Chapter 17: You Have No Power

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The next morning I bolted up out of bed. My heart was racing and I was covered in sweat. 'Another nightmare.' I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. I looked to my right and saw Colson still fast asleep. The bus was the quietest it had ever been on this tour and the silence was driving me crazy. I sat there for a few minutes to let myself calm down, but I couldn't take sitting there alone anymore so I got up and threw my jeans on from last night. I decided to leave my shoes and bra off for the time being and walked out of the back room. I checked everyone's bunks to make sure they were still on the bus, and then I checked mine. Ashleigh was still fast asleep with Hunter curled up against her. I pulled the curtain closed, trying not to wake them, and went to the front of the bus to check on our driver. When he saw me walk in he smiled and motioned for me to sit down in the chair next to him. "Hey Dave." I said softly. He nodded in my direction, 'definitely a man of few words', "So how much further to Phoenix?" I couldn't wait to be home and to get off of this bus, he could see how eager I was to get there and chuckled, "I'd say in about another hour we'll be where we need to be Ten, just be patient." Even when he whispered his voice was loud, I figured it had to do with the fact that his voice was very deep. I grinned at him, "Okay then, are you hungry? I guess I can cook since there's nothing else to do right now." He thought for a second before replying, "You know, I could really go for some coffee." He looked over at me hopeful, I nodded and went in back to check. I looked in every cupboard and drawer. When I didn't see anything I went back up to the front, "Um... So apparently we don't have any coffee, but if you find a place and pull over I can go get you some." He scrunched up his face, "We really shouldn't get off of the trail Tenley, you know how Ron is, if we're late he'll ring our necks." The mention of Ron reminded me that I never called him. "Oh shit!" I yelled, and then immediately putting my hands to my mouth. I fixed my voice back to a whisper  and spoke again. "Shit Dave, I forgot to call Ron last night! Okay, you see that sign? There's a Starbucks on the next exit. We're going to stop there, I'll get us some coffee and call Ron okay? Then when we get back on the road I'll cook us some eggs. How does that sound?" He looking over at me briefly before moving his eyes back to the road. "I really don't think we should be stopping, but since you're gonna call Ron you tell him it was your idea, that way it's not my ass on the line. Got it Dolly?" I smiled at him in victory, "Okie dokie! Take the next exit while I get dressed." Before Dave could say anything else I hopped up out of my seat and ran back to the very back room where I had left Colson. When I pulled back the curtain he started to  toss and turn, so I moved as quiet as possible, I took off my shirt, hooked my bra on, and then threw my shirt back on. Afterwards I carefully sat down on the lounger, trying not to wake him, and slipped my shoes on. Before I could stand back up I felt arms wrap around me and pull me backwards. I looked above me to see a sleepy Colson smiling down. "Mornin' babe." He said in a raspy tone. I could feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. "Morning." I turned my body over so I was resting on my stomach and gave him a light kiss on the lips before pulling away. Colson automatically began to pout, sticking his lip out as far as he could at me. I started laughing, trying hard to be as quiet as I possibly could, "What babe?" "Where are you running off to? You're not allowed to leave me, remember?" As he spoke he crawled on the lounger in my direction. "I'm going to get coffee from Starbucks, you want some?" Once he heard Starbucks he was fully awake. Colson jumped up out of bed and threw on his jeans and Chucks. "Well why didn't you just say that? I don't just want some, I wanna come with you girl." He said with a sly smile. I shook my head, "Okay, but be quiet, everyone else, including Hunter, are all still asleep. So shhhhhh!" I put my finger to my lips when I shh'd him and in return he took my finger and put it in his mouth. Sucking on it ever so lightly. I got a chill down my spine as he pulled my finger out from in between his lips. He then let go of my hand and pulled me in close, so close in fact that our noses were touching. "Are you sure you just don't wanna 'watch a movie' with me instead?" He said using quotation marks in the air, "I think we would have much more fun in here than in a Starbucks." Even in the morning the man's breath smelt wonderful, I was in a daze as he started to trail kissed along my jawbone, all the way down my neck, to my collarbone... I almost gave in until I felt the bus come to a stop. I started to giggle as I pushed him away. "Maybe later baby, but this mama needs her coffee before baby bear wakes up." I winked at him and took off down the hallway. "Wait up!" He whisper yelled, 'He better not wake up Hunter.' I thought to myself because seriously, mama needs her coffee. I swatted at him as a signal to be quiet, in return he ran full force