18. Elena said the L Word

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I changed the cover photo. Do you guys like it or did you prefer the original one?

Elena's POV

I left Elton's room and went back to mine and Heath's

I wasn't nervous until I actually saw him

I was never nervous around Heath, I was always so comfortable

He's already told me he loved me so why am I so nervous? It's not like the feeling isn't mutual

What if he changed his mind? 

I didn't realize I was just standing there staring at him until he said "You okay, princess?"

"What?" I said stupidly "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to talk to you about something"

"Oh, no" He said seriously

"That's not a break up line, trust me"

"Okaaay, then what's up?" He said, sounding a little scared

"I just need to tell you something"


God, why did I even say anything? Now I have to tell him, but how? I could just flat out say it

"I love you"

I just flat out said it. I'm stupid

He just stared at me to figure out if I was lying or not

"I'm not lying, Heath"

He still didn't say anything, he just kissed me

That's good, right?

When we pulled away, he did it just like he did at Disney. He kept his forehead on mine and said it back

"I love you, too"

"I know" I smirked

There's my confidence back

"Shut up, let's finish the movie. You missed like half of it"

"First of all, that's wrong. I missed like 15 minutes, and it's my favorite movie anyway, I know what happens" I said while cuddling up to him

It had just got to the part where Summer and Tom were kissing in the copy room (Is that a spoiler? It's quite an old movie. If you haven't seen it by now then I don't know what to tell you) and I fell asleep

Apparently Heath fell asleep soon after me because soon enough, I was woken up by Elton banging on our door

"What the hell do you want?" I asked, angerly

I don't like being woken up. Who does?

"We're leaving"

"No we're not. Go away" I was about to close the door before his foot stopped me

He barged in and went over to Heath

"Leave him alone" I said

"No, he needs to wake up. He's driving"

"Why can't you drive? You don't seem tired at all" 

"Because it's Heath's turn to drive" He said while shaking Heath

"We don't take turns"

"Get the fuck off of me" Heath said while rolling over

"I told you to leave him alone. You're gonna put him in a bad mood" 

"I don't know what to tell you. We have to go"

"Where are we even going?" 


"Fine, leave. I'll wake him up"

He left and I went over to Heath and kissed him on the forehead

"Heath.. wake up" I said quietly

"No" He grumbled

"Want pizza?" 

"Yeah" He said while getting up

Food works every time

Heath got ready in record time and we all left

The car journey home was pretty uneventful. We stopped for pizza, Elton caught some Pokemon, and I played my music without any complains the whole way.

We pulled up in the driveway and there was a car there that I didn't recognize

Maybe it's just Alex's car or something

We walked in and I figured out that I was wrong, it wasn't Alex's car

It was Savannah's 

Heath's ex

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