Crush x Reader- Jealous

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[I've been loving reading imagines where your crush is jealous when you hang out with other guys and stuff, so heres one for you guys, it's probably gonna be kinda long 🌟]

Your camping out with a bunch of friends. You heard that c/n was camping around here, so when you were invited to go, off course you were going to go.

You start hammering one of the ends of the tent down, trying your hardest not to hit your finger again for the billionth time. You had never gone camping before, but you were finding it so fun.

Every now and then you would look out into the trees looking for c/n, even though you know c/n is probably not going to be there. The chances were as slim as the chance that he would like you back.
"Done with my tent!" you shout.

"Finally!" f/n/1 says laughing
"Yeah, took you long enough," f/n/2 says patting the seat next to his. You walk towards him, and take a seat next to him. You hear him yawn, and feel his hand stretch out onto your shoulder.
"Tired huh? Great move mate. Very cliche," you laugh. You say pushing his hand of your shoulders by shaking your back once.
"It was worth a try," he says grinning.

"Okay! You two love birds, if your done there, do any of you guys have any scary stories?" f/n/3 says.
"Okay, sure...if your ready for what I've got," f/n/2 says winking once at you.
"Oh god," you laugh. f/n/2 starts telling his story.

"What a amateur! I could tell one way better than that," I grin, "I know you all really want to hear it...but I think I'm gonna hit the snooze button. Good night," you stand up, with your hands covering yourself in the cold of the night.
"Seriously? It's only like 8," f/n/1 says.
"Guess we should get to bed before it gets too late out," f/n/4 says.
You crawl into your tent and zip it up. You fall asleep to the wondering thought of where on earth c/n is.

Morning >>>

You wake up to the unfamiliar sound of birds chirping and crickets chirping. Very different to the sounds of cars whizzing past and a very annoying alarm.

You wake up and feel your hair frizzed up everywhere, so you decide to redo your hair into a messy bun. You walk out of the tent, to your surprise the first person awake. You walk around for a while, not too far of the campsite trying to see if there is camping near. You see smoke burning up in the air a few metre away. You come back to camp, everyone's eyes still half closed, and walking around like zombies.

"Morning everyone," you say.

"God I'm tired man...f/n/4 made us wake up way too early," f/n/2 complains.


"Y/n? Do you wanna like go on a walk or something I'm bored," f/n/2 asks.

"Okay, sure."

"[F/N/5] WE'RE GONNA GO ON A WALK," he screams, way louder than he should have.
We both walk through the forest, our phones on hand, talking about the most random stuff. F/n/2 mainly talking.
"Soo, know anything about c/n camping around here?" you whisper.

He laughs, "Don't know. Why don't you just tell him you like him?"
"How easy do you think it is?" I say with a laugh.
"Very. All you have to do is say it to their face."
"Easier said then done." he wraps his arm round my shoulder.
"Just say it to him, wouldn't be surprise if he liked you. Your gorgeous," he says.
"You really think that?"

"Yeah. Off course! Your like amazing," he says, but you both stop in your spot as you hear voices.
"What's that?" you whisper.
"Don't be dramatic," he laughs, "its probably just more campers."
You both walk up to find tents, all set up, and the smell of fire burning.
"Speak of the devil," f/n/2 whispers walking with his hand still wrapped around your shoulder.
"[c/n]! What are you doing here?" f/n/2 shouts only at c/n, when its not only him there. C/n looks at f/n/2 then at you. Your two lock eyes, but then he looks at something else, and his face expression changes; into sadness? Anger?
"Just camping, you know," his voice is cold, and the way he says each word individually is strange.

"Yeah same! You should come over sometime and we could all hang out or something, our campsite's only a few metres away, just follow the trail," f/n/2 says very loudly.
"Yeah. Maybe." he says with a annoyed expression on his face.
"Okay, well we're gonna get going. Bye," f/n/2 says, I smile at c/n but he ignores me.
"What the heck was that [f/n/2]?"
"I was doing you a favour."

