All Comes Out...

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Diggy:are you serious right now!?
You:Yes I've done it before and I will do it again so I suggest you start now!
Diggy:wow I can't believe you're acting like this right now!
You:Well believe it!
I said getting up about to walk away when he stood in front of me...
Diggy:so I'm going to lose my family. Over the same shit you did...
He said in complete disbelief... I tried to walk away again but he didn't move...
Diggy:Why did you marry me?
You:excuse me? What kind o-
Diggy:Just answer please.... Why did you marry me?
You:-sighs- because you was my Bestfriend, my lover, my heart, my other half...and I loved everything about you. I opened my heart to let you in and that was big for me because after James I thought that was it but then here you came showing me that I could love,believe and trust again.
Diggy:I married you because I've loved you since we were young, I would think about you all the time, I would literally pray that you would one day run in my arms and let me love you, I felt sick whenever I was around you and you're boyfriends, I envied them because they were with you and I wasn't, when you got pregnant I was excited but also crushed because Aubrey wasn't mine, when mike left I vowed that even though she wasn't mine I would still be there like she was, after James I just knew that I couldn't bare to see you with anyone else. You opened my eyes to see that through everything as long as I got you and Aubrey life is worth living...
I couldn't help but cry... It feels like my family is slowly falling apart,
You:ok..why did we just do that?
Diggy:Because whenever we had problems we would always express why we was together...remember?
You:That's not going to work this time!
I said walking passed him and made me something to eat then showered and went straight to bed...


I got up this morning, got ready for work and while I put on my heels Daniel walked in and just stood in the doorway...
You:I'm going to get the kids after school then go back to my moms house to pick up their clothes.
Diggy:alright what time will y'all be back?
You:I don't know but I'm sure you will have unwanted guest to keep you company.
I put my hair in a nice bun then put my earrings in and grabbed my purse, as I headed out the door he stopped me and hugged me then kissed me on my head...
Diggy:I know you aren't on good terms with me right now and I deserve it but I love you and have a great day.
I nodded my head and then left out the door and went to work...when I got there Julie ran up to me smiling...
You:umm Julie sweetie are you ok?
Julie:oh my god. What have you done to that man?
You:what man?
Julie:The new finance director!
You:oh terrell...nothing why?
Julie:well I'll just let you see for yourself!
You:what are you talking about?
I asked walking into my office with Julie following, my eyes got wide when I seen that there was a huge decay of flowers with a card and my favorite Pink Moscato.
You:what in th-
Julie:Beautiful huh?
You:I can't take this Julie!
Julie:and why not?
You:because I-
Julie:you what?
You:I just...
I started but stopped and just dazed on how beautiful the flowers were.
Julie:my point exactly.
Was all Julie said before walking out, I walked up to read the card that read "To A Beautiful President" I chuckled at the fact that he was still stuck on the whole president thing.
?:So I'm guessing you like it.
I heard a mans voice say, I turned around to see terrell walking in...
You:You really didn't have to do this.
Terrell:I wanted to.
You:It's beautiful by the way. Thank you
Terrell:glad you like it.
You:what was the reason if you don't mind me asking.
Terrell:lets just say it's a thank you for welcoming me up here.
You:well thank you I love it.
Terrell:no problem boss...I have a few clients so I'll see you.
You:ok thanks again.
I yelled and he smiled and walked out...I started to file documents and did my errands then right before lunch I called my mom...
You:hey mom.
Mom:hey baby.
You:What you doing ma?
Mom:nothing just got done cleaning the kitchen... How's everything going?
Mom:that's good.
You:I was calling to let you know that I'm picking up the kids.
Mom:ok sweetie.
You:we are gonna come by and get their clothes
Mom:ok sweetie.
You:alright mom see you soon love you.
Mom:love you to baby.
I hung up and gathered all my stuff to leave when Phillip walked in...
Phillip:off to lunch?
You:Yea I'm going to get some food for me and the kids then go pick them up from school.
Phillip:another early day.
You:-sighs- yea but I got most of the paperwork done.
Phillip:fasho. Well I guess I'll just have lunch with Julie.
You:alright now don't let jhene find out about that you know she will be up here with no problem.
Phillip:-laughs- pregnant and all! I'm already knowing.
I said and he walked out still laughing soon as I was locking my office I turned around and bumped right in to someone, before I got the chance to curse I looked to see it was terrell.
Terrell:I'm so sorry.
You:-chuckles- it's coo.
Terrell:I was just coming to see if you wanted to get lunch.
You:ohh I'm not going to lunch, well I am but just to pick something up for my kids then off to the house.
Terrell:oh ok. Well I'll see you tomorrow then.
I felt bad so I called him back...
You:how about tomorrow?
Terrell:-smiles- tomorrow.
He walked off and I called Julie to help me with the stuff to the car.
Julie:why didn't you just tell him to do it I'm sure he would of been more than happy.
You:-laughs- you are going to have to chill with all that.
Julie:with what? he likes you.
You:I'm married Julie remember...
Julie:yea yea I know.
After getting all the stuff in the car I pulled off and went to get pizza and hot wings it took about 15 minutes so by that time the kids were already out...I pulled up and got out as they ran to me...
Jr:Hey ma!
You:hey sweeties!
I hugged them and we got in the car to go pick up Aubrey...she walked to the car and I could tell she had an attitude already.
You:hey baby.
On our way to my moms house Aubrey was completely quiet and jr asked questions while Aubrey sung the new song she learned today...
Jr:mom what's up with the big flowers? It's blocking my view.
You:I got them today aren't they beautiful!
Jr:from dad?
I was beginning to change the subject when Aubrey snapped...
Aubrey:well then who are they from?mom!
You:A worker at my job.
Aubrey:why did he get them? I know it's a guy!
You:to be nice.
Aubrey:or because he likes you.
You:that's enough aubriel!
Aubrey:no! You have a new boyfriend huh? You cheating on dad like he cheating on you!?
I reached over and slapped her in her mouth! We pulled up to my moms house and while jr and Amina went in I held Aubrey back.
You:what is you're problem little girl!?
She just sat and didn't say anything...
You:Why would you say all of that stuff then! Me cheating on you're father? Him cheating on me? Where's all this coming from? I would NEVER do that!
Aubrey:just because you wouldn't don't mean dad wouldn't.
You:aubriel tell me what's going on sweetie I'm lost.
Aubrey:-cries- dad he was at that lady house!
You:What lady house?
You:and how would you know that?
Aubrey:I followed him ok!
I took a deep breath trying to register what she was telling me I would be lying if I said I didn't believe my own daughter...
You:when!? why!? how!?
Aubrey:Me and my friend decided to ditch and go to the house, before we pulled in I seen dad pulling -sighs-
Aubrey:-cries- so we followed him and at first I was confused but then I seen her open the door... Mommy I'm sorry I kno-
You:Go get your stuff!
I honestly didn't know what to do or say...I don't even smoke but a cig was what I needed at this point...the kids came back and we went home to see Daniel was there, watching Tv...Amina and Jr went up to him but when he tried to hug Aubrey she backed away and sat the flowers down then ran upstairs...
Diggy:what's wrong with her?
You:kids go get ready for pizza!
They ran upstairs and I went to the kitchen to make the kids plate, Daniel watched my every move.
Diggy:did I do something to her?
You:-deep breath- Daniel I'm going to ask you this one time...if you lie I swear to god I will leave you, divorce you and take my children away!
Diggy:what are you talking about? What's going on?
You:Are you sleeping with Jessica!....

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