Chapter 16: A Much Needed Break

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I walked out of the back room into the hall and and pressed my back against the wall, the guys following right behind me. Rook let door slam behind him, making me jump. "You okay babe?" Colson said, rubbing my arm as he walked over to take his place next to me. "No Colson, I'm not okay. I'm pissed, I'm upset.. I'm scared." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Why babe? I'm not gonna let this happen again, to anyone." My patience was officially gone, I was keeping my anger under control, and now, I snapped. "Because Colson! Ash is hurt, and I'm pretty sure it was the person that sent me those messages earlier!!" He looked completely dumbfounded, like I've never yelled at him before, then the water works came. I could feel the tears roll down my face and I tried to stop them, I swear, but they kept coming. "Colson our kids could've been hurt. From the story Ashleigh just told me it sounded like the guy was going after Hunter and Casie. Whoever texted me today was watching them, was watching Hunter. Then when I called her and told her to come back and bring me our kids she didn't even fucking do it!! Why else would I be upset right now?!" He scowled at me, "So what are you saying? That it's Ashleigh's fault?! Because if you are, then I have to say that you're being a fucking bitch right now Tenley! I trust her with Casie with everything in me and I'll be damned if you fuckin' tell me any different!" He was in my face now, his screams so loud that they hurt my ears. Usually I would fight back, but we were suppose to go on stage in thirty minutes and I was to upset with everything else to also have a huge fight with him to top it off. I took a big breath and held it in, I needed to calm down quick or I was going to explode. Closing my eyes I slowly exhaled and in my head I hoped that he was thinking what I was too and would back down, but when I opened my eyes nothing had changed. "No Colson that's not what I meant. All I meant was that it upset me that she didn't listen to what I told her to do with OUR children, I never said that she was untrustworthy with the kids, or that it was her fault so do not put words in my mouth. Also, if you call me that again you won't have to worry about mine, or my sons well-being ever again." I thought that he would calm down, but he did the exact opposite. Getting closer to my face I saw his eyes go from his normal crystal blue to that deep sea color that I've only seen one other time, and he was scary then. So I prepared myself for whatever was going to come from him. I planted my feet into the ground, pulled my hands out of my pockets and puffed up the same way he was. His nose was barely an inch away from mine and I could see his mouth about to open, to scream at me some more. Just before he could start Slim stepped in between us. He shoved Colson away from me and I immediately relaxed. "Kells man, what the fuck do you think you're doin'?!" Slim yelled at Colson. At his brother. I couldn't help but to freak out inside. "That's your girl man, are you fucking stupid? You love her and she loves you. Everyone is okay, well, Ash is hurt and shook up a bit, but she'll be okay. Chill the fuck out." I couldn't see him anymore, even though I was tall, both Slim and Colson towered over me, but with Rook and Slim keeping us apart it was like he faded into the darkness of the hallway. Rook turned to me, "Hey Ten, why don't you go back in there and start getting ready for the show, go hang out with your kids. We'll take care of this." before I could speak I heard Colson say under his breath, "Her son, MY daughter." My heart hurt, I couldn't believe he said that to me when just minutes before they were ours, not his and hers. I pushed past Rook to get to Colson, but he held me back. "YOUR daughter, MY son huh? I thought we were family? You know what Kells, I might have my moments of being a bitch, but I never said anything you thought I did. I never thought that you'd talk to me or treat me this way. you're an asshole." After that I turned around and walked into the room, slamming the door shut behind me. "What's going on?" Joe and Ashleigh said simultaneously, I didn't answer them, instead I grabbed my bag and my shoes, "Tenley what the fuck? Why aren't you talking to me?" Joe put the kids on the couch with Ash and walked over to me. "Joe I can't right now. I need to get out of here." I shoved past him and walked over to the the couch. "What do you mean get out of here? We have a show in less than twenty minutes! What, are you gonna do, go rouge like Matt did?!" