21. Date Pt.2

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Elena's POV

We ordered our food, me getting simple pasta and Heath getting like half of the menu

I like that he doesn't change who he is just because we're on a date

"So, what else do you have planned for this date?" I asked jokingly, I really wasn't expecting anything else. 

"Oh my god, was I supposed to plan more?" He asked, panicking while reaching to drink water (Does anybody get that Sonny with a Chance reference?)

"No, I was joking. Calm down" I said while reaching for his hand "This is more than enough"

"Okay" He said, calming down

He seemed a little tense for a new minutes. That is, until the food came, of course

It's a good thing they sat us at such a big table because his food literally takes up more than half of it

I managed to finish my food in a matter of minutes, but that's only because I got a normal amount of food. Not that I'm judging Heath or anything

Surprisingly, he couldn't finish all his food so we took a lot home. Looks like Elton gets some food

Heath paid for our food and we got in the car

"Wanna get some ice cream?" Heath asked

"Heath, you couldn't even finish your food. Why are you talking about ice cream?" I laughed

He shrugged "I want ice cream" He smiled

"Fine then. Let's get some ice cream" I said, shaking my head and laughing

We pulled up to this really cute ice cream place

I didn't even have to tell Heath what I wanted. We were just good like that

"I'll have one scoop of moose tracks, one scoop of cookies and cream, and one scoop of chocolate, please" He said. He doesn't eat anything in normal portions

"And my girlfriend will have one scoop of bubblegum in a cup" I like how he just had  to slip in that I was his girlfriend, just because the guy behind the counter was looking at me a little too long

"That'll be $6.75" 

Heath tossed his card at him

I knew he was the jealous type but all the guy did was look at me, it was no big deal. It's not like he's doing what Justin did

He got our ice creams and we left

The ice cream shop was conveniently placed close to the beach, so we walked there

"This is really cliche, you know?" I asked, while we were walking hand in hand on the sand

"I know" He smirked "I got the idea from a movie"

"Of course you did" I laughed

We walked around the beach for a little bit, Heath actually finishing all his ice cream, then I decided I was too tired to walk around anymore and we went home

It was a half an hour drive home so I fell asleep in the car until we got home

I felt the car stop and someone open my door and pick me up

I knew it wasn't some kidnapper because of the cologne 

Heath carried me into the house and put me on his bed, I guess you could call it our bed, but that makes us sound like a married couple and I don't like that. Not yet

He turned around to walk out after he put me down

"No, stay" I mumbled, reaching for his hand

"I'm just gonna go tell everyone we got home safe" He whispered, leaving

Looks like I'm gonna be up until he get's back. It's pretty much impossible to sleep without him anymore

Soon enough, he came back and got into bed

"Why didn't you just go back to sleep?" He whispered while pulling me to his chest

"I can't sleep without you anymore" I admitted

I didn't even have to see him to know he was smirking. He's so cocky

I hate him

(This sucks, I apologize)

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