You Are The Reason...

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I got up and looked at him trying to figure everything out...
You:First off Why is she calling you?, Why is she even calling YOU about that!?, Why is she so comfortable telling you something like that!?, and WHY is it that you are telling me!?
He rubbed his head and face then sat up..
Diggy:I don't know she just called and I picked up. I thought it was for Jr but before I got anything out she just blurted out crying and screaming about how this could be really bad. Now can you chill it was never that serious!
You:It is when that's happened to you twice.
I said in a whisper but I knew he heard me because he looked at me in such anger...
Diggy:Wow you will never get over that huh!?
You:Actually Daniel no I won't
Diggy:do I still bring up the stuff you did?
You:Like it would even compare to what you did!
Diggy:I made some mistakes in my life I know that but my children are NOT one of them!
You:you know what your right come here..
I said as he hesitated so I went over to him and kissed him...
You:I'm sorry. You are right I should leave the past where it belongs.
You:I love you.
I kissed him again this time with much passion...
You:I'm really sorry forgive me?
Diggy:I forgive you and I love you to.
You:Awww baby
Diggy:And I don't know why you questioning me like that. YOU out of all people should know that that baby has NOTHING to do with me.
You:I know I'm just...I don't know I'm sorry.
Diggy:It's coo tho as long as you know.
You:I do
Diggy:now I'm tired.
You:ok but tomorrow I'm going down to the office.
You:because I have work that needs to be done.
Diggy:but it's the weekend
You:I'm aware of that baby.
Diggy:but I need you home!
Diggy:because I just do, you can't leave it's important.
You:what is?
Diggy:just stay home please!
You:goodnight Daniel
Diggy:so your staying right?
You:....I...don't...know we will see...

Next Morning...

I woke up this morning to look over and see that Daniel was still sleeping I smiled just enjoying every minute because it happens only so often...I went to the guest room where my stuff still remained and took a nice shower following brushing my teeth. After doing my morning duties I decided to go pick up the kids and Dan some breakfast...It took a while to get all the food and the right food but I finally made it there and back...The kids were still sleep but Daniel was all cleaned up sitting at the table on his phone...
You:Good morning baby!
He sounded as if he had a little attitude but I honestly couldn't figure out why...
You:what's wrong babe?
Diggy:nothing where did you go?
You:-chuckles- well as you can see to go get everyone something to eat.
Diggy:why didn't you wake me up?
You:aww baby because you were sleeping so peacefully.
Diggy:I thought you had snuck off to work.
You:Now why would I do that when you asked me oh so nicely to say?
Diggy:-laughs- I'm still stuck on you actually doing it
You:-laughs- whatever what we doing?
Diggy:just chill baby you'll see.
You:well I brought you guys breakfast where a-
Jr:hey ma!
I turned around to see the kids walking in I smiled and hugged them...
You:Goodmorning babies
Amina:morning mommy
Aubrey:goodmorning ma!
Jr:oh snap you bought food!
They walked to the table with Daniel and took out their food and began to eat...
Aubrey:dad can you take me to Jamie house?
Diggy:Jamie is a girl right?
Aubrey:what! why not?
Diggy:because you guys are going to grandma house! Yay!
I laughed because he was smiling while the kids frowned...
Diggy:because I said so!
Aubrey:I'm tired of going over there! We go over there almost every week! I've been going since I was little aren't y'all tired of sending us over there?
You:-sighs- Aubriel watch it!
You:Man what!? Watch your mouth little girl! You heard what you're father said!
Aubrey:but everybody is spending the night over there!
You:not everybody you're not.
She rolled her eyes and pushed her food forward not wanting to say anything I didn't want to keep Aubrey from going and having fun but I also couldn't let her think that disrespect and attitude would get her what she wanted...
Diggy:Who all is going to this little sleep over?
Aubrey:a couple of other friends from school... And yes they are all girls! Her parents will be there the whole time!
Diggy:-sighs- go pack you're stuff.
Aubrey:oh my god!! I can go!?
Diggy:go before I change my mind.
Aubrey:Aaahhh!!!! Thank you so much daddy I love you sooo much!
She ran upstairs and I went to go sit at the table with everyone else.
You:I was seriously going to make her go to their grandmothers house! I don't know why you always do that!
Diggy:do what!?
You:let her disrespect you and still get her way! Then you wonder why she continues to do it!
Diggy:what are you talking about!?
You:you are a push over!
Jr:uh oh.
Diggy:push over!? I'm not a push over! You sound stupid.
You:ok whatever you say Daniel
I said getting up to throw Aubrey's food away and wash the few dishes in the sink...
Jr:well dad can I go to Joshua house?
Diggy:no Jr.
Jr:man that's not fair Aubrey get to go to her friend house!
Diggy:that's her not you! Now finish you're food!
Jr:why can't you be a pushover like you are with aubriel!
Diggy jumped over and slapped him on the back of his head..
Diggy:You better watch you're mouth!
You:-laughs- uh oh.
Diggy:now go get your stuff ready for grandma house...
Jr got up mad and went upstairs to his room...
Diggy:You too little lady!
Amina:me what?
Diggy:we have to get you ready to go.
Amina:But I want to stay with you and mommy.
Diggy:I know sweetheart but me and mommy have a lot to do but we will come back and get you tomorrow ok?
You:now go upstairs and I'll be up soon to help you pack.
Amina:ok mommy
She ran upstairs and I went back to the table across from diggy... Sighing I reached in my pocket and got on my phone...I could feel diggy looking at me.
Diggy:You tired?
You:a little why?
Diggy:you look tired.
You:so do you
Diggy:really? Well how about after we drop the kids off you put me to sleep?
I laughed because he was dead serious.
Diggy:what's funny?
You:you are funny baby
Diggy:I'm serious what you mean?
You:I know!
Diggy:so that's a yes?
I smiled and went to go get Amina stuff all packed, after we went downstairs and met up with Daniel, Aubrey, and Jr...
Diggy:yup lets go!
You:wait we need to stop by Verizon first.
Jr:mommy can I go to Joshua house?
You:no baby. Your dad already made up his mind
We got in the car and went to Verizon I ran in and picked out a galaxy note...after paying and getting it activated I went back to the car...
Diggy:what took you so long?
You:I had to get Aubrey a phone.
Diggy:A PHONE!? For what?
You:so she can keep In touch
Diggy:[YN] she's 12!
You:Daniel she needs to be able to contact me without having to use someone house phone!
Diggy:she will only be gone 2 days!
You:Whatever here Aubrey me, your dad, grandma, grandpa, Nana, and papa number is already in there.
Aubrey:-screams- aaaaahhhh thanks mommy omg I love you so much!
She leaned to the front and kissed me on my cheek...
Jr:Can I have a phone too?
You:nope but you can have an butt whoopin!
Jr:haha not funny ma!
We dropped off Aubrey first after talking to the girl mom I felt a little better about leaving her. We then dropped off Amina and Jr then went back home...I was indeed tired but decided to turn on the Tv in the living room, I got to enjoy a little bit of "Martin" before Daniel came and sat by me messing with me he was fidgeting with my hair and kissing my shoulders and neck. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy every moment.
You:mmmm you rude.
Diggy:I asked you early being nice. Now I'm taking what's mine.
He laid me down and that was all that was said and all that was need to be said....

{Well thanks for reading love bugs! Vote Comment and Follow... I love you guys comments they really entertain me lol leave me something good? Hehe #Muchlove }

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