Chapter 6: Love Or Lust?

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A/N: You lucky readers get more than one chapter today!! I'm in the process of finishing up 7 and writing 8, IDK if I'll post them tonight or wait, so if you want me to post them you need to vote and/or comment people!! Thank you to everyone who reads. This chapter isn't the best but numbers 7 and 8 will be a hell of a lot better! I promise! Enjoy!


The darkness had taken over my sight, all I could do was hear and feel. I felt someone grab the top of my shorts and pull them down, the mysterious person tucking themselves under my legs, I closed my eyes as tight as I could hoping this would all go away when I heard someone yell for me, "Tenley you rea-, WHAT THE FUCK, Slim help me!!!" I hear some grunts, cuss words being thrown around, and stuff being smashed while the body got pulled off of me. I laid there for a while, waiting for this to stop when I heard more people stomp in, and then I felt a hand on my shorts again... I screamed at the top of my lungs, deciding to fight back this time. 'Motherfuckers gonna have a problem because I'm gonna kill him.' I thought, I swung with my fist and it came in contact with something hard, a face, good, and I swung again, but this time it was harder. Someone caught my hand and yelled my name, "TENLEY what the fuck baby, calm down! Baby it's me calm down and let me help you!"

"Colson!?" I tried to yell, my voice was cracking and I start to bawl. My vision started to come back, but not well enough, everything was still too blurry. "Yea baby it's me, are you okay?" I felt him pull my face up by my chin and then his hands went all over my body, checking for something. "Where else did he hit you babe?" "Well, he hit me in the face a few times, grabbed my ankle and put a knife to my neck, nothing too big. OH! And he hit me in the back of the head with something, putting my head almost through a window in the process." I said somewhat sarcastically, 'I've been in way worse situations' I thought. He shook his head and then wrapped his long arms around me, "I'm so happy you're okay. I was so scared." He picked me up so he could cradle me and walked me to the hotel. "Guys could you clean this mess up and find a hole to throw that guy in. I'm gonna get her to bed."

"Colson I'm really okay to walk, put me down." Even though my eyesight was blurry I could see his bright smile creep in on his face. "No babe, I'm not letting you out of my sight again. Did you know that guy?"

"No, I thought it was you at first, then when I saw it wasn't and I freaked, he didn't seem to like that too much." I said and put my head down. He grabbed my chin again, pulled my face up to his, and gave me a long gentle kiss on the lips. "You and Hunter are always safe with me, I promise." He put his forehead to mine and stared in my eyes. "Hunter...Wait! Where's Hunter?!?" I yelled, almost jumping out of Colson's arms. "Babe, chill, He's with Ash, Joe, and Dre. He's okay, he was playing with them when I left."

"Why did you leave me in the first place?" I asked accusingly. I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I saw the hurt go across his face quickly and then it faded. "I was setting up something and seeing if the guys would keep Hunter for you so we could talk and stuff." I swear I saw him blushing a little bit, I smiled at him which caused him to smile back.


After we were done at the front desk he put me down so I could walk. "Do you mind if we do the stairs? Elevators scare the shit out of me. I can go by myself if you don't want to." I looked up at him, when my eyes met his, his facial expression worried me, but made me giggle. His eyes were huge and his jaw dropped. "Colson, you okay?" I asked with a chuckle. "Yea I'm fine, I just thought I was the only one terrified of elevators." He put his head down a little bit and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Do you think you'll be able to walk the stairs to the 4th floor or do you want me to help you?" He asked me as we walked into the stairwell. "I'm good, he didn't hurt me anywhere but my head." I said, but when I went to walk up the first set of stairs I slipped, but before I could fall to the floor he caught me. "Woah girl! Careful now." I felt his arm snake around my waist, the other held my arm around his neck. "Thanks." I muttered shyly. We walked up the stairs and all the way to my room like that. He took the room key out of his pocket and opened the door, guided me in and set me on the bed gently. He handed me the extra room key and stuffed the other one back in his pocket. "I understand if you don't want me to stay here with you tonight, but I wanna keep a key with me just in case something happens okay?" I nodded at him, but before I could say anything he walked to the door to leave. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get your bags from across the hall, do you want me to bring Hunter back?"

