30. Ex

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Elena's POV

It's been about a month since Heath and I's cliche date and we've been officially dating for about 5 months now

Today is the day we come home from the road trip, we've been on it for about two weeks. Not much has happened

We pulled into the driveway and I saw a car that I didn't recognize

Oh god, it's not another one of Heath's ex's is it?

I walked inside first, just to make sure that it wasn't and it wasn't one of Heath's ex's 

It was one of mine

There was this guy I dated in senior year of high school for about a year, his name was Marty

We agreed to never see each other again after he cheated on me but now he's standing in my living room with all of my friends

"Hey babe" He said, coming over to hug me

"Yeah, no. I'm the only one around here that's allowed to call her that" Heath said, stepping in between us

"What are you? Her body guard?"

"Try her boyfriend"

"Really? This guy?" Marty asked, looking at me

"Yeah, this guy. What about it?" I said, standing up for Heath

"Nothing. You could just do so much better"

"And people keep telling me that but it's not true"

Between arguing with Marty and trying my best not to hit him, I didn't notice Heath walk out

"But it is, sweetheart"

"Okay one, don't call me that. And two, I'm not going to stand here and argue with you while the person I care about most in the world is hurt because of some dumb ass thing you said" I said, walking towards where Heath would be

"I used to call you that all the time"

"Yeah, used to. In case you haven't noticed, things change. So why don't you just do us all a favor and get the hell out of here?" I walked out of the main house and into mine, Heath's, and Elton's

I walked into Heath's room slowly, afraid he'd be mad at me

"Why are you here? You could be with him, he's so much better looking than me" He said quietly once he noticed I was in the room

"Not true" I said shortly because I knew he had more to say

"You dated that tool?" 

"We all make mistakes"

"Yours just happened to be a very attractive one"

"And I might have thought that at one point, but not anymore. Not when I have you"

"How can you say that? I'm nothing compared to that guy"

"Heath, if you thought I believed that, why would I be here?"

"That's what I can't seem to figure out"

"It's because I don't believe it. I don't believe any of it. I don't believe that he's better than you, or more attractive. I don't believe that I could do better than you" 


"I fucking struck gold with you"

"No you didn't"

"Jesus, Heath. Will you ever just accept a compliment?" I laughed

"I will when you do"


"I really do love you, you know?" He said seriously

"I love you too. That's another good point I should've made for why I was with you. Add that to the list" I laughed

You guys wanted drama, you got it.

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