reopening old wonds

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Sorry I think this chapter is bad

The next morning they both woke up to a knocking on the door caitlin shifted and groaned "make them go away"

Barry sighed and kissed her tempel then rolled out of bed he put some pants on and handed caitlin his shirt she smiled and pulled it over her head.

Barry smiled and left to go anwser the door he unlocked in lazily and frowned when he saw jo.

Jo just walked in he didn't seem fazed by the fact barry wasn't wearing a shirt "barry I just stoped by the Precinct I went to your lab 'Mrs.Allen' congratulations although I was a little disappointed you didn't tell me but you told captin Singh" Jo said flatly.

"Sorry..." barry sighed "its just alot has happened in the past few days"

"This isn't something you can just shrug of barry!"

Barry ran his hands through his hair "I...Jo my wife nearly died yesterday and on top of that we have all this bad press thanks to iris might I add. it's my job to protect her and not even a week later she is almost shot in the head! So I'm sorry for not telling you but we are still processing this!" Barry spat

Jo just stood there shocked and frozen he visably swolled "she...she nearly died"

Barry nodded "yeah yesterday we went out to a crime scene but she went out by her self and a man with a gun got a hold of her..."

He screwed his eyes shut not wanting to remember or even think about the previous days events.

He sat on the sofa and buried his face in his hands "I cant lose her" barry breathed.

Jo sat down next to barry "I didnt know I'm so sorry I don't want to fall out with you and i know what iris did was wrong but this came as a suprise to all of us and now your what married to this girl everything happened so quickly"

"Jo this is my life and I love her"

"I know you do barry I know you love her more then anything but..."

Barry cut him off "I'm glad we have an understanding"

"An understanding of what?" Caitlin asked entering the living room.

"Its nothing" barry said standing up and kissing her she smiled "We will talk about this later" she whispered in his ear

"Hi jo what brings you here?" Caitlin asked

"I umm found out about your and barrys news congratulations by the way I can see you make barry very happy"

She looked at barry she knew something was off "Why are you really here jo?" She questioned

"Wow you really are ment to be together...I just don't want you two to rush into this after what 2 weeks you are married and living together what'd next next month you could be telling me I'm gonna be a grand father I think your moving to quickly" he addmitted

There was a long silance caitlin turned to barry "I'm gonna go to the store" she stated then stood up "We need to eat some real food we can't live on take out"

This caught both men by suprise.

"Your not going by yourself" barry snapped.

"Fine then come with me but I get to pick what we have for dinner" she argued.

"Ok fine just give me a minuet to put something on that isn't pajarmas" barry replied

Caitlin then watched barry disappear into there bedroom.

Jo left he knew when he wasn't wanted.

Caitlin was left alone with her thoughts Jo was right they were moving to quickly.

Barry emerged from their bedroom and placed a hand on caitlin's shoulder she nodded answering his non verbal question.

When arrived at the store and caitlin bumped into someone.

"Huff" the air was nocked out of her she looked at the person so she could apologies but she was met with a familiar face.

"Ronnie umm... hi" caitlin greeted

Barry came to stand next to her when he felt her emotions change.

"And you must be barry you guys are all over the news"

"Yeah it's nice to meet you" Barry nodded

"Listen... all your stuff is boxed up I'm moving out so I would really appreciate it if you stoped by to get it"

"Your moving out why you always said that place was perfect"

Ronnie looked down "to many memories"

Caitlin swolled "I'm sorry" she muttered she didn't meet ronnies eyes you could cut the tension with a knife.

"You dont need to be sorry I will see you at 4 ok?"

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