Parents equal Problems.

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The door opened to reveal caitlin's mother whos eyes widened at the sight of caitlins now very evident babybump.

Catlin swolled and reached for Barry's hand blindly she relaxed a little when she felt his thumb run over her knuckles and reasurents wash the her she knew Barry was trying to calm her nerves.

"Richard there here!" Rose yelled to her husband.

They walked into the living room and took a seat next to each other on the sofa caitlin kept her death grip on Barry's hand.

Richard and rose stared at their daughter and her soulmate.

"So caity you look diffrent..." Richard commented eyes trailing over her baby bump.

"I'm pregnant" caitlin blurted

"Yes we can see that love an you seem to be quite far along too how far along are you 6 months your bump is rather large?"

"we're only 16 weeks pregnant"

"Almost 17" barry mumbled.

"Are you sure when I was pregnant with you I was at least half your size it's like your pregnant with twins"

Caitlin let out a scared laugh "yeah about that..."

Caitlin looked around barry hoping he could offer some support he gave her a small smile and she turned back to her parents.

"Its not like we ate having Twins we are having twins"

There was a very long silance caitlin swore she could hear her own heart beating.

"Well that's great" Richard

"Twins" rose echoed "two...two grandchildren"

"Yeah do you want to see a picture of them?" Barry offered.

Both Snows nodded and barry pulled out his walet where he was keeping the photo caitlin had laughs him the first time she had seen it telling him it was such a dad thing to do.

He took the picture out and crossed the small distance between them and began pointing to the picture "see the small one that's the girl and the slightly bigger one is the boy"

"There the sizes of..." caitlin began

"Avacardos" barry filled in.

"Yes Avacardos. Their the size of Avacardos this week"

Barry sat back down next to caitlin and let her parents just stare at the ultra sound barry draped his arm over caitlin's shoulders "do you think they're exsisted?" Barry whispered into her war so only she could hear.

"I don't know" caitlin replied and he felt her anxiousness wash over him and calmed her down with his own reassurance and kissed he forehead and placed his hand on her thigh caitlin liked their fingers. Together.

"Well this is wonderful I'm happy for you both" Rose exsclaimed "even though I think you should've waited a little longer to have kids because caitlin your not even 24 yet-"

"Rose their married they can start a family if they whenever they want to" Richard cut in.

"Your tight maybe I'm just to young to be a grandma to twins! Twins I didn't think our family would ever have a pair of twins"

"Its a soulmate thing" barry exsplained.

"Right" she agreed "so will anything be different with your pregnancy will your babies come out with super powers or something?"

"What?! Mum no there going to be normal babies as far as we know and why? Do you think me and barry arn't a normal couple?!"

"Cait" Barry said slowly

"Your not a normal couple your one of the youngest soulmate pairs in the world and you can heal each other feel each others emotions it's just not normal"

"here we go again! God! We arn't just together because we're soulmates we're together becuse we love each other! yes destanty wanted us together so if destanty can accept it why can't you your supposed to be my parents! We're having Twins your grandchildren their half of me your daughter and half of barry yes we're soulmates yes we are still young and in our twenties but you don't get to judge us"

Caitlin left everyone in the room gobsmacked.

She turned to barry with tears in her eyes he didn't know if they were because she was sad or becuse she was hit her emotions were hard to sort threw...

"Barry take me home please" she whispered.

Barry nodded "of course" he took her hand in his own and thry left caitlin broke down in tears in the car.

Barry comforted her like he always did like he would always do.

"I just want them to be happy for us for once" she sobbed

"I know I'm sorry I'm so sorry"

"Do you want to go home now or do you want to take a detor?"

Caitlin sniffled "why where are we going to go"

"To the family that you know will always accept you"

"To the family that you know will always accept you"

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Sorry for any mistakes I'm to tired to fix them ❤

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