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around. "Number one, don't ever tell me I'm like that psycho again, number two, I'll be back before we go on, but for right now I need to get the fuck out of here. So do me a favor and shut the fuck up! I mean, CHRIST! How many other people are gonna fucking yell at me today!?!" My yelling at him pissed him off big time. You could see it in his eyes, but he did what I told him to do and shut his mouth. "Fucking thank you!" I turned back to Ash and the kids, "Okay Hunter, come on, come with mommy." He tilted his head to the side, looking very confused. "But why momma? I wanna stay here." I shook my head at him, "We're gonna go on a little trip before mommy's concert, now come on." He lifted his arms up, signaling for me to pick him up, so I did. After I put him on my hip I balanced on one foot and put on a shoe and then switched, doing the same with my other foot. After I put them on I asked Ash for the car keys, she pointed to her jacket still bundled up on the floor. Once I got the car keys out I looked over to Joe and told him we'd be back soon, but before I reached the door Hunter freaked out. "Wait momma!! What about Casie? We can't leave without her!!" I turned my head around and saw her laying in Ashleigh's lap, just staring in our direction. "Right now it's just mommy and Hunter time okay? Next time it'll be mommy, Hunter and Casie time. We gotta go now." I looked at him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Hunter just hung his head. His signal that he's pouting and about to have a breakdown, so in a hurry to get outside before that happened I grabbed at the door handle and opened it. When I opened the door Colson, Slim and Rook were still in the hallway, Rook and Slim had Colson up against the wall, their bodies acting like a barricade keeping him there. They didn't notice I was standing there until the door shut behind me. Once they heard that slam shut they all had their eyes on me. I decided to make a quick getaway and started down the hallway towards the back door. "Ay, Tenley! Where the fuck do you think you're going?! Where's Casie!?!" Colson's voice was so loud it made my ears ring. I turned my head to look at him, never stopping my feet. "Don't worry, I left YOUR daughter with Ashleigh. She's safe inside. I'm taking MY son and we're leaving. I'll be back later." I was almost to the door when I heard muffled sounds and Rook and Slim yelling, I'm guessing at Colson. I stopped dead in my tracks, right in front of the back door, 'Almost free'  I whirled around to see them holding him down on the floor, his eyes met mine and I could feel his heartbreak in my chest. "Please don't go babe!" He yelled to me. I shook my head at him and turned back to the door, pushed and walked out. Before that door shut behind me I heard him yell more, but what made me cry was his voice breaking when he hollered for me to come back, not just to the concert hall, but to him. I could swear that he was crying just as hard as I was, but I kept on pushing towards the car. I wanted to go back to him, I really did, but I couldn't run back into his arms and say everything is okay right now. "Where are we going?" Hunter asked me as I put him in his seat. "I don't know yet Hun, are you hungry? Maybe we can go eat dinner." "No, Auntie bought us snacks and we eated them all momma, can we go play?" I finished buckling him in and looked at him, "Sure babe, whatever you want." I kissed him on the forehead and he put his little hands on my cheeks. "Why are you sad momma?" He asked me, wiping away my tears, I grabbed his hands gently and kissed them before resting them back in his lap and shutting the door and getting in the drivers seat. "Mommy's okay babe, don't worry about it." As I put the key in the ignition the car roared to life, I put it in reverse and went to back up. Suddenly the doors that we just walked through burst open and out ran Colson with Slim and Rook hot on his tail. Rook had a black eye, Slim had a busted lip and Colson's nose was pouring blood. He ran up to my door and I hit the lock button, when he noticed he couldn't get in he started pounding on the window and yelling for me to stop. I sat there horrified, I didn't know how to react until Hunter started screaming. His cries broke into me and I hit the gas with my foot as hard as I could. Trying not to hit the guys, I backed up quickly, hit the shift into drive and hauled ass out of the parking lot. Looking at my rear view mirror I saw Colson kneeling in the middle of the parking lot, a broken man.

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