ShyCrush x ShyReader- Too Cute

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--Start ----

You sigh as you walk along the streets sidewalk with your best friend and secret crush (C/N). He's a shy guy but very fun to be around which is why you stayed round him even though he could be a bit of chicken when it comes to speaking to people but that just made him even more cuter than he already is. You two just got out of your school and decided to just hang out at a new cafe that had just opened up that has really great foods and drinks there. Although what really Surprised you was that (C/N) was the one who thought of the suggestion and he rarely suggests anything!

You look over at the said shy boy who was blushing lightly on his cute (S\C) cheeks due to his shyness. You giggle a bit at the cute blush on his face and ruffle his soft (H/C) locks as he tenses up a bit." Hey relax (C/N). No need to tense up or be uptight about anything! We have been friends since elementary school!" You exclaim with a cute laugh and (C/N) blushes more at the sound of your angelic like laugh. He turns to you and laughs nervously a bit." Sorry I don't know why I'm so tense right now. I guess I'm just happy that I get to spend it with you, (Y/N)." He says with his blush turning into a rose red color. Yup. You could just remember the first time you met the shy boy.


(C/N) walks around aimlessly around the campus trying to find his way to his new 3rd year class for he had transferred into this new school just today." Where is it?" He asks himself and looks at the room numbers.' There it is.' He thinks to himself as he enters the new room. The teacher at the front of the class stops what she was doing and looks over at him with a small smile." Hello there. I'm guessing you are the new transferred student I was told would be joining into my class am I correct?" The bespectacled teacher asks as she pushes up her glasses by the bottom rim. He shyly nods at the teacher as his face starts to gain a blush.

The teacher nods for him to introduce himself and he hesitantly walks into the classroom as his blush grows under the intense curious stares the other students give him." Hi my name is (C/N) and I h-have transferred here f-from a state in America. I-I hope we could all be great friends this y-year." He says with shy but clear tone as he desperately tries to cool down the bright blush on his cheeks." Thank you, (C/N) and it's nice for you to join our class today. Please, take a seat behind (Y/N) over there. (Y/N) raise your hand please." Your teacher asks and you raise your hand in the air.

    (C/N) lowers his head and sits at the empty chair behind you silently as the teacher goes back to teaching. You turn in your seat with sparkling (E/C) eyes looking into his (E/C) eyes." Hi my name is (Y/N). Would you like to be friends with me? I could show you around the school during lunch time if you like." You say with a bright smile as he blushes and stutters." Y-yea I-I would like to be friends with you. T-thanks for helping me out." He says gratefully and you nod your head." You're welcome and welcome to our school." You try to say in an ecstatic but low voice so the teacher won't hear you and he nods his head which makes his (H/C) bounce a bit." Thank you, (Y/N)." He says with a small smile and you grin at him." No problem, buddy."

~End Of Flashback~

You giggle at the memory and (C/N) looks at you." W-what are you laughing at?" He asks and you dismiss it with a light wave with you (S/C) hand." Oh nothing. Just the day we first met which may I remind you, you were so very cute back then with that shyness of yours." You giggle and he blushes red at the comment." I-I u-uh thanks (Y/N)." He stutters before sighing and laughing." My stutter was horrible those times." He says with a thoughtful smile and you nod before entering the cafe with him.

Once you both get your orders, which he decided to pay for when you were distracted, you both sit down at a table near the window and start to eat your food." Wow, they make the food here really great and look at the view. It's so pretty." You conclude which makes him turn his head out the window before looking at you with a light blush," Yea. Very beautiful." He says before relocating his vision to his food which makes you giggle when you catch him look at you.

" H-hey can I... I ask you something?" (C/N) asks as he looks up at you with curious (E/C) eyes staring into your sparkling ones." Yea of course! What is it?" You ask him in curiosity as he fidgets with his fingers shyly. " W-well I was wondering if you had a crush in our school." He asks and you blink in surprise at the question. This day gets more surprising by the minutes." Why do you ask? Did (F/N) tell you something that got you curious?" You ask and he shakes his head rapidly." N-no I was j-just curious." He says while lowering down his gaze to the finished food.

You blink in confusion but decide to just shrug it off." Well this is this one guy I have a crush on but I think he just thinks of me as a friend." You say and you see his shoulders drop a bit as he nods his head while looking back up at you with a sad smile." O-oh I see." He says and he starts to fidget a bit and you touch his shoulder." Hey are you okay? You've been acting really fidgety today. Is something the matter?" You ask and lean over the table to get a better look at his face. He blushes red and takes a deep breath before exhaling the carbon dioxide out his nose." W-well I kind of t-took you here because I-I wanted to c-c-confess to y-you." He says

    You tilt your head in confusion" What did you want to conf-!" You get cut off with warm soft lips pressing onto your lips. Your eyes widen and you blush darkly as a small squeak escapes your lips. Before you could kiss back, (C/N) pulls away slowly with his cheeks red and his eyes opening."M-my feelings.I r-really l-love you, (Y/N)." He says and you blink before grinning. You hug him over the table and he hugs you back." I really love you too, (C/N)!" You say and he smiles." I'm glad to hear that."

    " Your squeak sounded really cute."

    " D-don't tell anyone please!"

    " Sure. You're too cute to deny a-anyway."

The End~

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Just think that your crush is cute and shy.... even some aren't XD

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