All Of Us...

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We looked away to see Aubriel...



Aubrey:eww gross!

You:-giggle- oh hush!

Aubrey:I came down to get a soda but instead see that....

Diggy:ha ha real funny.

Aubrey:-laughs- I know!



She walked over to get a soda then walked back out to her room, diggy turned the stove off then grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close...



You:so what did you make?

Diggy:Well.. Baked chicken, vegetables, macaroni and cheese with rolls and for dessert the chocolate cake you bought.

You:well look at you Mr.Chef

Diggy:you know how I do it.

You:-laughs- mmhmm



He picked me up and sat me on the counter then kissed me again...



Diggy:I love you [YN] I kn-

You:I l-

Diggy:and I know that we haven't been on good terms and yes a lot of it was my fault...but I want you to know that No I do not still love Jessica! These past days i have really been thinking and without me being able to hold you, kiss you, have a peaceful conversation, just having that connection it helped me realize that I take you for granted and I'm really sorry...I love you and I hope that you can forgive me.


Diggy:And if you want me to stop talking to Jessica and Leah I will. I'll delete they number right now!

You:Diggy calm d-

Diggy:I know I will have to earn your trust will take forever and baby I'm fine with that...I just want you and only you!

You:Daniel calm down! Look...we can take it a day at a time but I want you to know that I love you to!



He stared me in my eyes and I smiled...



Diggy:Move back in?...


Diggy:let me take you and the kids to school and work?

You:...but we have 3 cars.

Diggy:So...I want to take y'all.

You:-smiles- ok.

Diggy:go out to dinner with me?



You:but what about the kids?

Diggy:we can have my mom watch them.

You:but Amina is sick and you already made dinner.


You:plus I want to taste it. It could be good.

Diggy:-chuckles- could be? Naw baby it's Good!

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