Moment of truth... (Part 2)

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She looked at me in disbelief and her eyes began to water as she gasped...
You:I knew this was a bad idea! I'm sorry Aubrey but you said you wanted to know and I told you.
She just stared at me as tears ran down her cheek, I felt bad all over again...I didn't know what else to say at the moment so I just waited for her response...
Aubrey:...Are you serious!?
Aubrey:As in the Uncle Mike house I just left!?
Aubrey:Oh my god!
You:Aubrey It's getting late but we can talk more about it tomorrow and don't be mad at Mike I told him not to tell you!
You:Just take your time with this one...
Aubrey:I-i-I I just can't believe it. So the guy that I had always thought was my daddy isn't but turns out the guy that I knew as uncle Mike really was my daddy...
She just got up and walked out without saying another word I went out to get Amina and Jr to put them to sleep...I finally got to lay down and when I did I drifted right off to sleep...

Next Morning...

I woke up to the kids jumping on my bed...
You:Hey hey hey stop it!
Amina:Wake up mommy!
Jr:Yea it's almost 12!
They laid down next to me and leaned their heads on my shoulders...
You:uhh oh mommy over slept huh?
Amina:(giggles) yes
You:Aww I'm sorry sweetie. How about some Pancakes?
You:Alright...where is your sister?
Amina:I don't know...
Jr:I haven't heard her either...
You:hmm I'm sure she's still tired I'll let her sleep for a little while.
I got up and sent the kids to their room, I got in the shower and got dressed then went and got the kids showered and dressed, I had no real plans for today but I would be sure to come up with something soon... I made the kids food and decided that it was time to wake Aubrey up, I knocked on her door...
You:Aubrey! Come on it's time to get up!
I knocked again and still no answer,
I was getting inpatient so I opened it and she wasn't in her bed...I checked in her bathroom and she wasn't there either... Only thing running in my head right now is "You've got to be kidding" I was mad all over again! I called diggy...
You:Diggy is Aubrey there?
Diggy:No she's with you!
You:That damn girl!
Diggy:[YN] don't tell me you lost her again!
You:I didn't lose her she's Twelve Daniel! She must have left while I was asleep!
Diggy:I'm on my way!
He hung up and I began pacing the floor...I don't think that I can take it anymore! I love my daughter soo much but i can't go on like this! Not long after diggy was here...
Diggy:Where could she have gone!?
You:I don't know!
Diggy:How do you just let her leave!?
You:I didn't let her leave Daniel she snuck out! How the hell was I suppose to know!?
Diggy:Yea seems like you don't know anything!
You:Excuse me!? Daniel I am doing the best I can with this whole situation with NO help from you!
Diggy:No help? What is it that you want me to do!? I'm trying to do the best I can!
You:yea right.
Diggy:Since you know so much about what I'm doing tell me [YN] where is my daughter!?
She ran down the stairs straight to diggy and he picked her up, Jr came walking down the stairs and stood by me...
Diggy:Hey princess!
Amina:Daddy you came home!
Diggy:oh no baby I came to see how you guys were doing.
Jr:Where's Aubrey?
You:I'll explain everything later baby go take your sister to the game room ok?
The kids ran to the room and i took a deep breath. My phone began to ring and I looked to see it was mike...
Mike:uhh wassup [YN] Aubriel is here with me.
You:oh thank god! When did she get there!? How!? Why would she- I just can't take it anymore!
Mike:Calm down [YN] she got here like around 6 o'clock this morning, she caught the bus, and she just wanted my side of the story. I thought we were going to tell her together!? What happen to that!?
You:I'm on my way we can talk about that when I get there.
I hung up the phone, put on my shoes, grabbed my purse and went back into the living room.
Diggy:so she's at mike's?
You:Yea can you keep an eye on the kids?
Diggy:you don't have to ask me to watch my own kids [YN]
I walked out and headed to mike's I had to calm down because I was so mad at Aubrey...I knocked on the door and Mike let me in.
You:Where is she!? I can't deal with her anymore! She has me up to here now!
Mike:Calm down [YN] she is just confused and wanted answers...from me.
You:That gives her NO right to just leave! She can't just keep running away! It's stupid,uncalled for, and very irresponsible!
I looked over and she stood by the steps I walked up to her and grabbed her hand...
You:What were you thinking!? Sneaking out early this morning!
Aubrey:I just needed to talk to Mike.
You:There is other ways you could have handled it like waited until we all got together to discuss it!
