Rock Koshien (Yes Ending)

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One Shot #21

Alright, for this ending I'll give two. If you guys are curious what will happen kay? This one for the readers say 'Yes' and I'll give the 'No' ending in the next one shot

m'kay! Start!!

=== START ====

What will you decide??

"Alright, I'll come." I said smiling, "Awesome!! See ya tomorrow at (Studio name). Later (Nickname)!" (Crush name) said as they three leave

'He's so cool!!' I smiled as I thought. "Hey..." as I turn around it was the girl who bothers (Crush name)

"Oh... Uhm... Hi?" I asked waving awkwardly. "Don't act as if were friends! Don't you take (Crush name) away from me!!" The scarlet hair girl is pointing at me

"Nani?" I said questioning (It's What in Japanese if you guys don't know)

"I'll be back... hmph!" She said, "Oh, by the way... my name is (Rival name), Don't forget that." (Rival name) said as she runs away

"She looks cute!" I said smiling. "Welp, gotta get ready for tomorrow. I have a band meeting to do," I said as I get home quickly

"Mom! I'm home!!" I said, "My (First name) you don't seem shy anymore. How's your first day of school?" My mom asked me as she gave me (Favorite dessert)

"It was amazing mom! I met (Crush name)! and he ask me to join his band!" I smile at her then I eat. "Wow! that's nice! wait... (Crush name) (Crush last name)?" My mom asked me

"Yes!!" I said getting quite hyper. "Oh, His father and I were childhood friends!" My mom said. then my eyes widen then choke and cough

"WAT?!!!" I asked, "Wait so (Crush name)'s father and you are friends?! Who knew that amazing!!" I said jumping

My mom giggled. "Well, go to bed now you have a band meeting tomorrow right?" (Mother name) said, "Wait how'd you know?" I asked

"Motherly instinct." She said. I smiled and went upstairs. then I read a book before bed. then my phone rang

"Huh?" I asked as I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I asked through the phone. "Oh (Nickname)! heya!" It's (Crush name)

"Oh how did you get my number?" I asked him. "I told my dad about you and when he heard your last name your mother and him are childhood friends so I asked him to get your number and all" He said

"I know the part about our parents are friends but why ya calling?" I asked as I put my book down. "Oh, I know you feel uncomfortable with (Rival name) right?" He said

"Kinda..." I said looking away, "Don't mind her and you want to know who I really like.... you need to find out yourself" He chuckled

"Hay, why is your subject about who we like?" I asked, "U-Uh, N-nothing!! So see ya tomorrow (Nickname)!" He said then he hung up

Well that was a nice conversation. Now I need to get to bed. then I drift myself to sleep and turn off the lights

~The Next Day

I'm just wearing my (Fav color) blouse with navy blue knee skirt and (Shoe brand or color) (Heels, rubber shoes or flats)

"Mom! I'm off!" I said kissing her cheek, "alright, enjoy!" She said then I went to (Band name)'s Studio

As I arrived there I saw (Crush name) and the others. "Heyo!!" (Crush best friend) said waving at me

(Crush name) is wearing white shirt which it didn't tucked in and blue pants along with a navy blue cap facing backwards and his shoes is red

(A/n: only for (Crush name) kay don't care about the others XD)

"Heya!" I smile and wave. "you look cute today (First name)" (Crush name) said and pink speads over my face

"Welp, what are you suited in vocals or guitar?" (Best friend) asked me. "Is it okay both?" I asked, "Cool!" (Crush name) gave me a thumbs up

"So you know all of our songs right?" (Crush best friend) asked. "Yeah, and I practiced all of 'em" I said as he gave me a guitar

"Wow!! This looks expensive...." I said and I looked at it. "It's yours now" (Crush name) said

"Me?! no no no... I can't" I said, "Yeah you can have it. you're already part of (Band name) so the sponsors provide us instruments!" (Best friend) said

"My... Thanks!!" I said, "Well then let's start practicing!" I said, "Yeah!" then we practiced

~After for few months of being with (Band name) I'm starting to develop love to (Crush name)... although I'm not sure if he likes me or not...~

Me and (Crush name) were at his house wondering in the garden 

"So what do want (Crush name)? you called" I asked him then he paused and grabbed my hand

"(First name) (last name).... I have something to confess...." He said

'Is this really happening?!' I thought, "Remember I told you that you need to find out about who I really like? well... that person is you (First name)" He said smiling

My eyes widen. "Wha..." I said, "Yes... I love you from the first day we met, I'm happy" he then cupped my cheeks and kissed me

I automatically kissed back and he pulls away. "I love you (First name)" He said, "I love you too" I hugged him

from then on we both are couples

=== end ===

Hope you guys like it, and now I'll publish the NO ending soon (p.s: if there's speeling mistake or wrong grammers please let me know XD)

See ya guys later!

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