AvatarCrush x GamerReader~ Is this real?

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One Shot #30

==== Start ===

~(Your) Point of View

I'm just playing (Favorite Video Game) at the moment with (Best friend name). "Why are you a gamer in the first place?" (Best friend name) asked me as she puts down her game controller.

"Welp, I think it's what I love to do... or maybe I'm an Otaku" I said looking at the TV screen as I kept on playing. "How come you always pick that character?" She asked me

"Well... I know it's just a fictional character but I love him!" I said fangirling. (Best friend name) sighed. "It's just a game (First name)... it's not really a real person. But in your dreams yeah..." She said as I pout

"But in reality nah so... get to it" She said giving a thumbs up. "No! Real or not I still have feelings for (Crush name)!" I said

"Neh, suit yourself..." She said as her phone rang. "Oh gotta go (First name) see ya tomorrow!" (Best friend name) said. "Bye bye!" I waved back as she closes the door. I deeply sighed as I went to the kitchen to get some (Favorite food)

(A/n: Like Snacks or drinks or something for me... Chocolate or Pocky)

"I know that (Best friend name) will say he isn't real but... I know that this will be real" I smiled, "I'll play some more to level up" I said as I get back on the playing.

~After A few Hours

I yawned as I turned off my TV and my game console and went upstairs. I changed into my PJ's and went to the balcony for few minutes before going to bed

The cold wind flows by me and I deeply inhale and exhale. Then I saw a shooting star. "A shooting star!" I said as I directly closed my eyes and make a wish

"I wish that (Crush name) will be real... please..." I said whispering. "I hope it will come true but... I'll stay positive to make it come true" I smiled as I went on to bed

~The Next day

I get up, doing my normal routine like....

Get up -----> take a bath  -----> change to my uniform -----> eat -----> brush my teeth -----> wear my shoes -----> Grab my food for lunch and break -----> take my bag -----> and leave to go to school

(A/n: Yeah.... That's all imma gotta say =3)

Then my phone rang as I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked as I run to school. "(First name)! You gonna come see this!! What you said... he's real!!" (Best friend name) is like literally shouting right now. 

"Yeah yeah I know but- Wait what?!!" I paused for a second, "Hurry up girl!! Don't wanna miss this!" She shouts at me even though it's only through the line. "Stop screaming!" I said as I hung up on her and quickly ran to school as fast as I can

"(First name)!" (Best friend name) is shouting like crazy, "Coming!" I said as I followed her then she dragged me to the field area which has lots of trees like a forest. 

"Where are we going?!" I asked, "You'll see" She said then she pushed me which made me bump into someone. "okay, Adios!!" She smiled and waved and leaves me alone. 

"Oh sorry didn't see you there" The boy said as he help me stand up. Till then I realized that the boy I saw right in front of my eyes is (Crush name)! 

My mouth widen for a sec as he chuckled making me blush. "you called? (First name)?" He sked me smiling. "I can't believe you're real!!" I said squealing. "Well, you wished and it did come true. " (Crush name) said

"But... how come you're in my schools uniform?" I asked pointing to where he is wearing right now. "Oh, to blend in with the other students to find you" (Crush name) smiled as my eyes soften. 

"I was in your dreams, when you play and even one of your action figues" He chuckled, "Wait... what?!" I asked as I was surprised on what details he said, "Yep, you're always happy when you play the game and always choosing me."(Crush name) said

"So... please be my princess?" He asked me, my eyes widen. "Yes!" I smiled and hug him. "So, wanna do something?' He asked. "We have classes right now so..." I said, "Okay, I couldlive as a normal tudent" He winked at me

I nodded as we went back to school and be with the fictional but turn into a real person. 

==== End ====

Sorry if it sucks. But I'll try next time, I don't have any ideas at the moment

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