to me and picked me up over his shoulder, and with his free hand smacking my ass. I had to cover my mouth with both of my hands just to keep myself quiet as we made our way to the door. Once outside he put me down and kissed my lips hard. "I could get used to this." I said jokingly as I pulled away from him and felt my pockets for my wallet. "Shit, Colson, have you seen my wallet? I could've sworn I left them in these pants last night." He chuckled, "Oh, you mean this wallet?" He pulled it out from his back pocket and held it up in the air. "Yes! Oh my god thank you!" I went to grab it, but he kept pulling away every time I reached for it. "Colson please give me that back." I said through gritted teeth, apparently I was funny because he started laughing very loud. "Come get it if you want it so bad." So, that's exactly what I did. I jumped onto his back and climbed my way up his body. Once the wallet was in my possession I jumped down and turned to Colson. He looked dumbfounded, which made me laugh hysterically. "Damn, okay spider monkey. Go get your coffee." He was in complete shock, which made me laugh harder. I was almost on the floor when A loud voice boomed from behind me, making me jump three feet in the air. "What's so funny?" I turned around to Dave's crotch in my face. Colson thought that was hysterical and started laughing as hard as I was. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes at him. "It's nothing, so you ready for some coffee? I'm buyin'!" Dave climbed all the way down the stairs, rubbing his hands together. "Oh hell yea! Let's go." We all went in and ordered our drinks, and ordered what we could for everyone else in the bus. After about thirty minutes we were able to get our drinks. I handed Colson my half and told them that I had to make a phone call and to not leave without me. I guess Ron's ears were ringing because before I could even unlock my phone Ron's name came up on the caller I.D. "Hey Ron." I said enthusiastically. "'Hey Ron?' Really? That's all you have to say after the stunt you pulled yesterday? And what about right now? Where the fuck are you guys Tenley? I mean shit, do I have to come with you on every tour?" I felt like a little kid being scolded by her mother. I stood there hanging my head and listened to him yell in my ear for a good ten minutes before he would let me talk. "Okay Ron, is it my turn now?" I asked with an attitude. He sighed a loud sigh. "Yea, go ahead." I lifted my head up to begin my end of the conversation. "Okay, well, number one, you are my manager, not my mother. Don't treat me like a child. Number two, yes, Colson and I had some issues last night, but I think once you hear the story you'll understand why I left in such a haste. And number three, right now we are getting coffee. The reason we're not back on the road yet though is because I had to call you, and don't you dare get on Dave's case about this stop, I made him do it. It's not his fault so do not yell at him and do not fire him either. Got it?" He didn't speak for what felt like a lifetime, I took that as a sign to continue. "Ron, there's something serious going on out here, someone's after Hunter. This person has been following us everywhere, he or she has been texting me freaky messages and making me fear for my son's life, and yesterday some guy attacked Ashleigh.. I think this needs to be the last show until we can find this person." He growled under his breath, "Ten you know we can't do that. Almost every show is sold out. You will piss off thousands of people. Plus I'm sure it's not as bad as you say it is." I could feel my blood start to boil, " So, what? You're calling me a liar? I can send you pictures of everything, Ron, what of 'no one is safe' do you not get?!" I could feel eyes on me, as I looked around people I didn't know were starting to stare at me and whisper to each other, "Look Ron you need to do something or I will, I gotta go now, gotta get back on the road. I'll text you when we get there." "Tenley wai-" Click. I hung up before he could piss me off anymore and ran back to the bus. Once I got on and shut the door I made sure everyone else was on and told Dave to drive. "So? What did Ron say?" Colson said as he sat down next to me on the couch. I rolled my eyes, "Well, in a nutshell, he doesn't believe me about what's going on and he's not gonna stop the tour." His eyes got big, "Wait, you asked him to cancel the rest of the tour? Why?" I shrugged and stood up, "At least until this psycho is caught. No one is safe Colson, as you clearly saw yesterday. Now if you don't mind, I need to cook eggs." I walked over to our mini fridge and pulled out eggs and a bottle of water, got a pan, a mixing bowl and a fork and started the process. "I guess I can see why, we'll just have to keep an eye out for each other while we're on the road babe, no one goes off alone, especially when they have the kids, we can make this work." I sighed, "I sure hope so." I could hear Colson stand up behind me, he wrapped his arms around my torso and kissed the side of my face. "Do you need help?" I shook my head no, "Okay well I'm gonna wake everyone up then." He gave me one more kiss before walking away.

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