do can you give me a call?
Diggy:no? Wh-
You:But I will be back to pick up my children!
Diggy:It's Friday! My weekend with them!
You:I don't care! Weekend over!
Diggy:you can't do that [YN] they are my children too!
You:I'm not about to deal with you and you're bullshit!
Diggy:my bullshit!?
You:Goodbye Daniel!
Diggy:Oh and that nigga Terrell called. You're little boyfriend.
I went back to my house to see if she was there and she wasn't this had to be my worst day ever! I went back to my mom house to see my dad and mike back...
You:Did you find her!?
Dad:no baby I'm sorry.
Mike:No but I called the police and they said that they have already started a search...
I went over and slumped on the couch next to mike, my mom was so nervous that she couldn't stay still so she got up to do the dishes and my dad was always private so him going into his office wasn't surprising...
Mike:so what happen?
You:(sighs) Diggy's little hoe told Aubrey that he wasn't her father.
Mike:Wow...And what did Daniel do?
Mike:(sighs) that's not right.
You:Yea I know.
Mike:Well I'm sure that they will find her and I'm sure she's fine she is a smart girl.
You:and how would you know that!? Mike why are you even here!?
Mike:I had to go away [YN] !
You:You had to? yea whatever! Look you can go!
Mike:You want me to just leave knowing that Aubriel is out there lost.
You:We don't need you!
Mike:Why? Because you got little Diggy? Well If my eyes aren't tricking me I don't see him no where around! And is he even out looking for her!? I'm just here to make sure Aubriel gets back home safely!
I was tired of talking and just emotionally and physically drained...I felt my phone ring and reached in my pocket, I answered knowing it was Daniel...
Diggy:She's here the Officers found her way on the east side at a bus stop.
You:Oh my god!
I hung up the phone and went to tell my mom the news, I grabbed my purse and went for the door. mike followed I just didn't feel like arguing so we got in and went to Diggy's...When I knocked he opened and me and Mike walked in
You:Where is she!?
Diggy:What are you doing here!?
Mike:I'm here to see about Aubrey!
Diggy:not in my house!
Aubrey:I'm fine!
She ran down the stairs and I dropped my purse and ran to hug her... Words couldn't explain how happy I was! I released her then bent down!
You:Aubriel Marie Don't you ever do that again!! You had me so worried! Why would you do such a thing!?
Aubriel:Why didn't you tell me!?
You:Tell you what!?
Aubriel:That he wasn't my daddy!
You:Oh baby It was what was best for you at the time.
Aubriel:What's best for me or you!?
You:Aubriel you will not talk to me like that!
Diggy:Aubrey come here.
Diggy:Aubriel come here now!
Aubriel:No your not my daddy!
She ran out the door and mike followed...
Diggy:(sighs) that girl!
You:I have to go but when your mom gets back call me.
I walked out to see Aubrey and mike in the car...I went back to my house and she went up and showered...
You:I just don't know what to do with her!
Mike:well after we had our little discussion she's just Lost [YN]. Getting told that the only father that she's ever known isn't her biological. That's a lot to put on a 12 year old and that's coming from me, the man that was suppose to be there.
You:I know and trust me if I could have stopped this from happening then I would have.
Mike:Stop her from the truth? Now don't get me wrong [YN] this whole situation was beyond fucked up but look at it like this...She knows now what is the next step?...Tell her about me?...Don't tell her about me? She's gonna want more answers [YN] are you ready to tell her them answers?
I was hearing everything that he was telling me and I know that she was going to want to know about her father and lucky me he was standing right infront of me...
You:Tell her about you!? What is there to tell!? Oh hey baby your father Mike left us when you were a baby, beat mommies ass, Came back years later asks for my forgiveness I give it to him and then He leaves again and boom he's back what 6 years later!? Hell no!
Mike:I've had my reasons [YN] !
You:And what could possibly be more important then her!?
Mike:It was my health [YN]!!
You:I don't have time for you. I have to be focused on my daughter.
I got up and went to the kitchen and when I returned Aubrey was sitting next to mike showing him something on her phone...
You:What are you two doing?
Mike:oh she's showing me her pictures of when she went on a field trip to SD.
You:Aubrey are you hungry?
You:Aubriel change that tone!
You:Little girl you better wa-
Aubrey:I wanna go with Uncle Mike!
Aubrey:I don't wanna be no where near you! I hate you!

{Hey guys thanks for reading! This is only the beginning lol VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW #muchlove }

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