10. Going Home

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Elena's POV

Heath and I haven't really talked for about a week

After he told me he liked me at the fair, I didn't have a very good reaction

What did I do? You ask

Nothing. I did nothing

I was in shock

What would you do if the guy you've liked forever told you he liked you?

Anyway, we're going home today for a couple of days and I think I'm gonna talk to Heath about all of this while we're there

"We're here" Elton said once we pulled up in the driveway

"Baby! You're home!" Zane yelled as he ran to Heath

We told him we were coming home, he's so dramatic *(omg, when I put these things it makes it seem like I hate Zane but I don't, lmao)*

Elton and I walked into the house and saw everyone standing around like a bunch of weirdos

Great, Gabby was here

Let's just say that Gabby and I don't get along, at all

"Why is she here?" I whispered to Liza as I hugged her hello

"She insisted on coming to see Elton"

This is just great

"Elena, can I talk to you outside?" Liza asked


We went outside and sat by the pool

"So, why didn't you tell Heath that you like him back?"

"Um, excuse me?" How does she know I like him? How does she even know that he told me?

"Everyone knows you like him. You're obvious but Heath is too stupid to notice it"

Before I could defend Heath and tell her that he's not stupid, she kept going

"And he told us that he was gonna tell you on the trip before you guys left"

"How do you guys even know he likes me?" I finally got to ask a question

"He's obvious but you're stupid. Which is why you're perfect for each other"

"Okay, fine. Since you apparently already know everything, there's not harm in telling you this. I'm planning on telling him that I like him while we're here"

"Why not right now?"

"Because I still have to mentally prepare myself"

She laughed and we went inside

"Trying to steal my best friend now, Castee?" Gabby came up to me saying

"No one is trying to steal anything. She asked to talk to me, if you must know" She scoffed and walked away

Everyone was talking to Elton, asking how everything was so I decided to go to the house I actually live in

When I got there I saw Heath sitting on the couch like he was watching TV but it wasn't on

I sat down next to him, despite our awkwardness

"Hey" I started

"Hi" He surprisingly said 

"What's up" This is so awkward

"Why doesn't Gabby like you?"


"Why doesn't she like you?"

"I don't know exactly. I think it's because she sees me as a threat. She always accuses me of stealing her friends"

I don't really like this conversation since it's about Gabby but it's the most we've talked in a week

"Interesting" That's it?


"I don't like her either, you know?"


"Because she accuses beautiful girls of stealing her friends"

Wow, I'm going to die

"Heath.." I started but he interrupted me

"No, I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be saying things like that since you don't like me"

"No, Heath. I-" He cut me off again

"I get it, it's fine. Why would you like me anyway? Why did I ever think I had a chance with you? I'm not boyfriend material. I'm addicted to cigarettes and I'm an ass and-" This time I cut him off

By kissing him

*(You're welcome*)

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