Aubrey:I wanted to talk to him alone he is my "Dad" right!?
You:That attitude I don't like it, I don't like it at all!
Mike:Alright come on lets all just sit down and talk...
We sat down and as much as I wanted to just go off on her, she sat next to mike while I sat on the other couch...
* and Bre have came to an understanding...she knows everything now, she didn't like a lot of what I had to say but we got it all out in the open and promised to each other no more secrets... Right?
Aubrey:(Smiles) right.
You:Well you could have just asked me to bring you Aubriel!
Aubrey:I know ma but I'm not a baby anymore I can get around just fine.
You:Your only Twelve sweetie.
Aubriel:I'll be thirteen very soon. And I'm not saying that I'm grown I know I'm not. I'm just asking for a little more freedom...please
You:We will have to talk about that later. Your father is at home worried about you I think it's best we go now.
Mike:wait hold on there's more...
Aubriel:I want to come over every other week just like Michael jr.
You:I don't know about that...
Mike:What is there not to know [YN] she wants to come spend time with her father!
You:Her father that wasn't here until now!!!
Aubrey:Stop it! I just want to spend time with him you can't keep me away!
You:(Sighs) I'm not trying to!
Aubrey:Well you have my whole life!
You:is that what you told her!? Huh!?
Aubrey:No mom that's how I feel!
You:I didn't keep you from him! Well I d- it was for your safety!
Mike:I would never hurt my daughter!
You:I know.
Aubrey:Then let me stay here part time.
You:But what about your time with diggy, school,Your grandparents? Amina, and jr? Have you really thought this through?
Aubrey: I can, I can go to daddy's on the weekend still I'll just have to leave here Friday, I'm sure mike can take me to school right?
Aubrey:I can still go to nana and papa house And I can still hang out with jr and Amina mom please!!
You:(sighs) alright.
Aubrey:Thanks mommy!! So we can go shopping next week?
You:shopping? For what?
Aubrey:mike promised to make over my room if you agreed to let me stay.
You:oh ok well we have to get back Daniel is home with the kids and I'm sure they are driving him crazy!
Aubrey:(smiles) Alright bye
Mike:Bye babygirl see you next week.
Mike:I love you.
Aubrey:love you too.
He walked us to the door and while Aubrey walked to the car, i stopped and couldn't help but to smile...
Mike:(smiles) Wassup with all the smiling?
You:She's actually happy... Again
Mike:I mean she does have a pretty great mom
You:Well I couldn't do it all without her...Dad, thank you mike for everything.
Mike:No need to thank me I'm just doing what I should have done twelve years ago...
You:(smiles) Better late than never.
I walked away into the car and headed home, we stopped by KFC first but then finally arrived home....
You:hey sweetie. Look what I got!
You:here go sit this on the table for me ok?
The kids ran off and it was just me, Diggy, and Aubrey we sat down on the couch because I was ready to end it all...
You:Lets just stop all of it now. No more Attitude no more arguing about it, no more lies none of it!
Aubrey:mom I'm sorry. I said it at mike house I'm done with this conversation, I know who my real dad is! I'm fine with it!
Diggy:And you know that I will always love you and you are my daughter no matter what!
Aubrey:I know daddy. I love you too...
Diggy:And I will treat you just like I always have I can only hope you do the same.
Aubrey:of course daddy.
You:Alright go set the table for me?
Aubrey:Yes Ma'am
You:Ma'am? I'm loving it.
Aubrey:Yea Mike told me to be more respectful "What you give is what you get"
You:That's right.
She walked out and it was just me and Diggy...
Diggy:She really likes him huh?
You:Yea I'm starting to already see that I'm going to be the party crasher.
Diggy:Hmm so what are the plans for her birthday?
You:I don't know. I really haven't asked her.
I called Aubrey back in the living room because her birthday is this week and I had no idea on what to do.
You:Aubrey what is it that you want to do for your birthday?
Aubrey:I want to have a dinner party.
You:ok where?
Aubrey:Ummm somewhere nice
You:The Silver Palace?
You:And who is all coming to this dinner?
Aubrey:I'll have a list soon just close friends and family.
You:Your birthday is Friday.
Aubrey:I know I'll have it
Aubrey walked out and diggy decided that it was time for him to go, everything seemed like it was at a steady pace and this I could deal with...

{Thanks for reading! Lol this chapter been done for a while. I also have 2 more completed... Patience loves ☺️ VOTE COMMENT AND FOLLOW #Muchlove }

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