"Yea, I wanna see my baby boy." "Okay I'll be right back." And just like that he was gone. I decided to see what was on the TV while I waited for him to bring me my stuff and my son. About ten minutes passed before they came bursting through the door. "Mommy!" Hunter yelled as he ran to me and throwing himself in my arms. I rapped them tightly around him and pulled him into my lap. "Hunter!!" I yelled back and then kissed him all over his face like my life depended on it. I looked up as Colson stood in the doorway with our bags in his hands, smiling at my son and I. "Okay well, where do you want me to leave these?" He asked, he seemed a little troubled. "Over by the TV." I said, I would have to go through everything later. "Alright, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He hung his head as he turned to walk out of the door slowly.

"Colson wait!" I put Hunter down on the bed and ran to him, nearly running into him and falling over again as he quickly turned around to look at me. "Yea?" "I want you to stay for one night, you know, so I can feel safe. Is that okay?" I asked. I hope he would say yes to me. I wasn't ready to see him leave. "Sure, I'd love to stay, just let me go get some things." I could swear that I saw him run across the hall. I laughed to myself as I watched him disappear into the room. Once the door shut I walked back over to the bed that Hunter was sitting on and laid down next to him. "So what do you want to do monkey?" "I wanna go play with Uncle Joe some more mommy, is that okay?" I was shocked by his response. Of course it was okay, he needed to be with someone else besides me for a change. I just never thought I'd hear him say that he wanted to be away from me like this. "Sure it's okay baby, but you have to come back before bedtime." "I wanna sleep with Uncle tonight too mama." I sat there for a minute, I couldn't believe the words that were coming from him. I was in shock. Just then Colson came running back in the room with his suitcase and set it down next to ours before plopping on the bed next to me and Hunter. He had the biggest smile on his face, causing me to smile back at him. "So what are we gonna do tonight babe?" "Colson. Stop calling me that." I sang, "Never babe." He winked at me. I just shook my head and looked back to Hunter. "Well someone wants to ditch us tonight Colson. He wants to stay with his Uncle and all of our new friends. What should we do about it?" I asked, the smile was so big on his face all you could see was his white teeth, "Well, I think it's a great idea. You sure little man?" He said looking at Hunter. "Yea! We were playing a game before you and mommy came back. I wanna play again!" "Okay well I'll walk you over in a few minutes, let's hang out with mommy first okay?" "Okay Colsum! YAY!!!" I couldn't help but laugh at the way he said Colson's name. It was adorable. We decided that we would put on a movie and have popcorn before Hunter left us for the night. Hunter wanted to watch Poltergeist so we put it in the DVD player we had in the room, Colson popped us some popcorn and we all curled up in the bed and watched the movie. I was on the right side of the bed, Colson on the left and Hunter right in the middle, we were both so close that he was smushed between us and our faces were almost touching. About halfway through the movie I decided to get comfortable and lay down, putting my arm under my head, letting my hand hang right above Hunter's head. Just then I felt someone's hand touch mine, I looked up and saw Colson's hand entwined with mine, his gaze on me and not leaving. I gave him a small smile and put my head down, but I didn't let go of his hand. It was nice to have this again. I missed it. Through the rest of the movie I could feel his eyes on me and every once in a while I could feel his thumb carefully rub my own. Eventually the movie ended, I thought Hunter would be asleep and give me a reason to not be alone the rest of the night with Colson, but as soon as I turned the TV off he jumped off the bed and ran straight towards the door. "Okay mama I'm ready!!!" I laughed and got up slowly, I looked over and Colson was watching, waiting for something. "You wanna come with?" I asked, "Nah babe, it's okay. Just get your little mini me over there and hurry back." He gave me a wink and a smile. I felt the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter uncontrollably. 'Oh God.' I thought, 'I'm really gonna be alone with him aren't I?' "Okay, well I'll be back then." I took Hunter's hand and walked across the hall, knocked on the door and Ashleigh answered. She looked to Hunter then to me and smiled. "Hi Hunter!! Hi Ten!" She gave me a quick hug then bent down to Hunter, "Can I get a big hug from you?" She asked, I looked down and saw him smile, then he jumped in her arms. They stayed like that for a minute, then with Hunter still in her arms Ash stood up and looked at me. "You wanna come in for a minute?" "No, I should probably get back, Colson is waiting for me." I blushed when I said that. I didn't know what to expect when I walked back into the room. "Ooooooh, okay. Well have fun, but not too much fun." She winked at me then giggled, I smiled at her and then gave Hunter a kiss on the forehead. "You be good mister, I love you so, so, so much!" "Bye mama! I lub you too!" After the door slammed in my face I turned around and walked back to my door. I stood there for what felt like hours. I was afraid to go in, but I needed to go in and I knew it. So I slid the room key in the knob and once the light turned green I turned the handle and walked in. 'Here goes nothing.' And I let the door shut behind me.

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