Chapter 5: Wrong Kind Of Attention

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Everyone had just finished eating and throwing their dishes in the sink when we pulled up to our hotel for the night. Everyone started to file off the bus to grab their stuff while I sat with my son. I saw Rook stand up and start to wash up the mess from dinner. "It's okay Rook, I can clean this up, you go with the guys and get checked in. Do me a favor and take Hunter with you though, he looks like he is about ready to pass out."

"Are you sure? I can take care of this no problem." I sighed and shook my head. "It's all good man, I made the mess, I'll clean it up. Now take my son and give him to Joe, He's the most comfortable with him. You guys go get yourselves situated and when I'm done I'll get us a room and come get him." He looked at me with worry in his eyes, like he was unsure if he should leave me alone, but after a second he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, well text me when you get in and I'll tell you what our room number is." He took my phone from my back pocket and pushed some buttons before handing it back. "Thanks." I put my phone back in my pocket and picked up Hunter who was laying on the couch dozing off. "Hunter baby, are you ready for bed?" "Yea mama, where are we?" He rubbed his eyes hard and looked at me, his brow furrowed. "We're in California Hun, but right now we're at a hotel for the night. Here, go with Rook and find Uncle Joe." I put Hunter in his arms, at first he started to panic and reach for me, but then he calmed down and curled into Rook's chest. I don't know if he was just too tired to care, or if he was so comfortable with Kells and his group so fast that he felt safe, but I hoped he felt safe. He needed this so bad. I waved to Rook as he took my son and met up with the boys outside. I stood there watching them from the window until they went inside then I got to work. I plugged in my headphones and started playing my music. I decided to listen to The Civil Wars- Dust To Dust, when the calming music flooded my ears I decided it was time to go to work. I threw all the dishes I could into the small sink and turned the water on. While I waited for it to get hot I took a wet rag and wiped down the stove and counters. Just then I felt someone's arms snake around my waist. I screamed and turned around, ready to punch whoever it was straight in the face. When I made the full one-eighty my face was right in front of Kells'. "Dude what the fuck, seriously?! I could have really hurt you!"

"Damn babe I'm sorry, I thought you knew I was in here. I hear you singing and I just had to come tell you how beautiful your voice is. I've always heard it over the speaker, but never live." He gave me a small apologetic smile. His crystal blue eyes twinkling. I sighed, how can I be mad at that face? "It's okay, and what did I tell you about calling me ba- wait, what? You listen to my music?" He looked down at his shoes quickly. It was almost like he was embarrassed about telling me that. "Well yea, I do rock out ya know, but I've never heard your voice like this before. It was so... sad. Calm, but broken...Lonely... It was absolutely beautiful. I just wanna lay in bed and listen to you sing like that all night. Oh, and I will call you babe if I want!" He smiled. "What makes you think you can call my babe or that I'll lay in bed with you and sing to you all night?" I teased. You could feel the electricity between us. Ready for us to spark at any moment. He grabbed my waist with his hands, holding on tight, and pulled me to him quickly and smashed his lips into mine then slowly pulled away and looked at me with lust in his eyes. "Because you want more of that." He said in a husky tone. Well he wasn't wrong about that. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine, we stood like that for a minute before I jumped on him. Wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him roughly. His hands tangled in my hair as he kissed me back. Then his lips moved down my cheek to my jawline, then to my neck. Sweetly kissing and suckling on my neck and then back up to my lips, slowly. I let out a quiet moan, 'I never want this to stop.' I thought, but no sooner than I thought that, he unhooked my legs from around him carefully and setting me down on the ground, breaking our kiss in the process.

"You have a room all to yourself right?" He asked, looking at me intently. "Um... Well I have to share with Hunter, so not really..." I trailed off, I didn't know what he was thinking, but I knew it wasn't good and I don't think I'm ready. "Kells, I-" "I want you to start calling me Colson. Please." His face was still dangerously close to mine, and the way he said that was like he needed me to call him by his real name. I could feel my own want and need clawing inside me begging to get out and ravage him. "Okay, Colson, I don't think we should be doing this, I'm sure the guys are waiting for you and I have dishes to do...Just go to bed."

"I want to go to bed with you though, I'm sure the guys would keep Hunter for one night, right?" He said in between the light kisses he was giving me all over my body, his hands never left my waist. "I...I don't know Colson...I think this is a bad idea, plus I really am busy..." "Okay then, I'm gonna help you, but first gimme a sec." He finally let go of me, releasing me from his trance, grabbed his phone from the back and ran out the bus door. 'Now maybe I can get some work done, shit.' I thought, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't be angry, I just stood there smiling trying to focus on the dishes, but failing miserably. About a minute had passed and I still hadn't started the dishes, and I wondered when he would come back. I thought maybe he decided to take my advice and crash after all, I opened the windows and doors to get some fresh air in the bus, it was finally cooling down outside and it was gorgeous out. After that I plugged my headphones back in and turned my music all the way up. I turned my back to where Colson had just walked out and started to soap up the dishes. I was about half-way done when I felt someone touching me, lightly touching my hair, grabbing my ass, and right after that the hands made their way from my waist. They went under my shirt and to my breasts in one slow motion. "Mmmm...Okay are you trying to talk me into sleeping with you tonight still? I thought you went to stay with the guys?" I said as I pulled out my headphones again. This time when I turned around I wasn't staring into those beautiful blue eyes that I felt like I've known for a lifetime. Instead they were pitch black and bloodshot. I screamed as loud as I could while trying to break free from the strangers hold. He shifted his hands, one to my mouth and the other to his pocket and then to my throat. I felt something cold on my neck, 'a knife...oh god...' I contemplated what to do, how to get out of there as fast as I could. I knew no one was coming for me, I thought of Hunter and decided I had no choice but to fight back. This strange man stunk to high heaven and was filthy, he looked like he was thrown into a garbage can, he got even closer to me, he spun me around facing back to the sink and pushed my head down onto the counter with a handful of my hair in his hands. "Listen here bitch, you say a fucking word and I will slit your throat here and now, all those guys that left you behind will come back to find your dead body hanging in the middle of the hallway, you understand?" I nodded my head violently, he slowly moved his hand from my mouth and moved it to the crease in my shorts, he moved the slit over just enough to where he could run his fingers over my panties, I let out a cry, tears starting to stream down my face. "Please stop, please..." I begged, I was able to lift my head off the counter again, but he held my head away from his face still, I couldn't move. He hit me in the back of the head with something hard, causing me to crack my head on the glass window in front of me. "BITCH, I said SHUT. UP." He turned me back around and started to rip at my clothes, clawing at my skin, I screamed again, but louder, hoping someone would hear me before he killed me. SMACK. I went down to the ground, but he moved me closer to the front door when he hit me so I crawled as fast as I could out the door. I was almost to the steps when  all of a sudden I felt a hand around my ankle, someone pulled me back to where I was before, I turned around and saw this man ready to hurt me, possibly kill me. I belted out another scream and tucked my legs into my chest, I kicked as hard as I could and he went flying backwards. I jumped up and started to run, but something was keeping me from moving. I looked back to see the man holding onto my shirt, he balled up his fist and swung, hitting me right in the right temple. I fell again and my vision became blurry, the shadows grew into where the light was as I tried to crawl to the door.

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