The next day (night) >>>

"Is it just me, or do you guys hear those footsteps?" f/n/3 asks as 3 people emerge from the trees.
"You guys made it!" f/n/2 says with his hands in in the air.
"When did you invite people?" f/n/4 asks.
"Yesterday morning," he replies.
"Okay then," f/n/4 says with a confused look.

You stand their awkwardly next to f/n/2, avoiding any contact with c/n since your meeting yesterday, you were sure he hated you. F/n2 swings his hand over your shoulder pulling you closer to him. You accidentally glance at c/n his eyes glued onto f/n/4 smiling. A punch of jealousy punches you in the chest. 'Right, he likes [f/n/4], what a surprise,' you think. She was the one that everyone liked, flirted with, invited to parties. You take a death breath and take all the jealousy in and just focus on having a good time with your friends.


Everyone huddles around the fire keeping warm. C/n singing, you watch him as he exchanges glances with f/n/4 every now and then, it looks like they are flirting. You can't help but be jealous of her, she gets everything. Anger surges through you, because you told her how much you liked c/n, she let you go on and on about how much you liked him, now your watching them flirt.

"Hey, you okay y/n?" you hear f/n/2 next to you, he laughs "you seem a bit tense."
"Mm yeah, I'm fine. Pfft, nothing wrong at all," you say without realising that your just staring at c/n, so you quickly turn your head.

"Your jealous aren't you!" f/n/2 shouts, a bit loud, causing everyone to turn their heads towards you.
"Who's jealous?" c/n asks, his glance glued onto yours.
"Uh, oh ones jealous about anything," you say, your fingers twitching strangely, and your voice shaky.
"Right," c/n says turning his eyes back to f/n/4.
F/n/2 laughs. "Just tell him," he whispers for the first time.
"He doesn't like me."
"You sure bout' that?"
"Fine, if you don't I will. God it kills me seeing you like this," he laughs. He stands up, and you pull his shirt back before he can do anything.

"Fine. Stop I will," you say quickly, f/n/2 has a smirk on his lips. F/n/2 lowers down in his seat, while you start to stand up slowly. You walk over to where c/n's sitting, giving f/n/2 the evils. As you approach him, you stop in your steps trying to back out. But before you can, f/n/2 shoots you a look, which forces you to walk towards c/n closer. You feel you heart beating, your fingers shaking. You move your finger towards c/n's back, and poke him once. he twitches, then turns his head back smiling, his beautiful smile.

You whisper in his ear, "Can I talk to you privately for a second?"
"Yeah sure," he says standing up, and following me to a more quieter place underneath the pine trees, where no one could see you. You look down at the ground, contemplating what your about to do, 'is it too late to back out now?' you think. You look at c/n directly into his eyes, trying to be as casual as possible.

"Hi," he says, which you return.
"What did you want to tell me?"
"Um, I kinda, uh....I I, I like you."
"Yeah that's cool...wait what?"
"I like you."
"Wow. I though you were gonna tell me that you had a boyfriend or something."
" that why you were so annoyed? Do you mean [f/n/2]? Cause he's like a brother to me. Plus he's gay. Very gay. What about you? Flirting with [f/n/4]."

"Oh wow, I'm sorry. I kinda did that to make you jealous. I really really like you y/n," he says pulling my hand from my side and holding onto it, "seeing other guys, with you...I guess, I just get really jealous."
"Really? I can't believe you like me."

"What? Who wouldn't like you? I'm pretty sure there are millions of guys chasing after you.Your beautiful, your amazing y/n." What he's telling you astonishes you, you find yourself only inches away from him. And then your lips touch, and your kissing him. YOUR KISSING C/N.

Then you start to hear cheering behind you, all of the campers cheering for you. And you thought no one could see you. You both looks over at your friends with rose red cheeks, but your hands are still holding onto each other.
"Guess we should get back to the camp fire," I whisper.
"I'm alright just kissing you," c/n winks, leaning in.

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