Don't be afraid of the dark

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When they arrived at jitters Caitlin's parents where already seated at a table and waiting for them Caitlin hugged them Barry just stood awkwardly in the background as did Jo.

"mum dad there is something I want to show you and you can't freak out" Caitlin stated

Both parents nodded Caitlin rolled up her sleeve and her parents eyes widened.

Caitlin walked over to Barry and put her hand on his shoulder "this is Barry my soul mate and this is his adopted father Jo" Caitlin gestured to Jo.

Caitlin's dad and Jo shook hands.

Caitlin's mum studied Barry which Barry and Caitlin uncomfortable she paused a mimuet and looked directly at Caitlin "what about Ronnie?"

Caitlin shook her head there was a silence untill iris walked in and sat next to Jo.

"sorry I'm late Barr what is it you and dad wanted to talk about?" Iris asked ignoring Caitlin's presences.

"ok well you know how I was heeled by my soul mate... Well I would like you to meet Caitlin my soul mate" Barry announced happily

"oh you mean the girl who ran away to hide from you and made you miserable for 3 hours?" Iris hissed

Caitlin looked at Barry who had a sorry look on his face everyone else was looking at Caitlin by now.

"iris" barry growled and moved closer to Caitlin in his own way of protecting her.

"its ok" Caitlin whispered and Barry relaxed.

"so your married?" Caitlin's dad asked

"no not yet but we will be by the end of the month" Caitlin answered

"why the end of the month" Jo asked

"because if not Barry could die" Caitlin breathed

"No he wont! barrys life doesn't depend on you kissing him" iris yelled

"actually it dose" Barry sighed

"what?" Jo asked

"because we haven't kissed yet so we are not married our love isn't whole or whatever so when Caitlin touched me she only healed me temporarily so if by the end of this month if we are not married I will... Die" Barry mumbled the last part

"unbelievable!" Iris exclaimed then walked out.

There was a awkward silence but no one said anything everyone else just left after they had gone Barry wrapped his arms around Caitlin.

"that went well" Caitlin laughed

Barry smiled at her "thankyou for making me smile" Barry whispered

"thankyou for the same"

"lets go home" Barry announced

Caitlin nodded it was the first time Barry had called it home when he was talking to her.

When they got 'home' Barry let out the biggest grown ever Caitlin could tell he had been holding it back since iris started talking.

Barry fell on to the sofa with his hole body stretched across it.

Caitlin sighed and sat down on the floor near where his head was "I'm sorry about iris" he whispered

"I'm sorry I made you miserable for 3 hours" Caitlin shot back

"I don't blame you I can't blame you" he admitted "so its 4:30 on a Friday afternoon what do you want to do?" Barry asked

"get my car" Caitlin said effortlessly

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