Crush x YoutuberReader~ Streaming

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One Shot #19

Requested from: WiseGirl_Two-point-O

~Picture from: Lucky Star (Anime)

=== Start! ==

~(First name)'s P.o.V

I'm just finishing my live stream on Youtube. "Well guys! This is the end of Part (Number) of (Game name)! See you all next time!!" I said smiling and waving to my camera

Then I offed it, "whew, another perfect video!! now I need to edit and post it!" I smiled then as I do my work

Soon as I edit all the 'Funny moments' (A/n: like bloopers) I post my video to my Youtube Channel

"Man, I got more than One million subs! all in the day's work of (Channel name or your Gamer name)" I said as I put down my headphones

(A/n: Just think you have one million subs XD)

At least it's Friday and it's the perfect time to update my status. I post 3-4 videos on Friday and Saturday.

Since Sunday to Thursday I have school so I just post 2 videos. But I finished my work first then on to the videos

(A/n: You can change the days if you'd like)

Now, I want to add someone to my videos like partner in my game streaming... Wait!

(Crush name)! He has a Youtube channel but he doesn't use regularly. I'll make him famous since I'm famous! Hehe!

Now I need to get some sleep and I need to go to (Crush name)'s house to ask him

~Time Skip (Make it sunday)

~(Crush name)'s P.o.V

Man, (First name) has more than a Million Subs! although mine is just around ten thousand.

I sigh. seeing on how she plays in her stream makes all of her viewers curious because of the cliffhangers and the dramatical expression to make them surprised

And all the comments on each videos. which it had...

"You make awesome videos (Gamer name)!!" (Random name) said

"You look pretty!! and you're not bad as a gamer girl! XD" (Another Random name) said

"Man, feels like I have a crush on ya (Gamer name)" it said

Wait.... WHAT?!!!!!!!!

You kidding me?! No one as in no one! will take my girl away from me...

I'll be in Yandare mode! Wahahaha!

Then I heard a knock on my front door. "Come in!" I said then when I turned around it was (First name) smiling

"Heya (Crush name)!" She smiled and wave at me, "H-Heya (First name) I said hiding my blush.

"What'cha doing here?" I asked her as she sat down on my couch beside me, "I'm coming here to ask ya something" She continued

"Sure, what is it?" I asked her again, "Wanna do a game streaming with me??" (First name) asked me with bright aura around her with stars

"I uhm... Uhh, sure?" I said smiling, "Yay!! and we need to improve your subscribers! cuz you'll be my gamer partner!" (First name) stands up

"Wait..." I said, "You want to be famous like me right?" She asked, "Y-Yeah! of course! because I want to be with you and always spend time together every single day" I said mumbling on the last part

"What was that?" (First name) asked, "Nothing!" I said then she giggled. "Welp, let's go! don't wanna be late for school right?" (First name)

"Alright!' I said giving a thumbs up

As we arrived from school....

"AHHHH!!!! (FIRST NAME)!!!!!" Fan boys and fan girls are running after us. "Ohayo Mina!!!" (First name) said waving

(A/n: Meaning Good morning Everyone. if you guys don't know what it is)

"(First name)!! Can you sign my English notebook!" (Student girl name) said, "Sure!" (First name) smiled as she wrote her signature on the student's notebook

"YAY!! Thank you!! best day of my life!!!' The student said as she went back to class, "(First name)!! you're like an idol!! you sing very well!" (Student boy name) said

(First name) giggled, "I'm not much of an idol guys! I'm just showing my talents" She smiled at them

I pout because on how many boys attract (First name). "Alright people move it!!" I said grabbing (First name)

"Ehhh...." (first name) said, "See you guys later after school!!" She waved at them, "YEAH!!!" everyone said

Then we went to class. "Eh, (Crush name)! are you jealous or something?" She asked me then I froze. "N-no! it's not like one!" I said

"Hmmm, seems like you do" (First name) smiled. I pout. as she giggled, "Don't worry you over protective boyfriend" She smiled then I blushed "O-Okay (First name)-Chan!" I smiled

~Time Skip Sunday afternoon

Me and (First name) are seating down to our Gaming room.

We both wear our headphones and holding our controller, "You ready?" (First name) asked, "Yep!" I said

Then she clicked the record button. "Heya guys! (gamer name) here! and we have a special guest (Crush name)!!" (First name) said as she do her intro

'Heyo guys!" I waved at the camera, "Please do follow and like and subscribe his channel! he got loads of cool song remix! and gaming streams!" She said again helping to make the viewers checking my channel

"So (first name)... what are we playing today?" I asked her starting off the Video. "Welp, today we are playing Hunger Games! In Minecraft X-Box!!" (first name) said, "Yus! my main skill!" I said laughing

So from that on (first name) and I do game streaming, art streaming, song streaming and many more

also with special Youtuber guests XD. It's the best Gaming life ever

==== End ====

Hope ya like it!! I'm really glad that youtubers even inspire me from the gaming stuff. like meh

So if you'd like more One Shot's please do request more and I'll do my best to write it!

See ya guys later!

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